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Encrypting Secrets with apictl

WSO2 API Controller (apictl) allows you to encrypt a plain-text secret. You can use this feature to export secrets as environment variables, system properties, Docker secrets, or Kubernetes secrets. For more information on using dynamic secrets refer Dynamic secrets.

Initialize apictl with a key store


Secret encryption supports only JKS Key Stores.


Key Store used in this step needs to be the same Key Store which is used by the WSO2 API Manager (WSO2 API-M) or WSO2 Micro Integrator (WSO2 MI) to decrypt secrets.

Run the following command to initialize the apictl with the Key Store used to encrypt the secrets. It will prompt you to input the following,

Key Store location Path to the Key Store used by the WSO2 API-M or WSO2 MI to decrypt secrets
Key Store password The password of the Key Store
Key alias The alias of the key used to encrypt the secrets
Key password The password of the key used to encrypt the secrets
  • Command

    apictl secret init


    apictl secret init
    Enter Key Store location: /home/wso2mi-4.3.0/repository/resources/security/wso2carbon.jks
    Enter Key Store password: 
    Enter Key alias: wso2carbon
    Enter Key password: 
  • Response

    Key Store initialization completed

Encrypt secrets


Secret encryption supports only RSA/ECB/OAEPWithSHA1AndMGF1Padding (default) or RSA/ECB/PKCS1Padding as encryption algorithm.


Encrypting algorithm used in this step needs to be the same algorithm used by the WSO2 API-M or WSO2 MI to decrypt secrets.

Run the following command to encrypt secrets with the apictl,

  • Command

    apictl secret create



    • Optional :
      --cipher or -c : Encryption algorithm (default is RSA/ECB/OAEPWithSHA1AndMGF1Padding)
      --output or -o : Get the output in yaml (k8) or properties (file) format. By default the output is printed to the console
      --from-file or -f : Path to the properties file which contains secrets to be encrypted
    • Encrypt a secret and get output on console


      apictl secret create
      Enter plain alias for secret:db_password
      Enter plain text secret:
      Repeat plain text secret:
    • Response

      db_password : eKALmLVA+HFVl7vqLUUhm6o0Vwsap+L6czwyEKWKomX+AcRmOCAHmiujPXPAZUboWJlZi4k0CwZYAvwD4BflbU8j5CCrtESzOlOrkJaJPormf/ViixRbftae2RqaDozPSEp9zSnfDKlKDXRq==
    • Encrypt secrets defined in a properties file


      apictl secret create -f ./keys/
    • Response

      db_password : JVlyw8j9TQqoPFTQUnKxNoGJn9p4+gGCHkkyHt2jXGVZoe60xndi2GjBJ1roR6667dlynhABXbcv434DFjz3ZI0iRjg1QhJLoXNtttSFl7KtyNDk5VtRMPDqAckheJAJe02KjWgdZXszEzjtBd6o2mY1nipsWBat3cOq0kt==
      admin_password : gPImOAX1zwHu3malMHm0+Zy5WEcfKpUSmxJ2ZXfI3bi1yIZbHjrHUxiY+MKurTWRN8GJ6+EVL==
    • Encrypt secrets defined in a properties file and get a .yaml file


      apictl secret create -o k8 -f ./keys/
    • Response

      Kubernetes secret file created in apictl/security/wso2-secrets.yaml with default name and namespace
      You can change the default values as required before applying.