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Customizing the Management Console

The User Interface of the Management Console ( https://localhost:9443/carbon) of WSO2 API Manager consists of two layers:

  1. UI inherited from WSO2 Carbon platform

    Bundle org.wso2.carbon.ui_<version-number>.jar contains the templates, styles (CSS files) for WSO2 API Manager which is located in <API-M_HOME>/repository/components/plugins/ where <version-number> is the version of the WSO2 API Manager, which corresponds to the Carbon Kernel version that the product is built on. This bundle is responsible for the overall look and feel of the entire Carbon platform.

  2. Unique UI of each product

    Each Carbon product (that is built on Carbon kernel) has another style bundle. org.wso2.<product-name>.styles_<version-number>.jar contains all the styles and images that override the ones in the core Carbon platform. This bundle is stored in <PRODUCT_HOME>/repository/components/plugins/ folder and the <version-number> is the version of the product.

The following sections will guide you through the customization process.

Setting up the development environment

Follow the instructions below to download and set up the product environment for the purpose of editing it:

  1. Download WSO2 API Manager.
  2. Extract the ZIP file into a separate folder in your hard drive.
  3. Go to the <API-M_HOME>/repository/components/plugins/ directory to find the required JAR files:
    • org.wso2.carbon.ui_<version-number>.jar
  4. Copy the JAR files to a separate location on your hard drive. As the JAR files are zipped, you must unzip them to make them editable.

You can now customize the look and feel of your product by modifying the contents of the JAR files as described in the next section.

Customizing the user interface

Customizing the product interface involves changing the layout (or design) of the Carbon framework as well as changing the styles and images specific to the product. The following topics explain as to how you can do the main changes to the product interface.

Changing the layout

The layout of the Carbon framework is built using a tiles JSP tag library. The use of tiles allows us to break the presentation of the layout into small JSP snippets that perform a specific function.

For example:

header.jsp and footer.jsp are the tiles corresponding to the header and footer in the layout.

The template.jsp file controls the main layout page of the Carbon framework, which holds all the tiles together. The template.jsp file as well as the JSP files corresponding to the tiles are located in the org.wso2.carbon.ui_<version-name>.jar/web/admin/layout/ directory.

Therefore, changing the layout of your product primarily involves changing the template.jsp page (main layout page) and other .jsp files of the JSP tiles.


Do not change or remove the ID attributes on the .jsp files.

Changing the styles on the Carbon framework

The global.css file, which is located in the org.wso2.carbon.ui_<version-name>.jar/web/admin/css/ directory, determines the styles of the Carbon framework. You can edit this file based on your own requirement. Alternatively, you can apply a completely new stylesheet to your framework instead of the default global.css stylesheet.

Applying a new stylesheet to the Carbon framework:

  1. Copy your new CSS file to this same location.
  2. Open the template.jsp file, which is located in the org.wso2.carbon.ui_<version_name>.jar /web/admin/layout/ directory, that contains the main layout of the page and the default JavaScript libraries.
  3. Replace global.css with the new stylesheet by pointing the String globalCSS attribute to the new stylesheet.

    // Customization of UI theming per tenant
        String tenantDomain = null;
        String globalCSS = "../admin/css/global.css";
        String mainCSS = "";

Changing the product-specific styles and images

The styles and images unique to your product are located in the<version_number>.jar.

Follow the steps below to modify product specific styles and images:

  1. Copy the necessary images to the<version-number>.jar/web/styles/images/ directory.

    For example, if you want to change the product banner, add the new image file to the above directory.

  2. Open the main.css file located in the<version-name>.jar/web/styles/css/ directory.

  3. To specify a new product banner, change the background-image attribute of<version-name>.jar/web/styles/css/main.css file as follows:

    /* ---------------- header styles ------------------ */
    div#header-div {
        background-image: url( ../images/newproduct-header-bg.png);


The size of the images you use will affect the overall UI of your product.

Example: If the height of the product logo image exceeds 28 pixels, you must adjust the main.css file, which is in the<version-name>.jar/web/styles/css/ directory to ensure that the other UI elements of your product align with the product logo.

Starting the server

In the preceding steps, you changed the product interface after copying the JAR files to a separate location on your hard drive. Therefore, before you start your production server, these files must be correctly copied back to your production environment as explained below.

  1. Compress the contents of the org.wso2.carbon.ui_<version-number>.jar and<product-version>.jar folders into separate ZIP files.
  2. Change the name of the ZIP file to org.wso2.carbon.ui_<version-number>.jar and<version-number>.jar respectively.
  3. Copy two new JAR files to the <API-M_HOME>/repository/components/plugins/ directory in your product installation.
  4. Start the WSO2 API-M server.