API Manager Documentation 4.1.0
Enforcer Admin API
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WSO2 API Manager Documentation 4.1.0
Get Started
Get Started
Key Concepts
Quick Start Guide
Quick Start Guide
API Management
About this Release
Design APIs
Design APIs
Design APIs Overview
Create APIs
Create APIs
Create a REST API
Create a REST API from an OpenAPI Definition
Expose a SOAP Service as a REST API
Generate REST API from SOAP Backend
GraphQL APIs
Streaming APIs
Streaming APIs
Streaming API Overview
Create a WebSocket API
Create a WebSub/WebHook API
Create a SSE API
Create a Streaming API from an AsyncAPI Definition
Test a WebSub/WebHook API
Create an API From a Service
Create API Revisions
Add Custom Properties to APIs
Change the Thumbnail of an API
Create Prototype APIs
Create Prototype APIs
Mock Implementation
Mock Implementation
With API Gateway
With Choreo Connect
Existing Backend Implementation as a Prototype API
Create API Products
Create API Products
API Product Overview
Create an API Product
Endpoint Types
Secure Endpoint with Basic Auth
Secure Endpoint with Digest Auth
Secure Endpoint with OAuth 2.0
High Availability for Endpoints
Endpoint Timeouts
Endpoint Suspension
Prevent API Suspension
Manage Certificates
Lifecycle Managament
Lifecycle Managament
API Lifecycle
Customize API Life Cycle
Extend the API Life Cycle
API Versioning
API Versioning
Create a New API Version
Deprecate the Old Version
Backward Compatibility
Enable Notifications
API Documentation
API Documentation
Add API Documentation
API Collaboration
API Collaboration
Comment on an API via the Publisher
Enable Social Media Interaction
API Policies
API Policies
Attach Policies
Create a Policy
Regular Gateway Policies
Regular Gateway Policies
Add Dynamic Endpoints
Remove Specific Request Headers From Response
Pass a Custom Authorization Token to the Backend
URL Mapping
Disable Message Chunking
Transform API Message Payload
Add a Non-Blocking Send Operation
Add a Class Mediator
Configure Message Builders and Formatters
Choreo Connect Policies
Choreo Connect Policies
Call Interceptor Service
Create a Custom Policy
API Security
API Security
Secure APIs using OAuth2 Access Tokens
Secure APIs using API Keys
Secure APIs using Mutual SSL
Secure APIs using Basic Authentication
Secure APIs using Certificate Bound Access Token
Federating OAuth Applications
Disable Security
Role-Based Access Control using Scopes
Role-Based Access Control using XACML
Publisher Portal in Read Only Mode
Secure APIs by Auditing API Definitions
Request-Response Schema Validation
Request-Response Schema Validation
JSON Schema Validator
Token types
Token types
JWT Access Tokens
OAuth2 Scopes
OAuth2 Scopes
Role-Based Access Control with OAuth Scopes
Scope Whitelisting
Grant Types
Grant Types
Password Grant
Client Credentials Grant
Authorization Code Grant
Refresh Token Grant
JWT Grant
SAML Extension Grant
Kerberos OAuth2 Grant
NTLM Grant
Token Revocation
Token Expiration
Token Persistence
Encrypting OAuth2 Tokens
Hashing OAuth Keys
Multiple Active Access Tokens
Provisioning Out-of-Band OAuth Clients
Securing OAuth Token with HMAC Validation
Threat Protection
Threat Protection
Bot Detection
Gateway Threat Protectors
Regular Expression Threat Protection
JSON Threat Protection
XML Threat Protection
OpenID Connect
OpenID Connect
Obtain User Profile Information with OpenID Connect
Open Policy Agent (OPA) Validation
Open Policy Agent (OPA) Validation
Custom OPA Policy for Regualr Gateway
Custom OPA Policy for Choreo Connect
Rate Limiting
Rate Limiting
Throttling Use-Cases
Add New Throttling Policies
Set Throttling Limits
Access Control
Enforce Throttling and Resource Access Policies
Set Maximum Backend Throughput Limits
Rate Limiting for Streaming APIs
Query Limits for GraphQL
Query Limits for GraphQL
Query Depth Limit
Query Complexity Limit
Advanced Topics
Advanced Topics
Custom Rate Limiting
Configure Rate Limiting for an API Gateway Cluster
API Monetization
API Monetization
Monetize an API
Advanced Topics
Advanced Topics
Enable Publisher Access Control
Control API Visibility and Subscription Availability in the Developer Portal
Enable CORS for APIs
Add an API State Change Workflow
Block Subscription to an API
API Governance CLI Tool
Deploy and Publish APIs
Deploy and Publish APIs
Deploy on Gateway
Deploy on Gateway
Deploy APIs in the API Gateway vs Choreo Connect
Deploy API
Deploy API
Deploy an API
Expose APIs via Custom Hostnames
Deploy Through Multiple API Gateways
API Gateway
API Gateway
Overview of the WSO2 API Gateway
Response Caching
Threat Protectors
Threat Protectors
Regular Expression Threat Protection
JSON Threat Protection
XML Threat Protection
Pass End User Attributes to the Backend
Gateway Environments
Scale the Gateway
Advanced Topics
Advanced Topics
API Gateways with Dedicated Backends
Mutual SSL Between API Gateway and Backend
Storing Custom Synapse Artifacts in the Gateway
Choreo Connect
Choreo Connect
Choreo Connect Overview
Supported Features
Quick Start Guide
API Manager as Control Plane
API Manager as Control Plane
Event Hub
Rate Limiting
Revoked Tokens
Third Party Key Manager
As a Standalone Gateway
Subscription Validation
Choreo Connect With Tenants
Supported Template Patterns
Choreo Connect Analytics
Deploy an API
Deploy an API
REST API from a SOAP Endpoint
WebSocket API
Expose via Custom Hostnames - vHosts
Immutable Gateway
Immutable Gateway
Deploy as an Immutable Gateway
REST API with a Mock Implementation
API Authentication
API Authentication
Use an Internal Key
Use an Access Token
Use an API Key
Use an Enforcer Test Key
Configure an External Key Manager
Use a Custom Authorization Header
Reject Revoked Tokens
Disable Security
API Authorization
API Authorization
Scope Validation
Subscription Validation
Custom Claims Mapping
Open Policy Agent (OPA) Validation
Transport Security
Transport Security
Component Certificates
Backend Certificates
mTLS Between Choreo Connect and Backend
Enable CORS
Pass End User Attributes to the Backend
Configuration Overview
Configure Logs
Configure Logs
Main Configurations
Main Configurations
Control Plane
Deployment Options
Deployment Options
Installation Prerequisites
On Docker Compose
On Docker Compose
With WSO2 API Manager as a Control Plane
As a Standalone Gateway
On Kubernetes with Helm Artifacts
On Kubernetes with Helm Artifacts
With WSO2 API Manager as a Control Plane
As a Standalone Gateway
On Kubernetes with YAML Artifacts
On Kubernetes with YAML Artifacts
With WSO2 API Manager as a Control Plane
As a Standalone Gateway
Endpoint Types
Define Endpoints in an OpenAPI Definition
Load Balanced Endpoints
Failover Endpoints
Override Endpoint Information
Define a Backend Security Scheme
Retry Policies
Circuit Breakers
Add Custom Filters
Request Payload Passing
Rate Limiting
Rate Limiting
Enable Distributed Rate Limiting
Message Transformation
Message Transformation
Message Transformation
Interceptor Microservice
Interceptor Microservice
Interceptor Microservice
Request Flow Interceptor
Response Flow Interceptor
Interceptor Context and Invocation Context
Sample Interceptor Services
Define Interceptors in an OpenAPI Definition
Service Discovery
Service Discovery
Configure Choreo Connect with Consul
Service Discovery
Service Mesh
Service Mesh in Kubernetes
Service Mesh Integration
Distributed Tracing
Git Integration
Configure Multiple Gateways with Choreo Connect
File Upload via Multipart Requests
Token Caching
Production Deployment Guideline
Performance Tests
Performance Tests
Router with One CPU
Router with Two CPU
Enable Debug Logs
Error Handling
Enforcer Admin API
Debug Memory Issues
Update Choreo Connect
Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
Publish on Developer Portal
Publish on Developer Portal
Publish an API
Add a Third-party API
Publish to Multiple External API Developer Portals
Import APIs From AWS API-Gateway to WSO2 API-M
Consume APIs
Consume APIs
Consume APIs - Overview
Discover APIs
Discover APIs
Manage Applications
Manage Applications
Create Application
Generate Keys
Generate Keys
Application Keys
Grant Types
Grant Types
Password Grant
Client Credentials Grant
JWT Grant
Kerberos OAuth2 Grant
Refresh Token Grant
Authorization Code Grant
SAML Extension Grant
NTLM Grant
Obtain Access Token
Obtain Access Token
Overview of Access Tokens
Access Tokens Per Device
Change the Default Token Expiration Time
Revoke OAuth2 Application
Share Applications
Advanced Topics
Advanced Topics
Add Custom Attributes to Applications
Change the Owner of an Application
Add an Application Creation Workflow
Add an Application Key Generation Workflow
Manage Subscriptions
Manage Subscriptions
Subscribe to an API
Advanced Topics
Advanced Topics
Add an API Subscription Workflow
Add an API Subscription Tier Update Workflow
Add an API Subscription Deletion Workflow
Test APIs
Test APIs
Integrated API Console
Integrated API Console
Test a GraphQL API
Add Additional Headers to Test a REST API
SOAP Client
Interact with the Community
Generating SDKs
Generating SDKs
Generate SDKs in Developer Portal
Write a Client Application Using the SDK
User Account Management
User Account Management
Recover Password
Change Password
Integration Overview
Integration Concepts
API-led Integration
Integration Use Cases
Integration Use Cases
Message Routing and Transformation
Service Orchestration
Asynchronous Message Processing
SaaS and B2B Connectivity
Data Integration
Protocol Switching
File Processing
Periodic Execution of Integration Processes
Develop Integrations
Develop Integrations
Develop Integration Solutions
WSO2 Integration Studio
WSO2 Integration Studio
Quick Tour - WSO2 Integration Studio
Install WSO2 Integration Studio
Work with WSO2 Integration Studio
Troubleshooting WSO2 Integration Studio
Develop Your First Integation
Publish Integrations to the API Manager
Create Projects
Create Projects
Create an Integration Project
Create Data Service Configs
Create Datasource Configs
Import Projects
Export Projects
Create Docker Exporter
Create Kubernetes Exporter
Create Artifacts
Create Artifacts
Importing Artifacts
Create a REST API
Create a Proxy Service
Create an Inbound Endpoint
Create Scheduled Tasks
Create a Message Store
Create a Message Processor
Create an Endpoint
Create an Endpoint Template
Create a Sequence Template
Create a Reusable Sequence
Create a Registry Resource
Create Local Registry Entries
Create a Datasource
Create a Data Service
Create a Data Service Input Validator
Adding Connectors
Generate Service Catalog Metadata Artifacts
Create Custom Artifacts
Create Custom Artifacts
Create a Custom Inbound Endpoint
Create a Custom Mediator
Create a Synapse Handler
Create a New Connector
Customizing Task Scheduling
Exporting Artifacts
Securing Artifacts
Securing Artifacts
Use Docker Secrets in Synapse Configurations
Use Kubernetes Secrets in Synapse Configurations
Apply Security to a REST API
Apply Security to a Proxy Service
Apply Security to a Data Service
Package Artifacts
Deploy Artifacts
Test Integrations
Test Integrations
Use the Embedded Micro Integrator
Use a Remote Micro Integrator
Hot Deploying Artifacts
Create a Unit Test Suite
Use the HTTP REST Client
Generate Docker Images
Debug Integrations
Debug Integrations
Mediation Debugging
Use Wire Logs
Monitor Service-Level Logs
Monitor API-Level Logs
Endpoint Trace
Advanced Development Tasks
Advanced Development Tasks
Inject Parameters
Change the Endpoint of a Deployed Service
Swagger Documents
Extend Role-based Data Filtering
Dynamic User Authentication
Integration Examples
Integration Examples
Message Routing
Message Routing
Route Based on Message Headers
Route Based on Message Payload
Split Messages and Aggregating Responses
Message Transformation
Message Transformation
Convert JSON Messages to SOAP
Convert POX Messages to JSON
Protocol Switching
Protocol Switching
FTP Listener to Mail Sender
FIX Versions
File Processing
File Processing
Use VFS for File Transferring
Access a Windows Share Using VFS
Send and Receive Emails
Data Integration
Data Integration
Expose an RDBMS datasource
Expose Other Datasources
Expose Other Datasources
CSV datasource
Mongo datasource
Carbon datasource
Expose Data in JSON Format
Use an OData Service
Use Nested Data Queries
Batch Requesting
Invoke Multiple Operations as a Request Box
Use Distributed Transactions in Data Services
Validate Data Input
Swagger Documents of RESTful Data Services
Asynchronous Messaging
Asynchronous Messaging
RabbitMQ Examples
RabbitMQ Examples
Point to Point
Guaranteed Delivery
Guaranteed Delivery
Message Store and Message Processor
Retry failed messages with a delay
Requeue a message preserving the order
Publish messages to DLX
Dual Channel
JMS Examples
JMS Examples
Consume JMS Messages
Produce JMS Messages
Consume and Produce JMS Messages
Dual Channel HTTP-to-JMS
Quad Channel JMS-to-JMS
Guaranteed Delivery with Failover
Publish and Subscribe with JMS
Shared Topic Subscription
Detect Repeatedly Redelivered Messages
Specify Delivery Delay on Messages
Examples of Components
Examples of Components
Use a Simple REST API
Set Query Parameters on Outgoing Messages
Expose a SOAP Endpoint as a RESTful API
Expose Non-HTTP Services as RESTful APIs
Handle Non-Matching Resources
Handle HTTP Status Codes
Transform Content Types
Secure a REST API
Publish a Custom Swagger Document
Special Cases
Proxy Services
Proxy Services
Use a Simple Proxy Service
Publish a Custom WSDL
Expose a Proxy Service via Inbound Endpoints
Secure a Proxy Service
Inbound Endpoints
Inbound Endpoints
JMS Inbound Endpoint
File Inbound Endpoint
HTTP Inbound Endpoint
HTTPS Inbound Endpoint
HL7 Inbound Endpoint
MQTT Inbound Endpoint
RabbitMQ Inbound Endpoint
Kafka Inbound Endpoint
Secured WebSocket Inbound Endpoint
Use Inbound Endpoints with Registry
Scheduled Tasks
Scheduled Tasks
Task Scheduling Using a Simple Trigger
Inject Messages to a RESTful Endpoint
Local Registry Entries
Use Sequence Templates
Use Endpoint Templates
Message Stores & Processors
Message Stores & Processors
Introduction to Message Stores and Processors
JDBC Message Store
JMS Message Store
RabbitMQ Message Store
Message Sampling Processor
Message Forwarding Processor
Secure the Message Forwarding Processor
Load Balancing with Message Forwarding Processor
Address Endpoint
Failover Endpoints
HTTP Endpoint
WebSocket Endpoint
WSDL Endpoint
Load Balance Endpoint
Recipient List of Endpoints
Recipient List of Endpoints
Static List of Recepients
Dynamic List of Recepients
Dynamic List of Recepients with Aggregated Responses
Reuse Endpoints
Endpoint Error Handling
MTOM and SwA Optimizations
Break Complex Flows into Multiple Sequences
Use Fault Sequences
Reuse Sequences
Use the TCP Transport
Use the FIX Transport
Use the MQTT Transport
HL7 Examples
HL7 Examples
Mediate HL7 Messages
Acknowledge HL7 Messages
Use HL7 Messages with File Systems
Work with Transactions
JSON Examples
Integrate MI with SI
Streaming Overview
Streaming Key Concepts
Streaming Use Cases
Streaming Use Cases
Streaming Integrator Usecase Overview
Create a Streaming API
Create a Streaming API
Streaming API Overview
Create a WebSocket API
Create a WebSub/WebHook API
Create a SSE API
Create a Streaming API from an AsyncAPI Definition
Test a WebSub/WebHook Streaming API
Extract Data from static Sources in Real Time
Receive Data in Transit
Load and Writing Data
Publish Data
Stream Processing
Stream Processing
Stream Processing Overview
Cleanse Data
Transform Data
Enrich Data
Summarize Data
Correlate Data
Handle Errors
Perform ETL Operations
Trigger Integration Flows
Expose a Stream as a Managed API
Develop Streaming Solutions
Develop Streaming Solutions
Develop Streaming Integrator Solutions
Streaming Integrator Tooling
Streaming Integrator Tooling
Streaming Integrator Tooling Overview
Work with the Design View
Work with the AsyncAPI View
Create Siddhi Applications
Install Siddhi Extensions
Test Siddhi Applications
Deploy Siddhi Applications
Export Siddhi Applications
Develop Your First Streaming Solution
Develop Your First Streaming Solution
Step 1 - Download Streaming Integrator and Dependencies
Step 2 - Create the Siddhi Application
Step 3 - Deploy the Siddhi Application
Step 4 - Run the Siddhi Application
Step 5 - Update the Siddhi Application
Step 6 - Handle Errors
Step 7 - Monitor Statistics
Streaming Integration REST API Guide
Streaming Integration REST API Guide
REST API Guide Overview
Siddhi Application Management APIs
Permission APIs
Business Rules APIs
Store APIs
Healthcheck APIs
HTTP Status Codes
Migrating from WSO2 SP
Streaming Examples
Streaming Examples
Extract Data from Static Sources in Real Time
Extract Data from Static Sources in Real Time
Capture MySQL Inserts via CDC
Capture MySQL Inserts and Updates via CDC Polling Mode
Publish and Receive CSV Events via Files
Receive Events via File
Text Mapping with In-memory Transport
Receive Data in Transit
Receive Data in Transit
Publish HTTP Requests, Receive Responses, and Processe Them
Consume Messages from IBM Message Queues
Receive Events via HTTP Transport
Receive XML Events via Email
Receive Messages from a Google Pub/Sub Topic
Receive ER7 Events via HL7
Receive Custom XML Messages via HL7
Receive XML Events via HTTP
Receive Custom XML Events via HTTP
Receive JSON Events via HTTP
Receive Custom JSON Events via HTTP
Receive JSON Events via JMS
Receive Key Value Events via JMS
Receive Binary Events via Kafka
Receive Custom Text Events via Kafka
Receive XML events via MQTT
Receive Prometheus Metrics
Receive JSON Events via RabbitMQ
Receive JSON Events via TCP
Receive Binary Events via TCP
Receive Custom Text Events via TCP
Receive Text Events via TCP
Receive XML Events via Websocket
Receive Custom Key Value Events via SNMP
Receive Data via TCP and Preprocessing
Receive Email Alerts
Load and Write Data
Load and Write Data
Publish Aggregated Events to the Amazon AWS S3 Bucket
Publish and Receive CSV Events via Files
Publish Events to a GCS Bucket
Publish JSON Events to Files
Receive Events via Simulator and Persist in Cassandra Store'
Receive Events via Simulator and Persisting in a Store
Work with an influxDB Store
Receive Events and Persisting in MongoDB Store
Receive Events via Simulator and Persisting in RDBMS Store
Receive Events and Persisting Them in Redis Store
Receive Events via Simulator and Persisting in SOLR Store
Receive Data via TCP and Preprocessing'
Text Mapping with In-memory Transport
Publish Data
Publish Data
Consume Events from a Kafka Topic and Publish to Another Kafka Topic
Publish Text Events via Email
Publish Emails in XML Format
Publish Events to a Google Pub/Sub Topic
Publish ER7 Events via HL7
Publish XML messages via HL7
Publish JSON Events via HTTP
Send Custom JSON Events via HTTP
Publish XML Events via HTTP
Publish Custom XML Events via HTTP
Publish HTTP Events to to an OAuth-protected Endpoint
Publish HTTP Events to an OAuth-protected Endpoint while Using a Refresh Token Grant Type
Publish HTTP Events via an OAuth-protected Endpoint
Publish HTTP Events to an OAuth-protected Endpoint
Publish HTTP Events to an OAuth-protected Endpoint without an Access Token
Publish XML Events via JMS
Publish Key-value events via JMS
Publish Custom Avro Events via Kafka
Publish JSON Events via Kafka
Publish Binary Events via Kafka
Publish Avro Events via Kafka
Publish XML Events via MQTT
Publish Consumed Events to Prometheus Metrics and Exposing them via HTTP
Publish XML Events via RabbitMQ
Publish JSON Events via TCP
Publish Text Events via TCP
Publish Binary Events via TCP
Publish XML Events via WebSocket
Send Custom Keyvalue Events via SNMP
Process Data
Process Data
Aggregate Data Incrementally
Receive Email Alerts
Receive and Publish Events in Custom CSV Format
Publish and Receive CSV Events via Files
Preprocess Data Received via TCP
Perform Streaming Learning Using a Clustree Model
Processe Geo Data
Count the Frequency of Values with BottomK
Calculate the Distance Between Two Locations
Extract Values from a String
Make Predictions via Hoeffding Classifier Model
Join Streaming Data with Stored Data in RDBMS
Insert and Access Data in a Map
Round up Amounts via the Math Function
Identify Event Patterns Based On Order of Event Arrival
Make Predictions via PMML Model
Send Custom JSON Events via HTTP
Publish Custom XML Events via HTTP
Publish Custom Avro Events via Kafka
Receive Custom XML Events via HTTP
Receive Custom JSON Events via HTTP
Receive Custom Text Events via Kafka
Receive Custom Text Events via TCP
Identify Sub-sequences in Input Sequences
Use Javascript Functions in Siddhi Applications
Make Predictions via a Streaming Perceptron Model
Use StreamingML Kmeans for Clustering
Make Predictions via a Regressor Model
Convert String Values to Lowercase
Receive Data via TCP and Preprocessing
Perform Regression Tasks via an Imported Tensorflow Model
Text Map with In-memory Transport
Convert Units
Calculate Aggregations Over Time'
API Analytics
API Analytics
Getting Started Guide
Role-based Access Control
API Gateway
On-prem Analytics
On-prem Analytics
ELK-Based Analytics Installation Guide
View API Analytics
View API Analytics
Publish Analytics Events to External Systems
Publish Custom Analytics Events Data
MI Analytics
MI Analytics
Set up
Access the Portal
Observability Overview
API Manager
API Manager
Correlation Logs
HTTP Access Logs
Audit Logs
API Logs
JMX-Based Monitoring
Micro Integrator Profile
Micro Integrator Profile
Cloud Native Observability
Cloud Native Observability
Getting Started Guide - VM Deployment
Getting Started Guide - K8s Deployment
View Statistics
Classic Observability
Classic Observability
Configure Logs
Enable Logs for a Component
Monitor Logs
Monitor Correlation Logs
Monitor Audit Logs
JMX Monitoring with JMX
SNMP Monitoring with SNMO
Streaming Integrator Profile
Streaming Integrator Profile
Getting Started
View General Statistics
View ETL Flow Statistics
Product REST APIs
Product REST APIs
Publisher APIs
Publisher APIs
Publisher API v3
Developer Portal APIs
Developer Portal APIs
Developer Portal API v2
Admin APIs
Admin APIs
Admin API v3
Gateway APIs
Gateway APIs
Gateway API v2
Service Catalog APIs
Service Catalog APIs
Service Catalog API v1
DevOps APIs
DevOps APIs
DevOps API v0
Advanced Configurations
Product Configurations
Product Configurations
Understand the New Configuration Model
API-M Config Catalog
MI Config Catalog
MI Dashboard Config Catalog
API Controller (APICTL)
API Kubernetes Operator
Connectors Overview
When to Use Connectors
Connector Usage Guidelines
Connector Developer Guidelines
Amazon DynamoDB Connector
Amazon DynamoDB Connector
Amazon DynamoDB Overview
Set up Amazon DynamoDB
Amazon DynamoDB Example
Amazon DynamoDB Reference
Amazon Lambda Connector
Amazon Lambda Connector
Amazon Lambda Overview
Set up Amazon Lambda
Amazon Lambda Example
Amazon Lambda Reference
Amazon S3 Connector
Amazon S3 Connector
AmazonS3 Overview
Set up Amazon S3
AmazonS3 Example
AmazonS3 Reference
Set up Amazon S3
AmazonS3 Example
AmazonS3 Reference
Amazon SQS Connector
Amazon SQS Connector
Amazon SQS Overview
Amazon SQS Example
Amazon SQS Reference
Amazon SQS Inbound Endpoint Example
Amazon SQS Inbound Endpoint Reference
Amazon SQS Inbound Endpoint Reference
BigQuery Connector
BigQuery Connector
BigQuery Overview
Set up the BigQuery Environment
BigQuery Example
BigQuery Reference
Ceridian Dayforce Connector
Ceridian Dayforce Connector
Ceridian Dayforce Overview
Set up the Ceridian Dayforce Connector
Ceridian Dayforce Example
Ceridian Dayforce Reference
Ceridian Dayforce Reference
Employee Documents
Employee Documents
Employee Employment Information
Employee Employment Information
Employee Personal Information
Employee Personal Information
Employee Time Management
Employee Time Management
Employment Eligibility Verification
Employment Eligibility Verification
User Security Authority And Management
User Security Authority And Management
Creatio Connector
Creatio Connector
Creatio Connector Overview
Creatio Connector Example
Creatio Connector Reference
CSV Module
CSV Module
CSV Module
DB Event Listener Inbound Endpoint
DB Event Listener Inbound Endpoint
Database Event Listener Overview
Database Event Listener Example
Database Event Listener Reference
Documentum Connector
Documentum Connector
Documentum Overview
Documentum Example
Documentum Reference
Email Connector
Email Connector
Email Connector Overview
Email Connector Example
Email Connector Reference
Jira Connector
Jira Connector
Jira Connector Overview
Jira Connector Example
Jira Connector Reference
FHIR Connector
FHIR Connector
FHIR Overview
FHIR Example
FHIR Reference
File Connector
File Connector
File Connector Overview
File Connector Example
File Connector Reference
File Connector Example
File Connector Reference
Gmail Connector
Gmail Connector
Gmail Overview
Gmail Example
Gmail Reference
Google Firebase Connector
Google Firebase Connector
Google Firebase Overview
Set up Google Firebase
Google Firebase Example
Google Firebase Reference
Google Pub/Sub Connector
Google Pub/Sub Connector
Google PubSub Overview
Set up the Google PubSub Environment
Google PubSub Example
Google PubSub Reference
Google Spreadsheet Connector
Google Spreadsheet Connector
Google Spreadsheet Overview
Google Spreadsheet Example
Google Spreadsheet Reference
ISO8583 Connector
ISO8583 Connector
ISO8583 Overview
Set up ISO8583
ISO8583 Example
ISO8583 Reference
ISO8583 Inbound Endpoint Example
ISO8583 Inbound Endpoint Reference
Kafka Connector
Kafka Connector
Kafka Overview
Set up Kafka
Enable Security for Kafka
3.1.x and later
3.1.x and later
Kafka Example
Kafka Avro Message Example
Kafka Connector Reference
Kafka Example
Kafka Connector Reference
Kafka Inbound Endpoint Example
Kafka Inbound Endpoint Reference
LDAP Connector
LDAP Connector
LDAP Overview
Set up an LDAP Server
LDAP Example
LDAP Reference
Microsoft Azure Storage Connector
Microsoft Azure Storage Connector
Microsoft Azure Storage Overview
Set up Microsoft Azure Storage
Microsoft Azure Storage Example
Microsoft Azure Storage Reference
MongoDB Connector
MongoDB Connector
MongoDB Connector Overview
MongoDB Connector Example
MongoDB Connector Reference
Redis Connector
Redis Connector
Redis Overview
Set up the Environment
Redis Example
Redis Connector Reference
Redis Connector Reference
Redis Connector Reference
Redis Connector Reference
Salesforce Connectors
Salesforce Connectors
Salesforce Overview
Salesforce Access Token Generation
Set up the PushTopic in Salesforce
Salesforce REST API Example
Salesforce REST API Reference
Salesforce Inbound Endpoint Example
Salesforce Inbound Endpoint Reference
Salesforce Bulk Configuration
Salesforce Bulk API Example
Salesforce Bulk API Reference
Salesforce SOAP Connector Configuration
Salesforce SOAP Connector Example
Salesforce SOAP Connector Reference
ServiceNow Connector
ServiceNow Connector
ServiceNow Overview
Set up Servicenow
ServiceNow Example
ServiceNow Reference
SMPP Connector
SMPP Connector
SMPP Overview
Set up the SMPP Connector
SMPP Example
SMPP Reference
SMPP Inbound Endpoint Example
SMPP Inbound Endpoint Reference
Utility Module
Utility Module
Utility Module Overview
Utility Module Reference
Streaming Connectors
Streaming Connectors
Streaming Integrator Connectors Overview
Downloading and Install Siddhi Connectors
Writing Custom Siddhi Extensions
Configure System Parameters for Siddhi Extensions
Integration Artifacts
Integration Artifacts
REST API Properties
Proxy Service Properties
Mediator Catalog
Mediator Catalog
About Mediators
Aggregate Mediators
Builder Mediator
Cache Mediator
Call Mediator
Call Template Mediator
Callout Mediator
Class Mediator
Clone Mediator
Data Mapping
Data Mapping
Data Mapper Mediator
Data Mapper Schema Specification
Data Service Call Mediator
DBLookup Mediator
DB Report Mediator
Drop Mediator
EJB Mediator
Enrich Mediator
Entitlement Mediator
FastXSLT Mediator
Fault Mediator
Filter Mediator
ForEach Mediator
Header Mediator
Iterate Mediator
JSON Transform Mediator
Log Mediator
Loopback Mediator
NTLM Mediator
OAuth Mediator
PayloadFactory Mediator
Property Mediator
Property Group Mediator
Respond Mediator
Script Mediator
Send Mediator
Sequence Mediator
Smooks Mediator
Store Mediator
Switch Mediator
Throttle Mediator
Transaction Mediator
URLRewrite Mediator
Validate Mediator
XQuery Mediator
XSLT Mediator
Property Catalog
Property Catalog
Generic Properties
HTTP Transport Properties
SOAP Headers
Axis2 Properties
Synapse Message Context Properties
Accessing Properties with XPath
Scheduled Task Properties
Synapse Properties
Synapse Properties
Endpoint Properties
Inbound Endpoints
Inbound Endpoints
About Inbound Endpoints
HTTP Inbound Endpoint
CXF WS RM Inbound Endpoint
HL7 Inbound Endpoint
Websocket Inbound Endpoint
File Inbound Endpoint
JMS Inbound Endpoint
Kafka Inbound Endpoint
RabbitMQ Inbound Endpoint
MQTT Inbound Endpoint
Custom Inbound Endpoint
Message Stores and Processors
Message Stores and Processors
About Message Stores and Processors
Message Stores
Message Stores
JMS Message Store
JDBC Message Store
RabbitMQ Message Store
Resequence Message Store
WSO2 MB Message Store
In Memory Message Store
Custom Message Store
Message Processors
Message Processors
Message Sampling Processor
Scheduled Message Forwarding Processor
Scheduled Failover Message Forwarding Processor
Data Services
Data Services
About Data Services
Elements of a Data Service
Query Parameters
Datasource Parameters
Input Validators
SQL/Data Types
Sample Queries
Transport Configs
Transport Configs
VFS Parameters
JMS Parameters
RabbitMQ Parameters
HL7 Parameters
FIX Parameters
MailTo Parameters
MQTT Parameters
Micro Integrator Security References
Micro Integrator Security References
Customize Secure Vault
Use Keystores
WS-Security Implementations
Vendor Specific Extensions
Extend WSO2 API Manager
Extend WSO2 API Manager
Extend Key Management
Extend Key Management
Extend Key Validation
Extend Scope Validation
Extend Key Manager
Write Custom Grant Types
Extend API Gateway
Extend API Gateway
Customize API Template
Write Custom Handlers
Extend Workflows
Extend Workflows
Invoke the API Manager from the BPEL Engine
Customize a Workflow Extension
Configure HTTP Redirection for Workflows
Configure Workflows for Tenants
Configure Workflows in a Cluster
Change the Default User Role in Workflows
Clean Up Workflow Tasks
Configure Single Sign On with SAML2
Configure External IDP Through Identity Server for SSO
Configure Identity Server as IDP for SSO
Multi Factor Authentication for Publisher and Developer Portals
Customize the Developer Portal
Customize the Developer Portal
Override the Developer Portal Theme
Customize API Listing
Customize API Listing
API Category based Grouping
Change Default View
Enable or Disabl API Detail Tabs
Override API Overview Page per API
Enable or Disable Rating
Enable or Disable Home Page
Enable or Disable Tag Cloud
Enable or Disable Footer
Enable or Disable Banner
Styling API Details Left Menu
Styling API Details Info Section
Styling the Logo and Header
Enable or Disabling Self Signup
Configure reCaptcha for Self-SignUp
Override the Publisher Portal Theme
Log in to the Developer Portal Using Social Media
Directing the Root Context to the Developer Portal
Customize User Signup in Developer Portal
Customize Login Pages for Developer Portal and Publisher
Customize the Developer Portal and Gateway URLs for Tenants
Add a User Signup Workflow
Add internationalization
Advanced UI Customization
Modify Workflow Approval Task Limit
Admin Services
Work with the Source Code
Java Documentation
Best Practices
Best Practices
WSO2 API-M Best Practices
Accessibility Compliance
Message Flow in the API Manager Gateway
Accessing API Manager by Multiple Devices Simultaneously
admin_Directory Structure of WSO2 Products
Error Handling
Error Handling in Micro Integrator
Capturing System Data in Error Situations
Troubleshooting in Production Environments
Cleaning Up Partially Created Keys
Configure XSLT Mediation with Xalan
Troubleshooting 'Registered callback does not match with the provided url' error
Troubleshooting JMS
Troubleshooting WebSocket APIs
Administer Overview
Manage Users and Roles
Manage Users and Roles
Introduction to User Management
Manage Users for API Manager
Manage Users for API Manager
Manage User Roles
Manage Users
Manage Role Permissions
Manage Users for Admin Portal
Manage Users for Micro Integrator
Manage Users for the Streaming Integrator
Manage User Stores
Manage User Stores
Introduction to User Stores
Configure Secondary User Stores
Configure Secondary User Stores
API Manager
Micro Integrator
Write a Custom User Store Manager
Configure the Authorization Manager
API Manager Multitenancy
API Manager Multitenancy
Introduction to Multitenancy
Manage Tenants
Configure the Tenant Loading Policy
Monitoring API Manager
Monitoring API Manager
Configure Logs
Server Health
Manage Micro Integrator
Manage Micro Integrator
Micro Integrator Dashboard
Management API
Manage Log Growth
Masking Sensitive Information in Logs
Manage Streaming Integrator
Manage Streaming Integrator
Manage Dashboards
Key Managers
Key Managers
Configure WSO2 IS as a Key Manager
Configure Keycloak as a Key Manager
Configure Okta as a Key Manager
Configure Auth0 as a Key Manager
Configure PingFederate as A Key Manager
Configure ForgeRock as a Key Manager
Configure a Custom Key Manager
Configure the Global Key Manager
Advanced Configurations
Manage Role based access control for the Admin portal
Install and Setup
Install and Setup
Install and Setup Overview
Installation Prerequisites
Install the API Manager Runtime
Install the API Manager Runtime
Install API-M
Run API-M as a Linux Service
Run API-M as a Windows Service
Install the Micro Integrator (MI)
Install the Micro Integrator (MI)
Install MI
Run the MI Runtime
Run the MI as a Windows Service
Install the MI Dashboard
Install the MI Dashboard
Install the MI Dashboard
Run the MI Dashboard
Run the MI Dashboard as a Windows Service
Install the Streaming Integrator (SI)
Install the Streaming Integrator (SI)
Install SI
Install Siddhi Extensions
Run SI
Run SI as a Windows Service
Run SI as a Linux Service
Run SI in Containers
Run SI in Containers
Install in Docker
Install in Kubernetes
Installation Options
Set up API Manager
Set up API Manager
Update WSO2 API Manager
Set up a Key Manager
Set up a Key Manager
Set up a Third-party Key Manager
Set up WSO2 Identity Server as a Key Manager
Set up Databases
Set up Databases
Change Default Databases
Change Default Databases
Change to MySQL
Change to MSSQL
Change to PostgreSQL
Change to Oracle
Change to IBM DB2
Change to Oracle RAC
Manage Data Growth and Improving Performance
Set up Proxy Server and the Load Balancer
Set up Proxy Server and the Load Balancer
Configure the Proxy Server and the Load Balancer
Add a custom Proxy Path
Logins and Passwords
Logins and Passwords
Maintain Logins and Passwords
Secure Passwords
Secure Passwords
Customize Secure Vault
Set Passwords Using Environment Variables/System Properties
Work with Encrypted Passwords
Set Up ReCaptcha
Configure reCaptcha for Single Sign On
Intergrate with HashiCorp Vault
Configure Keystores
Configure Keystores
Configure Keystores in API Manager
Keystore Basics
Keystore Basics
Create a New Keystore
Renew a CA Signed Certificate
About Asymetric Cryptography
Enable HostName Verification
Enable Java Security Manager
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) for WSO2 API Manager
Configure Transport Level Security
User Account Management
Secure Web Portals
Configure Userstores
Configure Userstores
Introduction to User Stores
Configure Primary User Stores
Configure Primary User Stores
Configure Primary User Stores
Configure a JDBC User Store
Configure a Read-Write LDAP User Store
Configure a Read-Only LDAP User Store
Configure a Read-Write Active Directory User Store
Configure Identity Server As External IDP with OIDC
Configure Identity Server As External IDP with SAML
OKTA As An External IDP With OIDC
OKTA As An External IDP With SAML
Advanced Configurations
Advanced Configurations
Change the Default Transport
Configure Caching
Customize the Management Console
Set up Micro Integrator
Set up Micro Integrator
Update WSO2 Micro Integrator
Data Stores
Data Stores
Configure a User Store
Configure Databases
Configure Databases
MySQL Database
MSSQL Database
Oracle Database
PostgreSQL Database
IBM Database
Configure the File-Based Registry
Set up Keystores
Set up Keystores
Create New Keystores
Add SSL certificates to keystores
Renew a CA-signed Certificate
Configure Keystores
Comply with GDPR
Comply with GDPR
GDPR for the WSO2 Micro Integrator
About the Identity Anonymization Tool
Use Secrets
Use Secrets
Encrypt Secrets Using WSO2 Secure Vault
Use Hashicorp Secrets
Use Symmetric Encryption
Secure the Management API
Message Brokers
Message Brokers
AMQP (RabbitMQ)
AMQP (RabbitMQ)
Deploy RabbitMQ
Connect to RabbitMQ
Connect to ActiveMQ
Connect to Apache Artemis
Connect to HornetQ
Connect to IBM Websphere App Server
Connect to IBM WebSphere MQ
Connect to JBoss MQ
Connect to MSMQ
Connect to Swift MQ
Connect to TIBCO EMS
Connect to Weblogic
Connect to WSO2 MB
Connect to Multiple Brokers
Azure Service Bus
Multi-HTTPS Transport
Message Builders and Formatters
Message Relay
Manage Configurations across Environments
Load Balancer and Proxy Server
Load Balancer and Proxy Server
Load Balancing
Configure a Proxy Server
Enable SSL Tunneling through Proxy Server
Time Stamp Conversion for RDBMS
Set up Streaming Integrator
Set up Streaming Integrator
Update WSO2 Streaming Integrator
Production Checklist
Performance Analysis Results
Configure Business Rules Deployment
Configure Data Sources
Secure the Streaming Integrator
Secure the Streaming Integrator
General Data Protection Regulations
Protect Sensitive Data via the Secure Vault
Support For Different Transports
Configure State Persistence
Configure Cluster Coordination
Add Third Party Non OSGi Libraries
Configure Default Ports
Change the Host Name and Context Path of Web UI Applications
Enable Logs for Received Event Count
Deployment Patterns Overview
Deploy the API-M Runtime
Deploy the API-M Runtime
All-In-One Deployment
All-In-One Deployment
All-in-One Deployment Overview
Configure a Single API-M Node
Configure an Active-Active API-M Deployment
Distributed Deployment
Distributed Deployment
Distributed Deployment Overview
Configure a Distributed API-M Deployment
Configure a Distributed API-M Deployment with Traffic Manager Separation
Run the API-M Profiles
Deploy the Micro Integrator
Deploy the Micro Integrator
Configure a Micro Integrator Cluster
Deployment Synchronization
Deploy the Streaming Integrator
Deploy the Streaming Integrator
Streaming Integrator Deployment Overview
Single Node Deployment
Minimum HA Cluster
Active-Active Cluster
Scalable Cluster
Minimum Ha Cluster in AWS ECS
Deploy on Kubernetes
Deploy on Kubernetes
API-M on K8s
API-M on K8s
Deploy API-M on K8s Using Helm Resources
Micro Integrator on K8s
Micro Integrator on K8s
Micro Integrator Deployment Patterns on K8s
Deploy the Micro Integrator on K8s
APIs and Integrations on K8s
APIs and Integrations on K8s
Install the API K8s Operator
Deploy APIs Using the Operator
Deploy Integrations Using the Operator
Deploy Integrations Using Helm Resources
API Deployment Samples
API Deployment Samples
Sample 1 - Target Endpoint
Sample 2 - Deployment Params and Certs
Integration Deployment Samples
Integration Deployment Samples
Sample 1 - Hello World
Sample 2 - Message Routing
Sample 3 - JMS Sender/Receiver
Deployment Best Practices
Deployment Best Practices
Deployment Checklist
Security Guidelines for a Production Deployment
Basic Health Checks
Change the Hostname
Change the Default Ports
Monitor Integration Transaction Counts
Backup and Recovery
Performance Tuning
Performance Tuning
API-M Performance Tuning
Micro Integrator Performance Tuning
Micro Integrator Performance Tuning
Tuning JVM Performance
Tuning Network and OS Performance
Tuning JDBC Configurations
Tuning the HTTP Transport
Tuning the JMS Transport
Tuning the VFS Transport
Tuning the RabbitMQ Transport
Tuning the Inbound Endpoints
CI/CD - Integrations
CI/CD - Integrations
CI/CD for Integrations - Overview
Build a CI/CD Pipeline for Integrations (VM deployment)
Build a CI/CD Pipeline for Integrations (K8s deployment)
Building a CI/CD Pipeline for Streaming Integrations (K8s deployment)
CI/CD for APIs - Overview
Build a CI/CD Pipeline for APIs Using the CLI
Build a CI/CD Pipeline for APIs using Jenkins
Manage Environments Using the CLI
Manage Environments Using the CLI
Getting Started with WSO2 API Controller (apictl)
Manage APIs and API Products
Manage APIs and API Products
Manage APIs and API Products
Import APIs Via Dev First Approach
Migrate APIs to Different Environments
Migrate API Products (with or without Dependent APIs) to Different Environments
Manage Applications
Manage Applications
Manage Applications
Migrate Apps to Different Environments
Manage APIs in Kubernetes
Manage Choreo Connect
Manage Integrations
Encrypt Secrets with apictl
Advanced Topics
Advanced Topics
Create Custom Users to Perform apictl Operations
Configure Environment Specific Parameters
Use Dynamic Data in apictl Projects
Configure Different Endpoint Types
Configuring Different Endpoint Security Types
Format the Outputs of Get Commands
Configure Git Integration
Common Runtime and Configuration Artifacts
Default Product Ports
Product Compatibility
Performance Test Results
Performance Test Results
API Manager
API Manager (Streaming APIs)
API Manager (GraphQL APIs)
Micro Integrator
Supported Cipher Suites
Tutorials Overview
Expose an Integration Service as a Managed API
Develop an Integration From a Managed API
Expose an Integration SOAP Service as a Managed API
Scenario Tutorials
Scenario Tutorials
Scenario Overview
Scenario 1 - Create a REST API from an OpenAPI Definition
Scenario 2 - Engage Access Control to the API
Scenario 3 - Implement an API
Scenario 4 - Sign Up a New User
Scenario 5 - Get the Developer Community Involved
Scenario 6 - Integrate with Data Sources
Scenario 7 - Analytics
Scenario 8 - Rate Limiting
Scenario 9 - Realtime Data with WebSocket API
Scenario 10 - Notifications Using WebHooks
Scenario 11 - GraphQL Support
Scenario 12 - Guaranteed Message Delivery
Scenario 13 - Integrate with Services via Connectors
Scenario 14 - External Key Manager Support
API Management Tutorials
API Management Tutorials
Create and Publish a GraphQL API
Create and Publish a Streaming API
Create and Publish a Streaming API
Create and Publish a WebSocket API
Create and Publish a WebSub/WebHook API
Create and Publish a SSE API
Create and Publish an AWS Lambda API
Expose a SOAP Service as a REST API
Edit an API by Modifying the API Definition
Integrating API Manager with an External Broker and Gateway
Integration Tutorials
Integration Tutorials
Send a Simple Message to a Service
Message Routing
Message Routing
Routing Requests based on Message Content
Expose Serveral Services as a Single Service
Message Transformation
Message Transformation
Translate Message Formats
Asynchronous Messaging
Asynchronous Messaging
Store and Forward Messages for Guaranteed Delivery
Integrate with SaaS Systems
Integrate with SaaS Systems
Send Emails from an Integration Service
Data Integration
Data Integration
Expose Datasources as a Service
File Processing
Execute Integration Processes Periodically
Use Inbound Endpoints
Reuse Mediation Sequences
Integrate with SAP
Streaming Tutorials
Streaming Tutorials
Tutorials Overview
Expose a Kafka Topic as a Managed WebSocket API
Perform Real-time ETL with MySQL
Perform Real-time ETL with Files
Create an ETL Application via Wizard
Integrate Stores
Business Rules
Expose Processed Data as API
Manage Streaming Data with Errors
Trigger Integrations via MI
Run SI with Docker and Kubernetes