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Monitoring with OpenTelemetry

WSO2 API Manager supports a deployment architecture that has distributed components. As a result, tracing a message is important to debug and observe a message path so that you know where it originates. This setup is known as distributed tracing. OpenTelemetry allows you to enable distributed tracing for WSO2 API Manager.

OpenTelemetry is a single set of APIs and libraries that standardize how telemetry data such as traces, metrics and logs are collected, transmitted and managed. It provides a secure, vendor-neutral specification for instrumentation and offers a way for developers to follow the thread — to trace requests from beginning to end across touchpoints and understand distributed systems at scale. OpenTelemetry will also help to trace the message and identify the latencies that took place in each process or method. Thereby, OpenTelemetry will help you to carry out a time-related analysis, allowing for a multitude of ways to retrieve instrumented data. These are listed below:

  • Jaeger
  • Zipkin
  • Log
  • OTLP

For more information, see OpenTelemetry Configurations.


At a time, only one of the below types can be enabled.


OTEL_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTES can be used to set resource attributes such as deployment.environment and This can be done in one of the following ways:

  • Via deployment.toml.

    name = ""
    value = "MyService"
    name = "deployment.environment"
    value = "Production"
  • Via the OTEL_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTES environment variable (as per the OpenTelemetry spec).

    export OTEL_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTES=deployment.environment=Production,

When a resource attribute is given via both the deployment.toml and the OTEL_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTES environment variable, the value of the attribute given via the environment variable will replace the value given via deployment.toml.

Enabling Jaeger Tracing

  1. Copy the following configuration into the deployment.toml file.

    remote_tracer.enable = true = "jaeger"
    remote_tracer.hostname = "<hostname-of-jaeger-endpoint>"
    remote_tracer.port = "<port-of-jaeger-endpoint>"
    remote_tracer.enable = true = "jaeger"
    remote_tracer.hostname = "localhost"
    remote_tracer.port = 14250
  2. Start the server.

    After you invoke the APIs you will see the tracing data in Jaeger as follow:

    Distributed tracing jaeger

Enabling Zipkin Tracing

  1. Copy the following configuration into the deployment.toml file.

    remote_tracer.enable = true = "zipkin"
    remote_tracer.hostname = "<hostname-of-zikin-endpoint>"
    remote_tracer..port = "<port-of-zipkin-endpoint>"
    remote_tracer.enable = true = "zipkin"
    remote_tracer.hostname = "localhost"
    remote_tracer.port = 9411
  2. Start the server.

    After you invoke the APIs you will see the tracing data in Zipkin as follow:

    Distributed tracing zipkin

Enabling Log Tracing

  1. Copy the following configuration into the deployment.toml file.

    remote_tracer.enable = false
    log_tracer.enable = true
  2. Start the server.

    After you invoke the APIs you will be able to see tracing data in the wso2-apimgt-open-tracing.log in the <API-M_HOME>/repository/logs folder.

12:54:29,882 [-] [BatchSpanProcessor_WorkerThread-1] TRACE {"Span Id":"b33fdfe6a7eadba1","Tracer Id":"507aeb1eecfbdc794d17f4e75ccb8ab0","Operation":"OPTIONS--/menu","Latency":"44ms","Tags":"{}"}
12:54:29,882 [-] [BatchSpanProcessor_WorkerThread-1] TRACE {"Span Id":"ce4a4b3d6f559c09","Tracer Id":"507aeb1eecfbdc794d17f4e75ccb8ab0","Operation":"PizzaShackAPI--1.0.0--carbon.super","Latency":"50ms","Tags":"AttributesMap{data={, span.request.path=pizzashack/1.0.0/menu, span.api.version=1.0.0,, span.request.method=OPTIONS, span.resource=/menu}, capacity=128, totalAddedValues=6}"}
12:54:29,883 [-] [BatchSpanProcessor_WorkerThread-1] TRACE {"Span Id":"de8cb3899a718d0e","Tracer Id":"507aeb1eecfbdc794d17f4e75ccb8ab0","Operation":"API:CORS_Request_Latency","Latency":"36ms","Tags":"{}"}
12:54:29,883 [-] [BatchSpanProcessor_WorkerThread-1] TRACE {"Span Id":"a1fd2c399b4889a5","Tracer Id":"728e26aac8a02d5455dfa0b49fa91950","Operation":"API:CORS_Request_Latency","Latency":"0ms","Tags":"{}"}
12:54:34,884 [-] [BatchSpanProcessor_WorkerThread-1] TRACE {"Span Id":"c5306e2887b306aa","Tracer Id":"728e26aac8a02d5455dfa0b49fa91950","Operation":"API:Key_Validation_Latency","Latency":"389ms","Tags":"{}"}
12:54:34,884 [-] [BatchSpanProcessor_WorkerThread-1] TRACE {"Span Id":"281153e5db3b4fdb","Tracer Id":"728e26aac8a02d5455dfa0b49fa91950","Operation":"API:Throttle_Latency","Latency":"8ms","Tags":"{}"}
12:54:34,884 [-] [BatchSpanProcessor_WorkerThread-1] TRACE {"Span Id":"db4b766e53f952ed","Tracer Id":"728e26aac8a02d5455dfa0b49fa91950","Operation":"API:Google_Analytics_Latency","Latency":"1ms","Tags":"{}"}
12:54:34,884 [-] [BatchSpanProcessor_WorkerThread-1] TRACE {"Span Id":"d54215c55916bd0e","Tracer Id":"728e26aac8a02d5455dfa0b49fa91950","Operation":"API:Request_Mediation_Latency","Latency":"1ms","Tags":"{}"}
12:54:34,884 [-] [BatchSpanProcessor_WorkerThread-1] TRACE {"Span Id":"2868d6d916ea4835","Tracer Id":"728e26aac8a02d5455dfa0b49fa91950","Operation":"API:Backend_Latency","Latency":"997ms","Tags":"AttributesMap{data={span.endpoint=https://localhost:9443/am/sample/pizzashack/v1/api/}, capacity=128, totalAddedValues=1}"}
12:54:34,884 [-] [BatchSpanProcessor_WorkerThread-1] TRACE {"Span Id":"f270eb01657f95de","Tracer Id":"728e26aac8a02d5455dfa0b49fa91950","Operation":"API:Response_Mediation_Latency","Latency":"0ms","Tags":"{}"}
12:54:34,884 [-] [BatchSpanProcessor_WorkerThread-1] TRACE {"Span Id":"e46a76de4992f371","Tracer Id":"728e26aac8a02d5455dfa0b49fa91950","Operation":"GET--/menu","Latency":"1426ms","Tags":"{}"}
12:54:34,884 [-] [BatchSpanProcessor_WorkerThread-1] TRACE {"Span Id":"e1a28540ebf22850","Tracer Id":"728e26aac8a02d5455dfa0b49fa91950","Operation":"PizzaShackAPI--1.0.0--carbon.super","Latency":"1426ms","Tags":"AttributesMap{data={, span.request.path=pizzashack/1.0.0/menu, span.api.version=1.0.0,, span.consumerkey=xTShCMSaKY04lhxY4b0lMfLYHewa, span.request.method=GET, span.resource=/menu}, capacity=128, totalAddedValues=7}"}

Enabling OTLP Tracing

  • Copy the following configuration into the deployment.toml file.

    remote_tracer.enable = true = "otlp"
    remote_tracer.url = "<endpoint-url>"
    name = "<name-of-the-header>"
    value = "<key-value-of-the-header>"
    remote_tracer.enable = true = "otlp"
    remote_tracer.url = ""
    name = "api-key"
    value = "<key-value-of-the-header>"


    Above example illustrates the OpenTelemetry configurations for NewRelic APM.

For Elastic APM the URL can be taken from, Edit Elastic APM integration -> Settings -> General -> Server configuration -> Url after creating an account in Elastic and the name will be "Authorization" and the value can be either "Bearer <Secret-token>" or "ApiKey <Elastic-apm-key>".


The secret token can be taken from Edit Elastic APM integration -> Settings -> Agent authorization -> Secret Token and an Elastic APM key can be created from Menu -> Stack Management > Security -> API Keys -> Create API Key.


For other vendors, please consult the respective documentations.

Using the Custom Tracer Implementation

You can use any tracing server with a custom tracer implementation in WSO2 API Manager to publish your tracing data. let's implement a custom tracer in WSO2 API Manager for it using the instructions given below:

Implement the org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.tracing.telemetry.APIMOpenTelemetry interface and add your implementation. The following are the methods that the APIMOpenTelemetry interface uses to carry out various related operations.

Method Description
init Provide the service name to this method as a parameter and configure an instance of OpenTelemetrySdk.
getAPIMOpenTelemetry Returns the initialized OpenTelemetry instance.
getTelemetryTracer Returns the initialized tracer instance.
getName Returns the name of the type.
close Shutdown the SDK cleanly at JVM exit.

For more information view manually instrumented Jaeger tracer.

  1. Build the Maven project and add the JAR file to the <API-M_HOME>/repository/components/dropins directory.

  2. Add the following configuration into the deployment.toml file.

    remote_tracer.enable = true = "<custom-tracer-name>"
  3. Add any external JAR files to the <API-M_HOME>/repository/components/lib directory if required.

  4. Start the server.