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JSON Threat Protection for API Gateway

The JSON threat protector in WSO2 API Manager validates the request body of the JSON message based on pre-configured to thwart payload attacks.

Detecting vulnerabilities before parsing the message

The json_validator sequence specifies the properties to be limited in the payload. A sample json_validator sequence is given below.

<sequence xmlns="" name="json_validator">
    <log level="custom">
        <property name="IN_MESSAGE" value="json_validator"/>
    <property name="maxPropertyCount"  value = "100"/>
    <property name="maxStringLength"  value = "100"/>
    <property name="maxArrayElementCount"  value = "100"/>
    <property name="maxKeyLength"  value = "100"/>
    <property name="maxJsonDepth"  value = "100"/>
    <property name="RequestMessageBufferSize" value="1024"/>
    <class name="org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.gateway.mediators.JsonSchemaValidator"/>
Property Default Value Description
maxPropertyCount 100 Maximum number of properties
maxStringLength 100 Maximum length of string
maxArrayElementCount 100 Maximum number of elements in an array
maxKeyLength 100 Maximum number length of key
maxJsonDepth 100 Maximum length of JSON

Editing the sequence through registry artifacts

To edit the existing sequence follow the steps below.

  1. Go to Policies section in the Publisher Portal.
  2. Add a new policy with the name JSON Validator and provide an newer version.
  3. Upload the Policy File with the required changes.
  4. Click Save to save the newer version of the policy.
  5. Apply the newly created policy to the API as per the below section.

Applying the JSON validator policy

You can apply the predefined JSON Policy through the UI. Follow the instructions below to apply the json_validator in sequence.

  1. Create an API or edit an existing API.
  2. Go to Policies under the API Configuration sub-section from the left hand panel.
  3. As required, drag and drop the JSON Validator from the Policy List tab into Request Flow.
  4. Provide the required parameters for JSON validation.

    Drag and drop the JSON Validator from the policy list

  5. Scroll down the page and click Save to save the changes (click Save and Deploy and deploy the API for the changes to take effect in the gateways).

Testing the JSON threat protector

You can edit the sequence to set the property values according to your requirements. A sample request and response for each property value set to 5 is given below.

Note that this exceeds the JSON property count

The request message:
curl -X POST "https://localhost:8243/jsonpolicy/1.0.0/addpayload" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer b227d70b-ca56-3439-8698-ffb90345e1b5" -d "{ \"glossary\": \"value\" \"GlossSee\": \"markup\" }"
<am:fault xmlns:am="">
    <am:message>Bad Request</am:message>
    <am:description>Request is failed due to JSON schema validation failure:  Max Key Length Reached</am:description>


Performance impact
The JSON schema mediator builds the message at the mediation level. This impacts the performance of 10KB messages for 300 concurrent users by 5.2 times than the normal flow.