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CI/CD for APIs - Using the CLI

When you implement CI/CD for your APIs, there are two approaches you can use.

  • Using the CLI

    WSO2 API Manager (WSO2 API-M) supports OpenAPI/Swagger specifications to create APIs. WSO2 API Controller (apictl) can generate projects with Swagger/OpenAPI specifications without using the API Publisher in WSO2 API-M. This powerful feature can be used to design pipelines that depend on Swagger/OpenAPI specifications.

    Based on the API Project generation, a powerful pipeline for API automation can be developed using OpenAPI/Swagger. This allows rapid API development and increases developer productivity.

    To migrate APIs using the Developer First approach via CI/CD carry out the steps 1, 4, 5, 6 and 7 in sequential order, which is listed under the Building blocks for creating a CI/CD pipeline section.

  • Using the Publisher and CLI

    API Developers can use the API Publisher in WSO2 API-M to create APIs in a lower environment. CI/CD for WSO2 API-M relies on a Version Control system that acts as a Single Source of Truth for the pipeline. Therefore, after the API Developer exports the APIs from the lower environment, the API Developer can commit the exported API artifacts to a source code management repository, run the tests in the lower environment, promote the APIs to an upper environment and generate keys for promoted APIs. This process of promoting the API seamlessly to multiple environments can be automated via the apictl tool and other CI/CD tools (e.g., Jenkins, GitHub). The apictl tool makes this process simpler as it handles per environment-related configurations.

    To migrate the existing APIs using the API Publisher via CI/CD carry out the steps mentioned in 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 and 7 in sequential order, which is listed under the Building blocks for creating a CI/CD pipeline section.

Building blocks for creating a CI/CD pipeline

Let us check out the basic building blocks for creating a CI/CD pipeline with WSO2 API-M in sequential order.

Step 1 - Prepare the environments

  1. Download and install WSO2 API-M in your environments.

    For more information, see Installation Prerequisites.

  2. Download and setup apictl.

    For more information, see Download and initialize the apictl.

  3. Add WSO2 API-M environments using the add env command.


    apictl add env dev \
                --apim https://localhost:9443 
    apictl add env prod \
                --apim https://localhost:9444 
    apictl add env dev --apim https://localhost:9443 
    apictl add env prod --apim https://localhost:9444 

    For more information, see Add an environment.


    apictl add-env command has been deprecated from apictl 4.0.0 onwards. Instead use apictl add env as shown above.

Step 2 - Create, Deploy and Publish an API in a lower environment

Now, you have added two different environments. Our end goal is to automate the API migration between the dev and prod environments. Therefore, first, the API should be created with relevant information, create a new revision, deploy the revision in relevant gateways and publish in the dev environment using the API Publisher in WSO2 API-M. For more information on deploying an API in the WSO2 API-M, see the Quick Start Guide.

For this example, let us use the Swagger Petstore - OpenAPI 3.0.

  1. Sign in to the WSO2 API Publisher.

    https://<hostname>:9443/publisher (e.g., https://localhost:9443/publisher)

  2. Click Create API and then click Import Open API.

  3. Provide the OpenAPI URL ( and proceed to the next step.

  4. Define the API name as SwaggerPetstore and Version as 1.0.0 and click on the Create button (For more information, see Create a REST API from an Open API Definition).

  5. Go to the API Configurations > Endpoints and enter the backend URLs for the Production and Sandbox environments.

    For this example, let us use the following endpoints.


  6. Go to the Portal Configurations > Subscriptions, select business plain and save the API.

    For this example, let us select the plan Gold.

  7. Deploy and Publish the API.

Step 3 - Export an API from a lower environment

The apictl can export an API as an archive from a lower environment (i.e., dev), which contains all the information to recreate the API on another upper environment (i.e., prod).

  1. Sign in to the WSO2 API-M in the lower environment via the apictl.


    apictl login dev -u admin -p admin 

    For more information, see Login to an Environment.


    A user with Internal/devops role or admin role are allowed to export APIs. To create a custom user who can export APIs, refer Steps to Create a Custom User who can Perform API Controller Operations.

  2. Export the latest revision of the API from the lower environment using the export api command.


    apictl export api -e dev -n SwaggerPetstore -v 1.0.0 --provider admin --latest

    For more information, see Export an API.


    • Here we are assuming that the latest revision is up to date with all the changes. If needed, you can remove the --latest flag and export the working copy without deployment information.
    • apictl export-api command has been deprecated from apictl 4.0.0 onwards. Instead use apictl export api as shown above.
  3. Extract the content (API will be exported as an archive to the <USER_HOME>/.wso2apictl/exported/apis/dev/ directory). After extraction, you will find a directory named SwaggerPetstore-1.0.0.

Step 4 - Initialize the project using a Swagger/OpenAPI specification

Execute the following command to directly generate the PetstoreAPI project using a Swagger/OpenAPI specification. (You can download the Swagger/OpenAPI specification from here.


apictl init SwaggerPetstore-1.0.0 --oas path/to/openapi.json
  • This generates an API project in the SwaggerPetstore-1.0.0 directory using the provided specification. This project can be directly imported into the WSO2 API-M.
  • The apictl allows further customization to the project initialization using a template file. Organization-specific common details can be added into this template file and shared across developers to increase productivity.
  • To further fine tune API creation, an additional API Definition file can be used. This definition file supports detecting environment variables during the creation process. It can be combined with scripting to develop powerful tools for automating API Project creation.
  • Using this method, the Swagger/OpenAPI specification becomes a single source of truth for API deployment. By combining templating and the definition file, the automation servers can be configured to initialize API Projects from Swagger/OpenAPI specifications and also have custom parameter files. This reduces human intervention and boosts productivity.
  • For example, when an organization depends on a microservices architecture, this method can be utilized to create an automated pipeline to move Swagger/OpenAPI specifications to upper environments.

For more information on initializing an API Project using OpenAPI/Swagger Specification, see Initialize an API Project.

Open the api.yaml and api_meta.yaml files inside the SwaggerPetstore-1.0.0 repository in a text editor, and change the name and version to SwaggerPetstore and 1.0.0 accordingly in each file, for easy reference.

Step 5 - Prepare an API project for CI/CD

Create two (2) repositories in your Version Control System. You can give any names to these repositories, but in this example we will be naming those as Source and Deployment. Note that, Deployment repository is only needed if you want to Configure Environment Specific Parameters.

  1. Copy the created/exported API project into the Source repository.

    • If you are using the Dev First approach - Copy the initialized project directory.
    • If you are using the Publisher based approach - Copy the extracted project directory.
  2. Follow the below steps if you want to define the environment-specific details for the API.

    1. Generate the deployment artifacts directory for the API project using the below command.

      apictl gen deployment-dir -s path/to/Source/SwaggerPetstore-1.0.0 -d path/to/Deployment

      The generated individual deployment repository with the name DeploymentArtifacts_SwaggerPetstore-1.0.0 can be found inside the Deployment repository. For more information, see Generating the Deployment Directory.

      In this example, let's define the backend URLs using the parameters file inside the generated deployment repository.

    2. Open the params.yaml inside the DeploymentArtifacts_SwaggerPetstore-1.0.0 in a text editor and define the and as the backend URLs.


          - name: dev
                        url: ''
                        url: ''
          - name: prod
                        url: ''
                        url: ''


      • The tool reduces the pipeline’s complexity and provides a simple and powerful mechanism to handle environment-specific configurations.
      • For more information on the parameters file of an API, see Defining the parameters file for an API.
      • For more information on the parameters file of an API Products, see Defining the parameters file for an API Product.
      • The apictl supports detecting environment variables defined. If an environment variable is not set, the tool will fail. Also, the system will request the user for a set of required environment variables to ensure that information is not missing during the migration process. For more information, see Using Dynamic Data in apictl Projects.
      • It is recommended to store API and environment-specific parameters in separate repositories (i.e, Source and Deployment).
  3. Commit the changes to the version control system.

Step 6 - Import the API to an upper environment

The Automation Server can be configured to run a specific pipeline for promoting artifacts to other environments. The DevOps team can develop this pipeline further to include automated tests, workflow approvals, and other tasks.

The apictl tool should be installed in the automation servers to begin the process. As the tool supports a variety of platforms, including Linux/Windows and macOS, this can be done easily.

a. Promoting APIs in a Git repository to upper environments via CI/CD

The repositories (Source and Deployment) that you committed the project files in the above step 5 need to be cloned into the instance that is executing the CI/CD process. The apictl has inbuilt support for integrating with a Git-based version control system. It gives a unified command vcs deploy to deploy any type of project (e.g., APIs, API Products, and Applications).

  1. Set the Source and the Deployment directory paths.

    apictl set --vcs-source-repo-path path/to/Source
    apictl set --vcs-deployment-repo-path path/to/Deployment


    • Setting the Source repository path is mandatory before executing vcs deploy in the latter steps.
    • If you do not want environment specific information to be maintained, you do not need to maintain a Deployment repository, only the Source repository will be enough. Hence, setting the Deployment repository path is optional.
    • If you have not set the Deployment Repository path, only the artifacts inside the Source Repository will be considered when pushing to the environment when the vcs deploy command is executed.

  2. Navigate to the Source directory.

    cd path/to/Source

  3. As this is the first time that the Source repository is used for Git Integration functionality of apictl, run vcs init command to initialize the repository with apictl. This needs to run only once for the repository.


    apictl vcs init
    Successfully initialized GIT repository

    Once vcs init command is executed, a new file vcs.yaml will be created in the root location of the repository.

    Make sure to commit this file to the repository.


    • vcs.yaml will contain a unique identifier for the repository which is used to store deployed commits related meta-information.

  4. Run vcs status command to see the available changes that needs to be deployed to the production environment (You can do the same by navigating and executing the below command in the Deployment repository as well).


    apictl vcs status -e prod
    Projects to Deploy (1)
    APIs (1) ...
    1: [save]       SwaggerPetstore-1.0.0: (SwaggerPetstore-1.0.0)
  5. If you have a Deployment repository, perform the steps a(2) - a(4) for that as well.

  6. Import the SwaggerPetstore API into the production environment by running the following sample command.



    apictl vcs deploy -e prod
    Deploying Projects (1)...
    APIs (1) ...
    1: SwaggerPetstore-1.0.0: (SwaggerPetstore-1.0.0)
    Successfully imported API.

    The above command will detect the target environment and provision the API to it.

    If you run vcs deploy command again, you will see the following output indicating that the deployment is already up-to-date.


    apictl vcs deploy -e prod
    Everything is up-to-date
  7. Adding a new API to the Git repository

    Multiple APIs can be promoted through CI/CD by committing the respective API projects and the deployment artifacts to the repositories.

    1. Create another API Project (Pizzashack-1.0.0) by following the steps (2,3) OR 4.

    2. Follow the steps in 5 to copy the created project to the Source repository and generate the individual deployment repository if needed.

    3. Commit all the new changes in both the Source and the Deployment repositories.

    4. Navigate to the Source repository and run vcs status command to verify the new project addition (You can do the same by navigating to the Deployment repository as well).

      apictl vcs status -e prod
      Projects to Deploy (1)
      APIs (1) ...
      1: [save]       Pizzashack-1.0.0: (Pizzashack-1.0.0)
    5. Run vcs deploy command to deploy the new API to the production environment.

      apictl vcs deploy -e prod
      Deploying Projects (1)...
      APIs (1) ...
      1: Pizzashack-1.0.0: (Pizzashack-1.0.0)
      Successfully imported API.

      Here, apictl will deploy only the new API Pizzashack-1.0.0 without re-deploying the other unchanged API SwaggerPetstore-1.0.0.


    For deploying an API using vcs deploy command:

    • It is mandatory to have your API projects in a Git based version control system.
    • The directories inside the Source repository should have the naming format <API_Name>-<API_Version>.
    • The directories inside the Deployment repository should have the naming format DeploymentArtifacts_<API_Name>-<API_Version>.
    • It is mandatory to have api_meta.yaml file either inside the Soure API Project (This is created by default when you export an API using export api or initialized an API Project using init) or inside the individual deployment repository (This is created when you generate the individual deployment repository using the apictl gen deployment-dir command).
    • During the vcs deploy, if the api_meta.yaml is inside both the source API project and the individual deployment repository, the priority will be given to the file that is inside the individual deployment repository.
    • The following configuration section in the api_meta.yaml file is used to deploy the API.
              preserveProvider: true
              rotateRevision: false
              update: true
      You can change the above fields accordingly.
      Field Description
      preserveProvider Preserve the existing provider of the API after importing it
      rotateRevision When importing (updating) the API multiple times, if the maximum revision limit reached, delete the oldest revision and create a new revision
      update Used to specify whether to update the API if it already exists during the deployment

b. Promoting a single API via CI/CD to upper environments

You can use the following alternative approach to promote a single API via CI/CD. This method is ideal if your CI/CD pipeline is not built based on Git.

  1. Import the SwaggerPetstore API into the production environment and test the API by running the following sample command.


    apictl import api -f path/to/Source/SwaggerPetstore-1.0.0 -e prod --preserve-provider=false --update=true --rotate-revision --params path/to/Deployment/DeploymentArtifacts_SwaggerPetstore-1.0.0


    • When the --update flag is present, WSO2 API-M will attempt to seamlessly update if an existing API is found with the same name and version. Here, the Current API (Working Copy) will get updated. Meanwhile, if you have specified deployment gateway environments related information (i. e, if the deployment_environments.yaml is specified inside the Source project, or if you have mentioned those details in the parameters file in the Deployment repository), a new revision will be created during the import. If the maximum number of revisions (5) reached for the API and --rotate-revision flag is present, the earliest revision for that API will be deleted and a new revision will be created.
    • The import command prepares an API Project for WSO2 API-M by processing the parameter file. It determines which configuration should be processed to create an API Project by detecting the environment that has been used to import it. Note that, if you do not need to overwrite the parameters using the Deployment repository, no need to specify the params file path.
    • For more information on importing an API to an environment, see Import an API.
    • apictl import-api command has been deprecated from apictl 4.0.0 onwards. Instead use apictl import api as shown above.

    The above command will detect the target environment and provision the API to it.

  2. Sign in to the WSO2 API Publisher.

    https://<hostname>:9444/publisher (e.g., https://localhost:9444/publisher)

  3. Check the details of the API.

    You will see that the API has been imported with correct environment-specific details that you defined.

    • If you have followed the steps 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 and 7, then you can see that your API is in the PUBLISHED state.
    • If you have followed the steps 1, 4, 5, 6 and 7, then you can see that your API is in the CREATED state.


  • When exporting an API, the apictl tool will also export the API’s lifecycle status. When importing to another environment, this lifecycle status will be preserved. This ensures that the API has the same state across environments.

  • For example, if an API is in the PUBLISHED state in the development environment, it will also be in the same state in the testing environment. This default behavior can be changed via the apictl tool, which assigns APIs the CREATED state after importing. See Change status of an API or API Product in an environment for more information.

Step 7 - Get keys for an API/API Product

Follow the instructions below to generate a JWT/OAuth token for testing purposes using apictl in order to invoke an API or an API Product by subscribing to it using a new application created by apictl.


Run any of the following apictl commands to get keys for the API/API Product.

  • Command

    apictl get keys -n <API or API Product name> -v <API version> -r <API or API Product provider> -e <environment> 
    apictl get keys --name <API or API Product name> --version <API version> --provider <API or API Product provider> --environment <environment> 


    apictl get keys -n PizzaShackAPI -e dev 


    apictl get keys -n PizzaShackAPI -v 1.0.0 -e dev  -r admin -t https://localhost:9443/oauth2/token



    • Required :
      --environment or -e : Key generation environment
      --name or -n : API or API Product to generate keys for
    • Optional :
      --token or -t : New token endpoint of the environment (This overrides the previously provided token endpoint that was provided using the add env command)
      --provider or -r : Provider of the API or API Product
      --version or -v : Version of the API (Currently API Products do not have versions)


    • Both the flags (--name (-n) and --environment (-e)) are mandatory.

    • You can override the given token endpoint or the default token endpoint using the --token (-t) optional flag together with the new token endpoint.

    • apictl get-keys command has been deprecated from the API Controller 4.0.0 onwards. Instead use apictl get keys as shown above.


  • Upon running the above command, the apictl tool will create a default application in the environment, subscribe to the API, and generate keys based on the token type defined in the <USER_HOME>/.wso2apictl/main-config.yamlfile.
  • Using apictl tool the HTTP request timeout, and export directory can be set up and changed. For more information on changing the HTTP request timeout, see Set HTTP request timeout and Set export directory accordingly.
  • When running the above command, if you have not specified the --version (-v), the tool will consider the version as 1.0.0 by default. If you have specified the version, then that value will be considered.

Step 8 - Extending a CI/CD pipeline to support API Products

For example, let us consider there is an API Product PetsInfo in the development environment with a subset of operations of SwaggerPetstore API.

  1. Export the API Product using export api-product command from the development environment (dev). For more information, see Export an API Product.

    apictl export api-product -n PetsInfo -v 1.0.0 -e dev --latest
    Successfully exported API Product!
    Find the exported API Product at /home/wso2user/.wso2apictl/exported/api-products/dev/
  2. Extract the exported API Product Project.

  3. Similar to APIs, follow the steps in 5 to copy the created project to the Source repository and generate the individual deployment repository if needed.

  4. Commit all the new changes in both the Source and the Deployment repositories.

  5. Run vcs status command to see the available changes that needs to be deployed to the production environment.


    apictl vcs status -e prod
    Projects to Deploy (1)
    API Products (1) ...
    1: [save]       PetsInfo-1.0.0: (PetsInfo-1.0.0)


    If you haven't initialized the repository with API Controller, you will get the below error.

    apictl vcs status -e prod
    apictl: The repository info: vcs.yaml is not found in the repository root. If this is the first time you are using this repo, please initialize it with 'vcs init'.
    Exit status 1

    make sure to follow Promoting APIs in a Git repository to upper environments via CI/CD - Step 2 to initialize the repository.

  6. Import the PetsInfo Product into the production environment by running the following sample command.


    apictl vcs deploy -e prod
    Deploying Projects (1)...
    API Products (1) ...
    1: PetsInfo-1.0.0: (PetsInfo-1.0.0)
    Successfully imported API Product

    The above command will detect the target environment and create the PetsInfo Product in the target environment.


    For deploying an API using vcs deploy command:

    • It is mandatory to have your API Product projects in a Git based version control system.
    • The directories inside the Source repository should have the naming format <API_Product_Name>-<API_Product_Version> (Since API Products do not have a version, the API_Product_Version should be 1.0.0 by default).
    • The directories inside the Deployment repository should have the naming format DeploymentArtifacts_<API_Product_Name>-<API_Product_Version>.
    • It is mandatory to have api_product_meta.yaml file either inside the Soure API Product Project (This is created by default when you export an API using export api product) or inside the individual deployment repository (This is created when you generate the individual deployment repository using the apictl gen deployment-dir command).
    • During the vcs deploy, if the api_product_meta.yaml is inside both the source API Product project and the individual deployment repository, the priority will be given to the file that is inside the individual deployment repository.
    • The following configuration section in the api_product_meta.yaml file is used to deploy the API Product.
              importApis: true
              preserveProvider: true
              rotateRevision: false
              updateApiProduct: true
      You can change the above fields accordingly.
      Field Description
      importApis Import the dependant API(s) along with the API Product if the dependant API(s) are not available in the target environment
      preserveProvider Preserve the existing provider of the API Product after importing it
      rotateRevision When importing (updating) the API Product multiple times, if the maximum revision limit reached, delete the oldest revision and create a new revision
      updateApiProduct Used to specify whether to update the API Product if it already exists during deployment


    Multiple API product projects can be promoted through CI/CD by committing them to the same repository.

Step 9 - Extending a CI/CD pipeline to support applications

Let us assume that the PetsApp application is in the development environment which is already subscribed to the SwaggerPetstore API.

  1. Export the Application using the export app command from the development environment (dev). Note that --with-keys option is used to export the subscriptions and keys (if any) of the application.

    apictl export app --name PetsApp --owner david -e dev --with-keys
    Successfully exported Application!
    Find the exported Application at /home/wso2user/.wso2apictl/exported/apps/dev/


    apictl export-app command has been deprecated from the API Controller 4.0.0 onwards. Instead use apictl export app as shown above.

  2. Extract the exported Application Project.

  3. Commit the project to the same git repository.
  4. Run the vcs status command to see the available changes that need to be deployed to the production environment.


    apictl vcs status -e prod
    Projects to Deploy (1)
    Applications (1) ...
    1: [save]       PetsApp: (PetsApp)


    If you haven't initialized the repository with API Controller, you will get the below error.

    apictl vcs status -e prod
    apictl: The repository info: vcs.yaml is not found in the repository root. If this is the first time you are using this repo, please initialize it with 'vcs init'.
    Exit status 1

    make sure to follow Promoting APIs in a Git repository to upper environments via CI/CD - Step 2 to initialize the repository.

  5. Import the PetsApp Application into the production environment by running the following sample command.


    apictl vcs deploy -e prod
    Deploying Projects (1)...
    Applications (1) ...
    1: PetsApp: (PetsApp)
    Successfully imported Application

    The above command will detect the target environment and create the application in the target environment.


    For deploying an application using vcs deploy command:

    • It is mandatory to have your Application projects in a Git based version control system.
    • It is mandatory to have application_params.yaml file inside each application project. This is created by default when you export an Application using export app. The following configuration section in the application_params.yaml file is used to deploy the application.
            update: true
            preserveOwner: true
            skipSubscriptions: false
            skipKeys: true

    You can change the above fields accordingly.

    Field Description
    update Used to specify whether to update the application if it already exists during the deployment
    preserveOwner Preserve existing owner of the application after importing it
    skipSubscriptions Specifies whether to import the subscriptions of the application
    skipKeys Specifies whether to import the credentials of the application


    Multiple applications could be promoted through CI/CD by committing those application projects to the same repository.

Now, you know the building blocks of creating a CI/CD pipeline using apictl. By using the above, you can create an automated pipeline for API promotion between environments using either one of the latter mentioned approaches.


Next let us use the above knowledge to create a Jenkins CI/CD Pipeline with WSO2 API Management for a Dev First Approach.