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Configure Business Rules Deployment

Configuring Business Rules Deployment

The Business Rules Manager derives business rules from the rule templates within template groups. Each rule template has a UUID(Universally Unique Identifier) for the purpose of uniquely identifying it. When you configure a Streaming Integrator node to use a specific rule template, Siddhi applications deployed in the node are derived from the business rules created from that rule template.

To configure a Streaming Integrator node to use specific rules templates, follow the steps below:

  1. Open the <SI_TOOLING_HOME>/conf/server/deployment.yaml file.

  2. In the -> deployment_configs: section, provide the URL(s) of the Streaming Integrator node(s) in which you want to deploy Siddhi applications. The required format is <HOST_NAME>:<PORT>.

        - <NODE1_HOST_NAME>:<NODE1_PORT>


         - localhost:9090

  3. List down the UUIDs of required rule templates under each node. As a result, Siddhi applications are created out of the business rules that are derived from these templates for the required nodes.

         - <NODE1_HOST_NAME>:<NODE1_PORT>:
             - ruleTemplate1_UUID
             - ruleTemplate2_UUID
             - ruleTemplate3_UUID

         - localhost:9090:
            - sweet-production-kpi-analysis
            - stock-exchange-input
            - stock-exchange-output


    If required, you can enter a specific rule template under multiple nodes as shown below. Before doing so, ensure the you have selected Many for the Instance Count field of the template. For more information, see Creating a Business Rules Template.

    yaml deployment_configs: - <NODE1_HOST_NAME>:<NODE1_PORT>: - ruleTemplate1_UUID - ruleTemplate2_UUID - ruleTemplate3_UUID <NODE2_HOST_NAME>:<NODE2_PORT>: - ruleTemplate1_UUID - ruleTemplate3_UUID <NODE3_HOST_NAME>:<NODE3_PORT>: - ruleTemplate2_UUID - ruleTemplate3_UUID - ruleTemplate4_UUID

    e.g., yaml deployment_configs: - localhost:9090: - sweet-production-kpi-analysis - stock-exchange-input - stock-exchange-output - identifying-continuous-production-decrease - sweet-production-kpi-analysis

    In the above example, the sweet-production-kpi-analysis UUID is configured under two Streaming Integrator nodes. Therefore, if you derive a business rule from the sweet-production-kpi-analysis template, the Siddhi applications created from it are deployed in both the nodes.

  4. Specify the username and password that are common for all the Streaming Integrator nodes.

     username: admin
     password: admin

The complete deployment configuration for Business Rules looks as follows.
        datasource: BUSINESS_RULES_DB
            - localhost:9090:
                - stock-data-analysis
                - stock-exchange-input
                - stock-exchange-output
                - identifying-continuous-production-decrease
                - sweet-production-kpi-analysis
        username: admin
        password: admin