Enable or Disable Home Page

It is a common requirement to have a Landing Page if the developer portal is required to present corporate branding. The default Landing Page is the API listing page. But when we enable the Home Page, there will be an additional Landing Page. It can be customized based on the design requirements by configuring the defaultTheme.js file.

The defaultTheme.js file has all the parameters defining the look and feel of the developer portal. To learn more about defaultTheme.js refer here.

The Home Page has Four Sections

  1. Carousel
  2. First Description and the listing of APIs filtered by a given tag (provided via the theme file)
  3. Second description and the listing of APIs filtered by a given tag (provided via the theme file)
  4. "Contact Us" section

enable or disable home page

Steps to Configure the Landing Page

  1. Open the <API-M_HOME>/repository/deployment/server/jaggeryapps/devportal/site/public/theme/userTheme.js file in a text editor and set the attributes accordingly.

    Following JSON is an example for a userTheme.js to define the look and feel, and the behavior of the landing page. You can set the attributes (components) such as carousel, listByTag, parallax and contact as shown in the below example. (Refer to the above screenshot to identify the components referred by the attribute names)

    const Configurations = {
        custom: {
            landingPage: {
                active: true,
                carousel: {
                    active: true,
                    slides: [
                            src: '/site/public/images/landing/01.jpg',
                            title: 'Lorem <span>ipsum</span> dolor sit amet',
                                'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer felis lacus, placerat vel condimentum in, porta a urna. Suspendisse dolor diam, vestibulum at molestie dapibus, semper eget ex. Morbi sit amet euismod tortor.',
                            src: '/site/public/images/landing/02.jpg',
                            title: 'Curabitur <span>malesuada</span> arcu sapien',
                                'Curabitur malesuada arcu sapien, suscipit egestas purus efficitur vitae. Etiam vulputate hendrerit venenatis. ',
                            src: '/site/public/images/landing/03.jpg',
                            title: 'Nam vel ex <span>feugiat</span> nunc laoreet',
                                'Nam vel ex feugiat nunc laoreet elementum. Duis sed nibh condimentum, posuere risus a, mollis diam. Vivamus ultricies, augue id pulvinar semper, mauris lorem bibendum urna, eget tincidunt quam ex ut diam.',
                listByTag: {
                    active: true,
                    content: [
                            tag: 'finance',
                            title: 'Checkout our Finance APIs',
                                'WSO2 offers online payment solutions and have more than 123 million customers worldwide. The WSO2 Finance API makes powerful functionality available to developers by exposing various features of the platform. Functionality includes but is not limited to invoice management, transaction processing, and account management.',
                            maxCount: 5,
                            tag: 'weather',
                            title: 'Checkout our Weather APIs',
                                'WSO2 offers online payment solutions and have more than 123 million customers worldwide. The WSO2 Finance API makes powerful functionality available to developers by exposing various features of the platform. Functionality includes but is not limited to invoice management, transaction processing, and account management.',
                            maxCount: 5,
                parallax: {
                    active: true,
                    content: [
                            src: '/site/public/images/landing/parallax1.jpg',
                            title: 'Lorem <span>ipsum</span> dolor sit amet',
                                'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer felis lacus, placerat vel condimentum in, porta a urna. Suspendisse dolor diam, vestibulum at molestie dapibus, semper eget ex. Morbi sit amet euismod tortor.',
                            src: '/site/public/images/landing/parallax2.jpg',
                            title: 'Nam vel ex <span>feugiat</span> nunc laoreet',
                                'Nam vel ex feugiat nunc laoreet elementum. Duis sed nibh condimentum, posuere risus a, mollis diam. Vivamus ultricies, augue id pulvinar semper, mauris lorem bibendum urna, eget tincidunt quam ex ut diam.',
                contact: {
                    active: true,
    Option type Values Description
    active boolean true, false If true the feature is enabled. If false(default), the feature is disabled
    carousel.active boolean true, false If true( default ) the carousel section is visible. If false carousel section is hidden.
    carousel.slides array Provide the content for the carousel animation at the page top. Slide is a json of following format.
    listByTag.active boolean true, false If true( default ) the listByTag section is visible. If false listByTag section is hidden.
    listByTag.content array Provide the content for the API grouping. It's an array of JSON where the JSON of following format.
    parallax.active boolean true, false If true( default ) the parallax scrolling section is visible. If false parallax scrolling section is hidden.
    contact.active boolean true, false If true( default ) the contact us section is visible. If false contact us section is hidden.
  2. Refresh the Developer Portal to view the changes.

The Landing Page provides a head start for developers who try to rebrand the developer portal for their needs. If the requirements are much complicated, then you need to override the relevant components. The steps to override only specific react components can be found here.
