
The following are the Choreo Connect related configuration files.

File Description
Configuration File
E.g. config.toml
This file defines all the adapter, enforcer, router, security, control plane and analytics configurations.
Log Configuration File
E.g. log_config.toml
This file defines the logging configurations for the Adapter and Router.
Log4j2 Configuration File
This file defines the logging configurations for the Enforcer.

Each of the above files can be found in the locations given below depending on the Choreo Connect deployment.

For Docker Compose
File File Name
Configuration File config.toml
Log Configuration File log_config.toml
Log4j2 Configuration File
Mode Directory (File path)
Choreo Connect as a Standalone Gateway <CHOREO-CONNECT_HOME>/docker-compose/choreo-connect/conf
Choreo Connect with WSO2 API Manager as a Control Plane <CHOREO-CONNECT_HOME>/docker-compose/choreo-connect-with-apim/conf
For Kubernetes
File File Name
Configuration File For Choreo Connect as a Standalone Gateway,
  • config-toml-configmap.yaml
For Choreo Connect with WSO2 API Manager as a Control Plane,
  • config-toml-configmap-for-eventhub.yaml
Log Configuration File logconfig-toml-configmap.yaml
Log4j2 Configuration File log4j2-configmap.yaml
Mode Directory (File path)
Choreo Connect as a Standalone Gateway <CHOREO-CONNECT_HOME>/k8s-artifacts/choreo-connect
Choreo Connect with WSO2 API Manager as a Control Plane <CHOREO-CONNECT_HOME>/k8s-artifacts/choreo-connect-with-apim/choreo-connect
For Kubernetes with Helm Charts

You may update the configurations in the following ways, when deploying with Helm Charts and the resources from the Choreo Connect Helm Chart Git repository.

You can find the complete list of parameters here.

These configuration parameters are based on the templates available in here. The values.yaml file and the templates are common to both of the modes, Choreo Connect as a Standalone Gateway and Choreo Connect with WSO2 API Manager as a Control Plane. The mode itself can be updated as given below.

    mode: "APIM_AS_CP"
    mode: "STANDALONE"

You may find the template file for the main Choreo Connect configuration and logging in the following names.

File File Name
Configuration File config-toml-configmap.yaml
Log Configuration File logconfig-toml-configmap.yaml
Log4j2 Configuration File enforcer-log4j2-configmap.yaml

If you have advanced configurations that are not templated, you can have your own templated configuration file and set it in the Helm Chart as follows. Make sure to include the templates already provided within the default templated configuration files, otherwise you may lose configurations set with the values.yaml file.

--set-file wso2.deployment.adapter.configToml=<FILE_PATH_FOR_TEMPLATED_CONFIG_TOML>
--set-file wso2.deployment.adapter.logConfigToml=<FILE_PATH_FOR_TEMPLATED_LOG_CONFIG_TOML>


Note that WSO2 API Manager 3.0.0, 3.1.0, 3.2.0, and 4.0.0 are affected by the Log4j2 zero-day vulnerability, which has been reported to WSO2 on 10th December 2021. You can mitigate this vulnerability in your product by following our instructions and guidelines.

Configurations Overview

Only the Adapter component reads the Configuration File. Then the Enforcer and Router components fetches the relevant configurations via XDS caches.


The Enforcer component fetches the relevant configurations only once from the Adapter in its lifetime. If the Adapter is restarted with a configuration change which contains changes related to Enforcer, the Enforcer also needs to be restarted again.

Overriding configuration values with environment variables

The configurations provided within the Configuration File can be overridden with environment variables. As this file is processed within Adapter first, the environment variables should be assigned to the adapter environment. The variables are case-insensitive.

  • To override a configuration value like the following, the user needs to declare the environment variable CC_Adapter_Server_Port. The value could be a boolean, a float, a string or an integer value.

    Port = 9843

    To change the above configuration, the following environment variable needs to be assigned.

  • If the property to be overridden is a property of an array, the array index should also be appended to the environment variable. (Index will depend on the order you define in the .toml file).

    username = "John"

    To change the above configuration, the following environment variable needs to be assigned.

  • If the TOML key contains a dot, those characters should be replaced with underscore for the relevant environment variable.

        "publisher.reporter.class" = "org.wso2.choreo.connect.tests.CustomMetricReporter"

    To change the above configuration, the following environment variable needs to be assigned.

  • If the value of the configuration is a string, float, or an integer array, those values needs to be provided as a single string where the values are separated with a comma.

    stringArray = ["foo"]

    You need to execute the following command to override the above configuration.

    CC_Category_StringArray="foo, bar"

Resolving configuration values from the environment using the $env{variable} assignment

In addition to the previously mentioned approach, the choreo-connect configuration values can be resolved via the environment by assigning the property with the value "$env{variable_name}". For example, see the following code snippet.

    username = "admin"
    password = "$env{tm_admin_pwd}"

In this case, the resolution of the env_variable is different compared to previous approach. The Enforcer environment variables are used to resolve the enforcer and analytics.enforcer configurations. For other configurations, the environment variable assignment should happen in the Adapter environment.

For the above example, the user should assign the environment variable tm_admin_pwd to the Enforcer.



The environment variable is case-sensitive here.


This approach can be used only if the configuration property is a String.
