Product Compatibility

Given below are the compatibility details of the WSO2 API Manager (WSO2 API-M) 4.0.0 runtimes.

API-M runtime compatibility

Given below is the tested compatibility of the API-M runtime of WSO2 API Manager 4.0.0.

Tested Operating Systems

As WSO2 API Manager is a Java application, you can generally run it on most operating systems. Listed below are the operating systems that have been tested with the API-M 4.0.0 runtime.

Operating System Versions
Windows 2016
Windows Server 2019
Ubuntu 18.04, 20.04
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.0, 8.7, 9.3
CentOS 7.4, 7.5
Rocky Linux 9.3

Tested JDKs

The WSO2 API-M runtime has been tested with the following JDKs:

JDKS Versions
CorrettoJDK 8, 11
AdoptOpenJDK 8, 11
OpenJDK 8, 11
Oracle JDK 8, 11
Temurin OpenJDK 8 and 11

Tested DBMSs

The WSO2 API-M runtime is tested with the following databases:

DBMS Version
MySQL 5.7, 8
Oracle 12c, 19c
Microsoft SQL Server 2017, 2019, 2022
PostgreSQL 10, 13.2, 15.3

Tested WSO2 Products

The following is a list of other WSO2 products that have been tested with WSO2 API Manager 4.0.0.

Compatible WSO2 Identity Servers (as Key Manager)


From API Manager 3.2.0 onwards, WSO2 Identity Server is not packaged as a Key Manager. A remote WSO2 Identity Server instance should be used as the Key Manager.

API-M 4.0.0 GA GA or update for WSO2 IS-5.11.0
API-M-4.0.0 update GA or updated for WSO2 IS-5.11.0

Micro Integrator runtime compatibility

Given below is the tested compatibility of the Micro Integrator of WSO2 API Manager 4.0.0.

Tested Operating Systems

The Micro Integrator runtime is tested with the following operating systems:

Operating System Versions
Windows 2019
Ubuntu 18.04
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.4, 8.2
CentOS 7.5
MacOS 10.15
SUSE Linux 12

Tested JDKs

The Micro Integrator runtime is tested with the following JDKs:

JDKS Versions
CorrettoJDK 8, 11
AdoptOpenJDK 8, 11
OpenJDK 11
Oracle JDK 8, 11

Tested DBMSs

The Micro Integrator runtime is tested with the following databases:

DBMS Versions
MySQL 5.7, 8
Oracle 12c, 19c
Microsoft SQL Server 2017
PostgreSQL 10, 14.2

Streaming Integrator compatibility

Given below is the tested compatibility of the Streaming Integrator of WSO2 API Manager 4.0.0.

Tested Operating Systems

The Streaming Integrator runtime is tested with the following operating systems:

Operating System Versions
Windows 7
Ubuntu 16.04
MacOS High Sierra

Tested JDKs

The Streaming Integrator runtime is tested with the following JDKS:

JDK Version
Oracle JDK 8 , 11
OpenJDK 8 , 11

Tested DBMSs

The Streaming Integrator runtime is tested with the following databases:

DBMS Version
H2 1.4.187
MySQL 5.7
Microsoft SQL Server 2017
PostgreSQL 9.6

Known Incompatibilities

Given below are the OS and JDK incompatibilities that WSO2 has come across while testing the Streaming Integrator runtime.

Operating System Operating System Version JDK Version
macOS High Sierra 10.13.1 (17B1003) JDK1.8.0_20
macOS High Sierra 10.13.2 JDK1.8.0_144
Ubuntu 14.04 JDK1.8.0_151
Ubuntu 16.04 JDK1.8.0_151