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Receiving and Publishing Events in Custom CSV Format


This application demonstrates how to configure WSO2 Streaming Integrator Tooling to publish and receive data events processed within Siddhi to files in CSV custom format.

Before you begin:

  1. Edit the sample Siddhi application as follows:
    • In the source configuration, update the value for the dir.uri parameter by replacing {WSO2SIHome} with the absolute path of your WSO2 SI Tooling directory.
    • In the sink configuration, update the value for the file.uri parameter by replacing {WSO2SIHome} with the absolute path of your WSO2 SI Tooling directory. If required, you can provide a different path to publish the output to a location of your choice.
  2. Save the sample Siddhi application in Streaming Integrator Tooling.

Executing and testing the Sample

To execute the sample open the saved Siddhi application in Streaming Integrator Tooling, and start it by clicking the Start button (shown below) or by clicking Run -> Run.

Start button

If the Siddhi application starts successfully, the Streaming Integrator logs the following messages in the console.

CSVCustomMapping.siddhi - Started Successfully!

Viewing the Results

  • The source gets the input from the SI_HOME>/samples/artifacts/CSVMappingWithFile/new/example.csv file and produces the event. This file has data in below format.


  • The sink gets the input from the source output and publishes the output in the outputOfCustom.csv file. The data is published in this file in the following format.


Click here to view the sample Siddhi application.
@App:description('Publish and receive data events processed within Siddhi to files in CSV custom format.')

@map(type='csv', @attributes(id='0', name='1', amount='2')))
define stream IntputStream (name string, id int,  amount double);

@sink(type='file', file.uri='/{WSO2SIHome}/samples/artifacts/CSVMappingWithFile/new/outputOfCustom.csv' , @map(type='csv',@payload(id='1', name='0', amount='2')))
define stream OutputStream (name string, id int, amount double);

from IntputStream
select *
insert into OutputStream;