Monitoring Audit Logs in Micro Integrator¶
Auditing is a primary requirement when it comes to monitoring production servers. For example, DevOps needs to have a clear mechanism to identify who did what, and to filter possible system violations or breaches. Audit Logs or Audit Trails contain a set of log entries that describe a sequence of actions that occurred over a period of time. Audit Logs allow you to trace all the actions of a single user, or all the actions or changes introduced to a certain module in the system etc. over a period of time. For example, it captures all the actions of a single user from the first point of logging in to the server.
By default, the Audit Logs that get created when running WSO2 Micro Integrator are stored in the audit.log
file, which is located in the <MI_HOME>/repository/logs
Configuring Audit Logs¶
Audit logs are enabled by default in WSO2 Micro Integrator (WSO2 MI) via the following configurations, which are in the <MI_HOME>/conf/
appender.AUDIT_LOGFILE.type = RollingFile = AUDIT_LOGFILE
appender.AUDIT_LOGFILE.fileName = ${sys:carbon.home}/repository/logs/audit.log
appender.AUDIT_LOGFILE.filePattern = ${sys:carbon.home}/repository/logs/audit-%d{MM-dd-yyyy}.log
appender.AUDIT_LOGFILE.layout.type = PatternLayout
appender.AUDIT_LOGFILE.layout.pattern = [%d] %5p {%c} - %m%ex%n
appender.AUDIT_LOGFILE.policies.type = Policies
appender.AUDIT_LOGFILE.policies.time.type = TimeBasedTriggeringPolicy
appender.AUDIT_LOGFILE.policies.time.interval = 1
appender.AUDIT_LOGFILE.policies.time.modulate = true
appender.AUDIT_LOGFILE.policies.size.type = SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy
appender.AUDIT_LOGFILE.strategy.type = DefaultRolloverStrategy
appender.AUDIT_LOGFILE.strategy.max = 20
appender.AUDIT_LOGFILE.filter.threshold.type = ThresholdFilter
appender.AUDIT_LOGFILE.filter.threshold.level = INFO
The log growth of Audit Logs can be managed by using the configurations that are discussed in the Managing Log Growth guide.
Audit Log actions¶
In WSO2 MI, Audit Logs are availble with the management API where you can monitor the changes that happened to the MI instance.
Action | Sample Format |
Sign in | [2017-06-07 22:26:22,506] INFO - admin logged in at [2017-06-07 22:26:22,501+0530] |
Sign out | [2017-06-07 22:26:22,506] INFO - admin logged out at [2017-06-07 22:26:22,501+0530] |
Add user | [2021-09-07 12:42:59,249] INFO {AUDIT_LOG} - { “performedBy”: “admin”, “action”: “created”, “type”: “user”, “info” : “{\“userId\” : \“user4\”,\“isAdmin\”: \“true\”}”} |
Remove user | [2021-09-07 12:42:59,249] INFO {AUDIT_LOG} - { “performedBy”: “admin”, “action”: “deleted”, “type”: “user”, “info” : “{\“userId\”: \“user4\”}”} |
Activate/Deactivate proxy service | [2021-09-07 12:42:59,249] INFO {AUDIT_LOG} - { “performedBy”: “admin”, “action”: “enabled”, “type”: “proxy_service”, “info” : “{\“proxyName\”: \“proxy1\”}”} |
Enable/Disable message tracing for proxy service | [2021-09-07 12:42:59,249] INFO {AUDIT_LOG} - { “performedBy”: “admin”, “action”: “enabled”, “type”: “proxy_service_trace”, “info” : “{\“proxyName\”: \“proxy1\”}”} |
Add Carbon application | [2021-09-07 12:42:59,249] INFO {AUDIT_LOG} - { “performedBy”: “admin”, “action”: “created”, “type”: "carbon_application", “info” : “{\“cAppfileName\”: \“\”}”} |
Remove Carbon application | [2021-09-07 12:42:59,249] INFO {AUDIT_LOG} - { “performedBy”: “admin”, “action”: "deleted", “type”: "carbon_application", “info” : “{\“cAppfileName\”: \“\”}”} |
Activate/Deactivate endpoint | [2021-09-07 12:42:59,249] INFO {AUDIT_LOG} - { “performedBy”: “admin”, “action”: "enabled", “type”: "endpoint", “info” : “{\“endpointName\”: \“httpEP\”}”} |
Enable/Disable message tracing for endpoint | [2021-09-07 12:42:59,249] INFO {AUDIT_LOG} - { “performedBy”: “admin”, “action”: "enabled", “type”: "endpoint_trace", “info” : “{\“endpointName\”: \“httpEP\”}”} |
Enable/Disable message tracing for API | [2021-09-07 12:42:59,249] INFO {AUDIT_LOG} - { “performedBy”: “admin”, “action”: "enabled", “type”: "api_trace", “info” : “{\“apiName\”: \“helloAPI\”}”} |
Enable/Disable message tracing for sequence | [2021-09-07 12:42:59,249] INFO {AUDIT_LOG} - { “performedBy”: “admin”, “action”: "enabled", “type”: "sequence_trace", “info” : “{\“sequenceName\”: \“helloSequence\”}”} |
Activate/Deactivate message processor | [2021-09-07 12:42:59,249] INFO {AUDIT_LOG} - { “performedBy”: “admin”, “action”: "enabled", “type”: "message_processor", “info” : “{\“messageProcessorName\”: \“processor1\”}”} |
Enable/Disable message tracing for inbound endpoint | [2021-09-07 12:42:59,249] INFO {AUDIT_LOG} - { “performedBy”: “admin”, “action”: "enabled", “type”: "inbound_endpoint_trace", “info” : “{\“inboundEndpointName\”: \“httpIEP\”}”} |
Enable/Disable message tracing for sequence template | [2021-09-07 12:42:59,249] INFO {AUDIT_LOG} - { “performedBy”: “admin”, “action”: "enabled", “type”: "sequence_template_trace", “info” : “{\“sequenceName\”: \“sequenceTemplate\”,\“sequenceType\”: “sequence\”}”} |
Update log level | [2021-09-07 12:42:59,249] INFO {AUDIT_LOG} - { “performedBy”: “admin”, “action”: "updated", “type”: "log_level", “info” : “{\“loggerName\”: \“org-apache-hive\”,\“loggingLevel\”: “WARN}”} |
Add new logger | [2021-09-07 12:42:59,249] INFO {AUDIT_LOG} - { “performedBy”: “admin”, “action”: "created", “type”: "logger", “info” : {“loggerName”: “synapse-api”,\“loggingLevel\”: \“DEBUG\”,\“loggerClass\”: \“\”}} |