Deploying a SOAP API in Choreo Connect

Update Level 4

This feature is available only as an update, after Update level (released on 25th July 2022) and further. For more information, see Updating Choreo Connect.

Choreo Connect supports the deployment of existing SOAP and WSDL-based services exposed via the Gateway. The organizations that have SOAP/WSDL based services can easily proxy their existing services, while providing key features like API Security, rate limiting, observability, etc. without the cost of a major migration.

You can deploy a SOAP API (SOAP to SOAP Pass-Through) in the following ways depending on the Choreo Connect mode you have chosen.

Mode Method
Choreo Connect with WSO2 API Manager as a Control Plane Via WSO2 API Manager Publisher Portal
Choreo Connect as a Standalone Gateway Via apictl for Standalone Mode


This guide uses Phone Verify from CDYNE as the backend (WSDL: You may use your own backend and continue with the same steps.

Via WSO2 API Manager Publisher Portal

Follow the instructions below to deploy a SOAP API in a Choreo Connect instance run with WSO2 API Manager as the Control Plane.

Before you begin

This guide assumes that you already have a Choreo Connect instance configured to run with API Manager. If not,

Step 1 - Create a SOAP API using API Manager Publisher Portal

Create a SOAP API Pass-Through using the WSDL definition of your SOAP service by using the following steps.

  1. Sign in to Publisher Portal and click on Create API .
  2. Select SOAP API and click on Import WSDL .
  3. Then select Pass Through option as the Implementation type and choose the Input type as either WSDL URL or WSDL File/Archive depending on your SOAP service.
    • Select WSDL URL and enter for this example.
  4. Click Next to proceed and then enter the following details and click CREATE

    Field Sample Value
    Name PhoneVerification
    Context /phoneverify
    Version 1.0


You may find more details on the above steps from Create a SOAP API Pass-through using WSO2 API Manager Publisher Portal.

Step 2 - Deploy the SOAP API using API Manager Publisher Portal

From the Publisher Portal, navigate to the API created in the above step and deploy the API from the Deployments section.

Follow Deploy an API guide to find more details on deploying an API.

Step 3 - Publish & Invoke the API

After the API is deployed in WSO2 API Manager Publisher Portal, it gets exposed in the Choreo Connect Gateway. You can invoke the API with a valid access token.

To invoke the API through WSO2 API Manager, you can follow the steps below.

  1. Go to the Publisher Portal and select the API you just created in the previous steps.
  2. Navigate to the Lifecycle section and from there click Publish to publish the API.
  3. Log in to Developer Portal via https://localhost:9444/devportal and select the newly created API.
  4. Navigate to the Subscriptions page and subscribe the API to the default application visible as DefaultApplication with an available Rate Limiting Policy.
  5. Now go to the Applications and select DefaultApplication.
  6. Click on Production Keys and then click Generate Keys with the default settings, to generate production keys.
  7. Now go back to APIs and select your API and go to Try Out section from there. In the Try Out section you can get a Test Key with the DefaultApplication for production endpoint by clicking on GET TEST KEY .
  8. Then you can invoke the API using the Swagger console UI that appears in the same page or you may use cURL to invoke it.


    When invoking SOAP API (Pass through) via WSO2 API Manager, you will see a UI like below.

    Invoke Soap API

    Here you need to provide the values for following parameters.

    1. SOAP Request (body) - The SOAP request body that you will be using to invoke the SOAP endpoint (SOAP Envelope). For this example you may provide:
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    2. SOAPAction (header) - The SOAPAction HTTP request header field can be used to indicate the intent of the SOAP HTTP request. The value is a URI identifying the intent. If you are using SOAP 1.1, you must provide this value. For example you may provide this as,


For more information on the above steps, go through the following documentation.


If you want to invoke the using a test key API without publishing, you may follow the methods below.

  1. Via WSO2 API Manager Publisher Portal - Test a REST API
  2. Generating a Enforcer test key - Enforcer Test Key Authentication


In the above documentation, we explained the testing of SOAP APIs using cURL commands and WSO2 API Manager UI. If you want to test your SOAP API using a SOAP client like SOAP UI, you can read on Test an API Using a SOAP Client.

Via apictl for Standalone Mode

The WSO2 API Controller (apictl) does not provide a straight forward method for generating a apictl project for SOAP APIs. However, you can use a project extracted from the WSO2 API Manager (you may download the project for the API created above) or a sample Swagger for SOAP APIs. This guide will continue using a sample Swagger for SOAP API.

The Swagger definition for our PhoneVerify example is as follows.

  title: PhoneVerification
  version: 1.0.0
      - text/xml
      - application/soap+xml
      - description: SOAP request.
        in: body
        name: SOAP Request
        required: true
          type: string
      - description: SOAPAction header for soap 1.1
        in: header
        name: SOAPAction
        required: false
        type: string
          description: OK
      - default: []
        optional: false
        - oauth2
- default: []
    flow: implicit
    type: oauth2
swagger: "2.0"
  optional: false
  - oauth2
x-wso2-auth-header: Authorization
x-wso2-basePath: /phoneverify/1.0.0
  accessControlAllowCredentials: false
  - authorization
  - Access-Control-Allow-Origin
  - Content-Type
  - SOAPAction
  - apikey
  - Internal-Key
  - GET
  - PUT
  - POST
  - '*'
  corsConfigurationEnabled: false
  type: http
  cacheTimeoutInSeconds: 300
  enabled: false
  type: http
- http
- https

The following steps will show you how to create the apictl project, deploy it on the Choreo Connect Gateway, and invoke it using a test token, for our PhoneVerify example.

Before you begin

Download and initialize apictl and Choreo Connect is up and running in standalone mode.

Step 1 - Initialize the apictl project

Use the following command to initialize the apictl project. You may use the above sample Swagger provided.

apictl init PhoneVerify --oas <path to swagger.yaml>

This creates a project with the following file structure in the current working directory.

├── api_meta.yaml
├── api.yaml
├── Client-certificates
├── Definitions
│   └── swagger.yaml
├── deployment_environments.yaml
├── Docs
├── Image
├── Interceptors
├── libs
├── Policies


A sample API project for SOAP API (Pass-Through) is available in the Choreo Connect GitHub Repository. You can find it under the samples/apiProjects/SampleSOAPApi directory.

You can deploy this project directly in Choreo Connect using apictl as explained in next few steps.

Also, ensure that you change the production and sandbox endpoints to in api.yaml and Definitions/swagger.yaml files in the project.

Step 2 - Set the project type as SOAP

In the api.yaml file of the created project, change the type to SOAP.

  type: SOAP

Step 3 - Deploy the API

Execute the following commands to get your API project deployed in Choreo Connect.

  1. Add a Choreo Connect Environment to apictl.

    apictl mg add env dev --adapter https://localhost:9843

  2. Log in to the Choreo Connect Environment in apictl.

    apictl mg login dev -u admin -p admin -k

  3. Deploy the API.

    apictl mg deploy api -f PhoneVerify -e dev -k


More details on the above commands can be found in the Managing Choreo Connect page under CI/CD documentation.

Step 4 - Invoke the API

After the APIs are exposed via Choreo Connect, you can invoke an API with a valid access token.

Let's use the following command to generate a JWT to access the API and set it to the variable TOKEN.

TOKEN=$(curl -X POST "https://localhost:9095/testkey" -H "Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=" -k -v)


Refer Enforcer Test Key Authentication to learn more on test key generation.

Execute the following cURL command to invoke the API using the access token.

curl -X 'POST' 'https://localhost:9095/phoneverify/1.0.0' -H 'Content-Type: text/xml' -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" -H "SOAPAction:" -d @request.xml -k -v
curl -X 'POST' 'https://localhost:9095/phoneverify/1.0.0' -H 'Content-Type: application/soap+xml' -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"  -d @request.xml -k -v

A sample content for request.xml file referred in above cURL command looks like follows.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

Error Response Types

The default error response type in WSO2 Choreo Connect is JSON. However, when you are using Choreo Connect with SOAP backends, you may need to have error responses in respective (text/xml or application/soap+xml) types. You will be able to enable this by setting the following config as true.

soapErrorInXMLEnabled = true


When soapErrorInXMLEnabled is true, Choreo Connect will respond with either SOAP 1.1 or 1.2 formats depending on the following criteria.

  • SOAP 1.1 - If the SOAPAction header present in the request and Content-Type is text/xml.
  • SOAP 1.2 - If the Content-Type is application/soap+xml

What's Next

As in the case for normal REST APIs, SOAP APIs will also support the basic features like Rate Limiting, Security, API Insights and Observability, etc. You can find more details on Supported Features and respective pages.
