Running API Manager as a Linux Service


  • The following instructions are not applicable to Red Hat Linux distributions such as Fedora because those distributions contain the chkconfig package instead of the update-rc.d package for service management.
  • To support the Red Hat based Linux OS you need to use chkconfig for the register services and you need to also include the service definition in the chkconfig's run level information. For more information, see chkconfig.


Before you begin:

Setting up CARBON_HOME

Extract the WSO2 product to a preferred directory in your machine and set the environment variable CARBON_HOME to the extracted directory location.

Running the product as a Linux service

  1. To run the product as a service, create a startup script and add it to the boot sequence. The basic structure of the startup script has three parts (i.e., start, stop and restart) as follows:

    case “$1″ in
      echo “Starting the Service”
      echo “Stopping the Service”
      echo “Restarting the Service”
      echo $”Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart}”
    exit 1

    Given below is a sample startup script. <API-M_HOME> can vary depending on the WSO2 product's directory.

    #! /bin/sh
    export JAVA_HOME="/usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.8.0_xx"
    startcmd='<API-M_HOME>/bin/ start > /dev/null &'
    restartcmd='<API-M_HOME>/bin/ restart > /dev/null &'
    stopcmd='<API-M_HOME>/bin/ stop > /dev/null &'
    case "$1" in
       echo "Starting the WSO2 Server ..."
       su -c "${startcmd}" user1
       echo "Re-starting the WSO2 Server ..."
       su -c "${restartcmd}" user1
       echo "Stopping the WSO2 Server ..."
       su -c "${stopcmd}" user1
       echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart}"
    exit 1

    In the above script, the server is started as a user by the name user1 rather than the root user. For example, su -c "${startcmd}" user1

  2. Add the script to /etc/init.d/ directory.


    If you want to keep the scripts in a location other than /etc/init.d/ folder, you can add a symbolic link to the script in /etc/init.d/ and keep the actual script in a separate location. Say your script name is prodserver and it is in /opt/WSO2/ folder, then the commands for adding a link to /etc/init.d/ is as follows:

    • Make executable: sudo chmod a+x /opt/WSO2/prodserver

    • Add a link to /etc/init.d/ : sudo ln -snf /opt/WSO2/prodserver /etc/init.d/prodserver

  3. Install the startup script to respective run levels using the update-rc.d command. For example, give the following command for the sample script shown in step 1:

     sudo update-rc.d prodserver defaults 

    The defaults option in the above command makes the service to start in runlevels 2, 3, 4 and 5 and to stop in runlevels 0,1 and 6.

    A runlevel is a mode of operation in Linux (or any Unix-style operating system). There are several runlevels in a Linux server and each of these runlevels is represented by a single digit integer. Each runlevel designates a different system configuration and allows access to a different combination of processes.

  4. You can now st art, stop and restart the server using service <service name>{start|stop|restart} command.

    You will be prompted for the password of the user (or root) who was used to start the service.
