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Siddhi Application Management APIs

Creating a Siddhi application


Description Creates a new Siddhi Application.
API Context /siddhi-apps
Request/Response format Request : text/plain
Response : application/json
Authentication Basic
Username admin
Password admin
Runtime server/tooling

curl command syntax

curl -X POST "https://<HOST_NAME>:<PORT>/siddhi-apps" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: text/plain" -d @{appName} -u <SI_USERNAME>:<SI_PASSWORD> -k

Sample curl command

curl -X POST "https://localhost:9443/siddhi-apps" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: text/plain" -d @TestSiddhiApp.siddhi -u admin:admin -k

Sample output

The response for the sample curl command given above can be one of the following.

  • If API request is valid and there is no existing Siddhi application with the given name, a response similar to the following is generated with response code 201. This response contains a location header with the path of the newly created file from product root home.

      "message":"Siddhi App saved succesfully and will be deployed in next deployment cycle"
  • If the API request is valid, but a Siddhi application with the given name already exists,  a response similar to the following is generated with response code 409.

      "type": "conflict",
      "message": "There is a Siddhi App already exists with same name" 
  • If the API request is invalid due to invalid content in the Siddhi queries you have included in the request body,  a response similar to the following is generated is generated with response code 400.

      "code": 800101,
      "type": "validation error",
      "message": "You have an error in your SiddhiQL at line 8:8, missing INTO at 'BarStream'" 
  • If the API request is valid, but an exception occurred during file processing or saving, the following response is generated with response code 500.

      "code": 800102,
      "type": "file processing error",
      "message": <error-message>


HTTP Status Code

Possible codes are 201, 409, 400, and 500.

For descriptions of the HTTP status codes, see HTTP Status Codes .

Updating a Siddhi Application


Description Updates a Siddhi Application.
API Context /siddhi-apps
Request/Response format Request : text/plain
Response : application/json
Authentication Basic
Username admin
Password admin
Runtime server/tooling

curl command syntax

curl -X PUT "http://<HOST_NAME>:<PORT>/siddhi-apps" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: text/plain" -d @{appName}.siddhi -u admin:admin -k

Sample curl command

curl -X PUT "https://localhost:9443/siddhi-apps" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: text/plain" -d @TestSiddhiApp.siddhi -u admin:admin -k

Sample output

  • If the API request is valid and the specified Siddhi application is successfully updated, the following response is returned with response code 200.

      "message":"Siddhi App updated succesfully and will be deployed in next deployment cycle"}
  • If the API request is invalid due to invalid content in the Siddhi query, a response similar to the following is returned with response code 400.

      "code": 800101,
      "type": "validation error",
      "message": "You have an error in your SiddhiQL at line 8:8, missing INTO at 'BarStream'" 
  • If the API request is valid, but an exception occurred when saving or processing files, a response similar to the following is returned with response code 500.

      "code": 800102,
      "type": "file processing error",
      "message": <error-message>


HTTP Status Code

Possible codes are 200, 201, 400, and 500.

For descriptions of the HTTP status codes, see HTTP Status Codes .

Deleting a Siddhi application


Description Delete an existing Siddhi application.
API Context /siddhi-apps/{appName}
Request/Response format application/json
Authentication Basic
Username admin
Password admin
Runtime server/tooling

Parameter Description

Parameter Description
{appName} The name of the Siddhi application to be deleted.

curl command syntax

curl -X DELETE "http://<HOST_NAME>:<PORT>/siddhi-apps/{app-name}" -H "accept: application/json" -u admin:admin -k

Sample curl command

curl -X DELETE "https://localhost:9443/siddhi-apps/TestSiddhiApp" -H "accept: application/json" -u admin:admin -k

Sample output

The response for the sample curl command given above can be one of the following:

  • If the API request is valid and a Siddhi application with the given name exists, an empty response is received with response code 200.

  • If the API request is valid, but a Siddhi application with the given name is not deployed, the following response is received with response code 404.

      "type": "not found",
      "message": "There is no Siddhi App exist with provided name : TestExecutionPlan1" 
  • If the API request is valid, but an exception occurred when deleting the given Siddhi application, the following response is received with response code 500.

      "code": 800102,
      "type": "file processing error",
      "message": <error-message>
  • If the API request is valid, but there are restricted characters in the given Siddhi application name, the following response is received with response code 400.

      "code": 800101,
      "type": "validation error",
      "message": "File name contains restricted path elements . : ../../siddhiApp2'" 


HTTP Status Code

200, 404, 500 or 400.

For descriptions of the HTTP status codes, see HTTP Status Codes .

Listing all active Siddhi applications



Lists all the currently active Siddhi applications.

If the isActive=true parameter is set, all the active Siddhi Applications are listed. If not, all the inactive Siddhi applications are listed.

API Context /siddhi-apps
Request/Response format Request content type : any
Response content type : application/json
Authentication Basic
Username admin
Password admin
Runtime server/tooling

curl command syntax

curl -X GET "http://<HOST_NAME>:<PORT>/siddhi-apps" -H "accept: application/json" -u admin:admin -k

Sample curl command

curl -X GET "https://localhost:9443/siddhi-apps?isActive=true" -H "accept: application/json" -u admin:admin -k

Sample output

Possible responses are as follows:

  • If the API request is valid and there are Siddhi applications deployed in your WSO2 Streaming Integrator setup, a response similar to the following is returned with response code 200.

    ["TestExecutionPlan3", "TestExecutionPlan4"]
  • If the API request is valid, there are Siddhi applications deployed in your Streaming Integrator setup, and a query parameter is defined in the request, a response similar to the following is returned with response code 200. This response only contains Siddhi applications that are active.


    If these conditions are met, but the isActive parameter is set to false, the response contains only inactive Siddhi applications.

  • If the API request is valid, but there are no Siddhi applications deployed in your Streaming Integrator setup, the following response is returned.



HTTP Status Code


For descriptions of the HTTP status codes, see HTTP Status Codes .

Retrieving a specific Siddhi application


Description Retrieves the given Siddhi application.
API Context /siddhi-apps/{appName}
Request/Response format application/json
Authentication Basic
Username admin
Password admin
Runtime server/tooling

Parameter Description

Parameter Description
{appName} The name of the Siddhi application to be retrieved.

curl command syntax

curl -X GET "http://<HOST_NAME>:<PORT>/siddhi-apps/{app-name}" -H "accept: application/json" -u admin:admin -k

Sample curl command

curl -X GET "https://localhost:9443/siddhi-apps/SiddhiTestApp" -H "accept: application/json" -u admin:admin -k

Sample output

  • If the API request is valid and a Siddhi application of the given name exists, a response similar to the following is returned with response code 200.

      "content": "\n@Plan:name('TestExecutionPlan')\ndefine stream FooStream (symbol string, price float, volume long);\n\n@source(type='inMemory', topic='symbol', @map(type='passThrough'))Define stream BarStream (symbol string, price float, volume long);\n\nfrom FooStream\nselect symbol, price, volume\ninsert into BarStream;" 
  • If the API request is valid, but a Siddhi application of the given name is not deployed, a response similar to the following is returned with response code 404.

      "type": "not found",
      "message": "There is no Siddhi App exist with provided name : TestExecutionPlan1" 


HTTP Status Code

200 or 404

For descriptions of the HTTP status codes, see HTTP Status Codes .

Fetching the status of a Siddhi Application


Description This fetches the status of the specified Siddhi application.
API Context /siddhi-apps/{appName}/status
Request/Response format application/json
Authentication Basic
Username admin
Password admin
Runtime server/runtime

Parameter Description

Parameter Description
{appName} The name of the Siddhi application of which the status needs to be fetched.

curl command syntax

curl -X GET "http://<HOST_NAME>:<PORT>/siddhi-apps/{app-file-name}/status" -H "accept: application/json" -u admin:admin -k

Sample curl command

curl -X GET "https://localhost:9443/siddhi-apps/TestSiddhiApp/status" -H "accept: application/json" -u admin:admin -k

Sample output

  • If the Siddhi application is active, the following is returned with response code 200.

  • If the Siddhi application is inactive, the following is returned with response code 200.

  • If the Siddhi application does not exist, but the REST API call is valid, the following is returned with the response code 404.

      "type": "not found",
      "message": "There is no Siddhi App exist with provided name : TestExecutionPlan1" 


HTTP Status Code

200 or 404

For descriptions of the HTTP status codes, see HTTP Status Codes .

Taking a snapshot of a Siddhi Application


Description This takes a snapshot of the specific Siddhi application.
API Context /siddhi-apps/{appName}/backup
Request/Response format application/json
Authentication Basic
Username admin
Password admin
Runtime server/runtime

Parameter Description

Parameter Description
{appName} The name of the Siddhi application of which a snapshot needs to be taken.

curl command syntax

curl -X POST "http://<HOST_NAME>:<PORT>/siddhi-apps/{appName}/backup" -H "accept: application/json" -u admin:admin -k

Sample curl command

curl -X POST "https://localhost:9443/siddhi-apps/TestSiddhiApp/backup" -H "accept: application/json" -u admin:admin -k

Sample output

The output can be one of the following:

  • If the API request is valid and a Siddhi application exists with the given name, an output similar to the following (i.e., with the snapshot revision number) is returned with response code 201.

    {"revision": "89489242494242"} 
  • If the API request is valid, but no Siddhi application with the given name is deployed, an output similar to the following is returned with response code 404.

      "type": "not found",
      "message": "There is no Siddhi App exist with provided name : TestExecutionPlan1" 
  • If the API request is valid, but an exception has occurred when backing up the state at Siddhi level, an output similar to the following is returned with response code 500.

              "code": 800102,
              "type": "file processing error",
              "message": <error-message>


HTTP Status Code

201, 404, or 500.

For descriptions of the HTTP status codes, see HTTP Status Codes .

Restoring a Siddhi Application via a snapshot


In order to call this API, you need to have already taken a snapshot of the Siddhi application to be restored. For more information about the API via which the snapshot is taken, see Taking a snapshot of a Siddhi application.



This restores a Siddhi application using a previously taken snapshot of the same Siddhi Application.

API Context

  • To restore without considering the version : /siddhi-apps/{appName}/restore

  • To restore a specific version : /siddhi-apps/{appName}/restore?version=

HTTP Method


Request/Response format

Authentication Basic
Username admin
Password admin



Parameter Description

Parameter Description
{appName} The name of the Siddhi application that needs to be restored.

curl command syntax

curl -X POST "http://<HOST_NAME>:<PORT>/siddhi-apps/{appName}/restore" -H "accept: application/json" -u admin:admin -k

Sample curl command

curl -X POST "https://localhost:9443/siddhi-apps/TestSiddhiApp/restore?revision=1514981290838_TestSiddhiApp" -H "accept: application/json" -u admin:admin -k

Sample output

The above sample curl command can generate either one of the following responses:

  • If the API request is valid, a Siddhi application with the given name exists, and no revision information is passed as a query parameter, the following response is returned with response code 200.

      "type": "success",
      "message": "State restored to last revision for Siddhi App :TestExecutionPlan" 
  • If the API request is valid, a Siddhi application with the given name exists, and revision information is passed as a query parameter, the following response is returned with response code 200. In this scenario, the Siddhi snapshot is created in the file system.

      "type": "success",
      "message": "State restored to revision 1234563 for Siddhi App :TestExecutionPlan" 
  • If the API request is valid, but no Siddhi application is deployed with the given name, the following response is returned with response code 404.

      "type": "not found",
      "message": "There is no Siddhi App exist with provided name : TestExecutionPlan1" 
  • If the API request is valid, but an exception occurred when restoring the state at Siddhi level, the following response is returned with response code 500.

      "code": 800102,
      "type": "file processing error",
      "message": <error-message>


HTTP Status Code

200, 404 or 500.

For descriptions of the HTTP status codes, see HTTP Status Codes .

Returning real-time statistics of a Streaming Integrator node


Description Returns the real-time statistics of a Streaming Integrator node.

API Context

Request/Response format application/json
Authentication Basic
Username admin
Password admin



curl command syntax

curl -X GET "https://<HOST_NAME>>:<PORT>/statistics" -H "accept: application/json" -u admin:admin -k

Sample curl command

curl -X GET "https://localhost:9443/statistics" -H "accept: application/json" -u admin:admin -k

Sample output

  "workerMetrics": {
    "processCPU": 0.0,
    "systemCPU": 0.0,
    "loadAverage": 0.0,
    "memoryUsage": 0.0
  "runningStatus": "Reachable",
  "isStatsEnabled": false,
  "clusterID": "Single Node Deployments",
  "lastSyncTime": "n/a",
  "lastSnapshotTime": "Thu, 01 Jan 1970 05:30:00 IST",
  "isInSync": false,
  "message": "Metrics are disabled."


HTTP Status Code

200 or 404

For descriptions of the HTTP status codes, see HTTP Status Codes .

Enabling/disabling node statistics


Description Enables/disables the real-time statistics of a Streaming Integrator node.

API Context

Request/Response format application/json
Authentication Basic
Username admin
Password admin



curl command syntax

curl -X PUT "https://<HOST_NAME>:<PORT/statistics" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"statsEnable\":\"true\"}" -u admin:admin -k

Sample curl command

curl -X PUT "https://localhost:9443/statistics" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"statsEnable\":\"true\"}" -u admin:admin -k

Sample output

  • If the statistics are successfully enabled, the following response is returned.

        "message":"Successfully enabled the metrics."
    - If the statistics are already enabled, the following response is returned.

        "message":"Metrics are enabled already."
  • If the statistics are successfully disabled, the following response is returned.

        "message":"Successfully disabled the metrics."
  • If the statistics are already disabled, the following response is returned.

        "message":"Metrics are disabled already."


HTTP Status Code

200 or 404

For descriptions of the HTTP status codes, see HTTP Status Codes .

Returning general details of a Streaming Integrator node


Description Returns general details of a Streaming Integrator node.
API Context /system-details
Request/Response format application/json
Authentication Basic
Username admin
Password admin



curl command syntax

curl -X GET "https://<HOST_NAME>:<PORT>/system-details" -H "accept: application/json" -u admin:admin -k

Sample curl command

curl -X GET "https://localhost:9443/system-details" -H "accept: application/json" -u admin:admin -k

Sample output

  "carbonId": "wso2-si",
  "javaRuntimeName": "Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment",
  "javaVMVersion": "25.152-b16",
  "javaVMVendor": "Oracle Corporation",
  "javaHome": "/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_152.jdk/Contents/Home/jre",
  "javaVersion": "1.8.0_152",
  "osName": "Mac OS X",
  "osVersion": "10.14.5",
  "userHome": "/Users/wso2user",
  "userTimezone": "Asia/Colombo",
  "userName": "wso2user",
  "userCountry": "LK",
  "repoLocation": "/Users/wso2user/wso2si/deployment",
  "serverStartTime": "Thu, 06 Aug 2020 15:45:51 IST"


HTTP Status Code

200 or 404

For descriptions of the HTTP status codes, see HTTP Status Codes .

Returning detailed statistics of all Siddhi applications


Description Returns the detailed statistics of all the Siddhi applications currently deployed in the Streaming Integrator setup.
API Context /siddhi-apps/statistics
Request/Response format application/json
Authentication Basic
Username admin
Password admin



curl command syntax

curl -X GET "https://<HOST_NAME>>:<PORT>/siddhi-apps/statistics" -H "accept: application/json" -u admin:admin -k

Sample curl command

curl -X GET "https://localhost:9443/siddhi-apps/statistics" -H "accept: application/json" -u admin:admin -k

Sample output

  • If Siddhi applications exist, a response similar to the following is returned with details of each Siddhi application. This response is returned with the 200 code.

          "appName": "TestExecutionPlan1",
          "status": "active",
          "age": 89981329,
          "isStatEnabled": "DETAIL",
          "siddhiStatEnabledLevel": { "name": "DETAIL", "intLevel": 500 }
          "appName": "TestExecutionPlan2",
          "status": "active",
          "age": 89981639,
          "isStatEnabled": "DETAIL",
          "siddhiStatEnabledLevel": { "name": "DETAIL", "intLevel": 500 }
          "appName": "TestExecutionPlan3",
          "status": "active",
          "age": 87053026,
          "isStatEnabled": "DETAIL",
          "siddhiStatEnabledLevel": { "name": "DETAIL", "intLevel": 500 }
  • If Siddhi applications do not exist, the following response is returned with the 404 response code.

        "message":"There are no any Siddhi App exist."


HTTP Status Code

200 or 404

For descriptions of the HTTP status codes, see HTTP Status Codes .

Enabling/disabling the statistics of a specific Siddhi application


Description Enables/disables statistics for a specified Siddhi application.
API Context /siddhi-apps/{appName}/statistics
Request/Response format application/json
Authentication Basic
Username admin
Password admin



Parameter Description

Parameter Description
appName The name of the Siddhi application for which the statistics need to be enabled/disabled.

curl command syntax

curl -X PUT "https://<HOST_NAME>:<PORT>/siddhi-apps/{appName}/statistics" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"statsEnable\": \"true\"}" -u admin:admin -k

Sample curl command

curl -X PUT "https://localhost:9443/siddhi-apps/TestSiddhiApp/statistics" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"statsEnable\": \"true\"}" -u admin:admin -k

Sample output

  • If statistics are successfully enabled, the following response is returned.

        "message":"Sucessfully updated Aiddhi App : TestSiddhiApp"
  • If statistics are already enabled, the following response is returned.

      {"type":"success","message":"Stats level is already set to :class StatsEnable {\n    enabledStatLevel: DETAIL\n} for siddhi appTestSiddhiApp"}   
  • If statistics are successfully disabled, the following response is returned.

        "message":"Sucessfully updated Aiddhi App : TestSiddhiApp"
  • If statistics are already disabled, the following response is returned.

      {"type":"success","message":"Stats level is already set to :class StatsEnable {\n    enabledStatLevel: OFF\n} for siddhi appTestSiddhiApp"}
  • If no Siddhi application of the specified name exists, the following response is returned with the 404 code.

        "message":"There is no Siddhi App exist with provided name : TestSiddhiApp"


HTTP Status Code

200 or 404

For descriptions of the HTTP status codes, see HTTP Status Codes .

Enabling/disabling the statistics of all Siddhi applications


Description Enables/disables statistics for all the Siddhi applications.
API Context /siddhi-apps/statistics
Request/Response format application/json
Authentication Basic
Username admin
Password admin



curl command syntax

curl -X PUT "https://<HOST_NAME>:<PORT>/siddhi-apps/statistics" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"statsEnable\": \"true\"}" -u admin:admin -k

Sample curl command

curl -X PUT "https://localhost:9443/siddhi-apps/statistics" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"statsEnable\": \"true\"}" -u admin:admin -k

Sample output

  "message":"All siddhi apps Sucessfully updated."


HTTP Status Code

200 or 404

For descriptions of the HTTP status codes, see HTTP Status Codes .