Performance Test Results for Router with One CPU

These test results were obtained considering a Choreo Connect deployment with default values. Therefore the concurrency level used for the tests was two. Below table shows resource allocations for the Choreo Connect components.

Container Name Requesting Memory Amount (Mi) Requesting CPU Amount (m) Limiting Memory Amount (Mi) Limiting CPU Amount (m)
Adapter 500 500 500 500
Enforcer 1000 1000 1000 1000
Router 500 1000 500 1000
Netty Backend 4096 2000 6114 2000

Below graphs depict performance test results considering different test parameters.

Comparison of results

Throughput (requests/sec) vs. concurrent users

The following graph illustrates the throughput against the number of concurrent users.

Key observations:

  • More concurrent users mean more requests to the Choreo Connect. For a given payload size, Choreo Connect provides a most likely consistent throughput level. But for large payload sizes you will get a low throughput value when compared to the small payload sizes.

Average Response time (ms) vs. concurrent users

Backend delay is assigned as zero milliseconds when obtaining test results. The below graph shows how response time varied for different concurrent user counts. Also, the same graph shows the impact of the payload size considering the same two parameters.

Key observations:

  • When increasing concurrent users for given payload size, Choreo Connect consumes steady growth for the response time. But when considering the same user count for large payloads, response time is high compared to the small payloads.

Response time percentiles vs. concurrent users

Below graphs show 90th, 95th, and 99th Response Time percentiles for 0ms backend delay. This is useful to measure the percentage of requests that exceeded the response time value for a given percentile. A percentile can also tell the percentage of requests completed below the particular response time value.

Data relevant to the test scenarios listed in the below table.

Concurrent Users Message Size (Bytes) Total requests Average Response Time (ms) Throughput (Requests/sec) Error % Error Count Little's law verification 90th Percentile of Response Time (ms) 95th Percentile of Response Time (ms) 99th Percentile of Response Time (ms)
10 50B 2073910 3 2303.8 0 0 6.9114 5 5 8
50 50B 2709454 16 3010.2 0 0 48.1632 52 56 60
100 50B 2774645 31 3082.4 0 0 95.5544 68 70 75
200 50B 2763400 64 3069.1 0 0 196.4224 101 105 149
500 50B 2785153 160 3093.3 0 0 494.928 197 203 254
1000 50B 2751126 326 3055.3 0 0 996.0278 380 389 408
10 1KiB 2091911 3 2323.7 0 0 6.9711 5 5 8
50 1KiB 2793064 15 3102.9 0 0 46.5435 51 55 59
100 1KiB 2843694 31 3158.8 0 0 97.9228 66 69 73
200 1KiB 3665465 62 3162.9 0 0 196.0998 88 91 98
500 1KiB 2853269 157 3168.8 0 0 497.5016 194 200 220
1000 1KiB 2837340 316 3149.5 0 0 995.242 371 382 402
10 10KiB 1813196 4 2014 0 0 8.056 5 6 9
50 10KiB 2292107 19 2546.3 0 0 48.3797 55 58 63
100 10KiB 2283122 38 2532.6 0 0 96.2388 72 75 81
200 10KiB 2325698 76 2583.4 0 0 196.3384 102 107 150
500 10KiB 2389789 187 2654.5 0 0 496.3915 222 251 275
1000 10KiB 2446750 367 2717.2 0 0 997.2124 416 439 481
10 100KiB 1039416 8 1154.6 0 0 9.2368 11 13 17
50 100KiB 1202718 36 1336.1 0 0 48.0996 60 68 83
100 100KiB 1225628 72 1361.4 0 0 98.0208 109 117 140
200 100KiB 1166856 153 1296.1 0 0 198.3033 214 232 271
500 100KiB 1619551 365 1349.1 0 0 492.4215 363 446 473
1000 100KiB 1167844 770 1296.6 0 0 998.382 863 897 979