Add Custom Filters

Filters is a set of execution points in the request flow that intercept the request before it goes to the backend service. They are engaged while the request is processed within the enforcer. The defined set of filters are applied to all the APIs deployed in Choreo Connect. These filters are engaged inline and if the request fails at a certain filter, the request will not be forwarded to the next filter and the backend. The inbuilt set of filters are the authentication filter and the throttling filter.

Custom filters can be added to the existing filters within the enforcer, and they can be positioned based on the end user's preference. These filters are engaged for all the APIs deployed within Choreo Connect.

Choreo Connect provides a Java interface to implement custom filters. Then the developer needs to compile the filter implementation as a JAR file and mount it to the /home/wso2/lib/dropins directory within the enforcer. When the enforcer starts, the JAR files in that directory are added to the classpath. Using Java Service Provider Interface, the classloading happens in the enforcer. See the following sections for further details on how to implement this.

Adding a custom filter

  1. Create a Java project with org.wso2.choreo.connect.enforcer.commons dependency.
  2. For Apache Maven, use the following.


  3. Use the following interface to implement the custom filter.

    package org.wso2.choreo.connect.enforcer.commons;
    import org.wso2.choreo.connect.enforcer.commons.model.APIConfig;
    import org.wso2.choreo.connect.enforcer.commons.model.RequestContext;
    import java.util.Map;
        * Filters are the request interceptors that applies API Management capabilities at the gateway layer. This is the
        * Interface to implement chain of filters at the gateway.
    public interface Filter {
        default void init(APIConfig apiConfig, Map<String, String> configProperties){};
        boolean handleRequest(RequestContext requestContext);

    Here is the sample filter implementation that reads the property called CustomProperty from Filter Configuration and adds it as a header to the request.

    package org.example.tests;
    import org.wso2.choreo.connect.enforcer.commons.model.APIConfig;
    import org.wso2.choreo.connect.enforcer.commons.model.RequestContext;
    import org.wso2.choreo.connect.enforcer.commons.Filter;
    import java.util.Map;
    public class CustomFilter implements Filter {
        private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CustomFilter.class);
        private Map<String, String> configProperties;
        public void init(APIConfig apiConfig, Map<String, String> configProperties) {
            this.configProperties = configProperties;
        public boolean handleRequest(RequestContext requestContext) {
            String headerValue = configProperties.get("CustomProperty");
            requestContext.addOrModifyHeaders("Custom-header-1", headerValue);
            return true;
  4. Since we use Java SPI (Service Provider Interface), we need to provide the provider configuration file META-INF/services/org.wso2.choreo.connect.enforcer.commons.Filter. If you are using Apache Maven, create the file inside the <PROJECT>/src/main/resources directory. The content of the file needs to be the qualified class name of the filter implementation.

  5. Build the project and create the JAR file. For Apache Maven, use the following.

    mvn clean install
  6. Edit the enforcer related configuration within the config.toml file to include the custom filter. The className needs to be the fully qualified className. The position denotes the final filter position in the chain, when all the filters are added. By default, the first position is taken by the Authentication Filter and the Thorttle Filter is placed as the second filter. As the below example configuration contains 1 as the position, it would be executed prior to the Authentication Filter.

        # ClassName of the filter
        className = "org.example.tests.CustomFilter"
        # Position of the filter within final filter-chain
        position = 1
        # Custom Configurations
            CustomProperty = "foo"
  7. Mount the JAR file containing the Custom Filter to the /home/wso2/lib/dropins. (If you are using the docker-compose file within the distribution, then add the JAR file to docker-compose/resources/enforcer/dropins directory.)

  8. Deploy the Choreo Connect distribution and the filter would be engaged during runtime.

As a reference, you can use the sample custom filter implementation here.
