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Step 2: Create the Siddhi Application

Let's create your first Siddhi application.

For this purpose, you can consider an example where production information is published in a database table. This information needs to be captured as and when it is published in the database, and published in a file after changing the case of the product name.

The following image depicts the procedure to be followed by the Siddhi application you create.

Siddhi Application Flow

  1. Extract the Streaming Integrator Tooling pack to a preferred location. Hereafter, the extracted location is referred to as <SI_TOOLING_HOME>.

  2. Navigate to the <SI_TOOLING_HOME>/bin directory and issue the appropriate command depending on your operating system to start the Streaming Integration tooling.

    • For Windows: tooling.bat

    • For Linux/MacOS: ./

  3. Access the Streaming Integration Tooling via the http://<HOST_NAME>:<TOOLING_PORT>/editor URL.


    The default URL is http://<localhost:9390/editor.

The Streaming Integration Tooling opens as shown below.

Welcome Page

  1. Open a new Siddhi file by clicking New.

    The new file opens as follows.

    New Siddhi File

  2. Specify a name for the new Siddhi application via the @App:name annotation.

  3. First, let's define the stream that receives the input data.

    define stream InsertSweetProductionStream (name string,amount double);

  4. To allow the InsertSweetProductionStream stream to capture inserts from the productions database, connect a source of the cdc type to it as shown below.

    @source(type='cdc',url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/production",username = "wso2si",password = "wso2", = "SweetProductionTable",operation = "insert",
    define stream InsertSweetProductionStream (name string,amount double);
    8. To publish the captured data into a file, define an output stream as follows.

    define stream ProductionUpdatesStream (name string,amount double);

  5. To publish the output events to a file, connect a file source to the stream as shown below:

    @sink(type='file',file.uri = "/Users/foo/productioninserts.csv",
    define stream ProductionUpdatesStream (name string,amount double);

Here, you are publishing the output in the text format to a file named productioninserts.csv in the /Users/foo directory.

  1. To convert the case of the product name from lower case to title case, and then publish the converted events to the file, write a query as follows.

    from InsertSweetProductionStream 
    select str:upper(name) as name, amount 
    group by name 
    insert  into ProductionUpdatesStream;

    This query gets the information inserted into the productions database table from the InsertSweetProductionStreamstream. The str:upper() function included in the select clause converts the product name from lower case to title case. Once this conversion is done, the converted events are directed to the ProductionUpdatesStream stream. These events are written into the /Users/foo/productioninserts.csv file because it is configured via the file source you previously annotated to the ProductionUpdatesStream stream.

  2. Save the Siddhi application.

The completed Siddhi application looks as follows:


@source(type='cdc',url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/production",username = "wso2si",password = "wso2", = "SweetProductionTable",operation = "insert",
define stream InsertSweetProductionStream (name string,amount double);

@sink(type='file',file.uri = "/Users/foo/productioninserts.csv",
define stream ProductionUpdatesStream (name string,amount double);

from InsertSweetProductionStream 
select str:upper(name) as name, amount 
group by name 
insert  into ProductionUpdatesStream;

Installing the required extensions

The Streaming Integrator is by default shipped with most of the available Siddhi extensions by default. If a Siddhi extension you require is not shipped by default, you can download and install it via the Extension Installer tool. The SweetFactoryApp Siddhi application you created uses a source of the cdc type. The cdc-mysql extension that is required for this source is not shipped with WSO2 Streaming Integrator by default. Therefore, let's install it as follows.

  1. In Streaming Integrator Tooling, click Tools, and then click Extension Installer. The Extension Installer dialog box opens.

    Extension Installer Dialog Box

    Click Install for Change Data Capture - MySQL.

  2. Restart Streaming Integrator Tooling.

Testing the Siddhi application

Before deploying the SweetFactoryApp Siddhi application to the Streaming Integrator Server, you need to test it to check whether the Siddhi queries you wrote work as expected. For this purpose, you can simulate events via the Event Simulator in Streaming Integrator Tooling as follows:


Although you are using the Event Simulator instead of performing an insert operation in the MySQL database table you created, you need to start the MySQL server before following the steps below.

  1. In Streaming Integrator Tooling, click the Event Simulator icon in the left pane of the editor to open the Single Simulation panel.

    Event Simulation icon

    It opens the left panel for event simulation as follows.

    Event Simulation Panel

  2. Enter Information in the Single Simulation panel as described below.

    Simulate Single Event

    1. In the Siddhi App Name field, select SweetFactoryApp.

    2. In the Stream Name field, select InsertSweetProductionStream.

    3. Under Attributes, enter values as follows:

      Attribute Value
      name (STRING) gingerbread
      amount (DOUBLE) 100
  3. Click Start and Send.

  4. Open the /Users/foo/productioninserts.csv. It should contain the following row.


What's Next?

Now you can deploy the SweetFactoryApp Siddhi application you created. To do this, proceed to Step 3: Deploy the Siddhi Application.