Configuring Analytics for Choreo Connect

Choreo Connect is capable of publishing fine grained analytics events which can then be used to generate reports, dashboards, statistics, and graphs for the APIs deployed on Choreo Connect. Choreo Connect can not only publish analytics data to the Choreo platform but also to platforms that support the ELK stack. The following subsections will explain in detail how you could enable and configure analytics for each platform to gain insights into the services exposed via Choreo Connect.


To learn more on the analytics-related concepts, see Choreo Connect Analytics - Concepts.

Configure Analytics for Choreo Connect using one of the following methods:

Configuring Choreo Portal Analytics

Follow the instructions below to configure Choreo Portal Analytics for Choreo Connect.

Step 1 - Set up Analytics

Follow the instructions below to configure analytics with Choreo:

  1. Sign in to
  2. Go to and generate an on-prem-key.
  3. Open the docker-compose.yaml file, which based on your setup is located in the <CHOREO-CONNECT_HOME>/docker-compose/choreo-connect or <CHOREO-CONNECT_HOME>/docker-compose/choreo-connect-with-apim directory.


    You can configure Choreo Connect to publish Analytics to the Choreo cloud via the standalone mode or via the with Control Plane mode.

  4. Locate the environment variables section under the enforcer and change the following variables.

  5. Enable analytics before starting Choreo Connect. First of all, navigate to the configuration file location. Open the Choreo Connect configuration file according to the deployment type you are using.

    Click here to see the configuration file location for your Choreo Connect deployment.

    Navigate to the correct folder path and open the config.toml or config-toml-configmap.yaml file based on your Choreo Connect deployment.

    Deployment Mode File name Directory
    Docker Compose Choreo Connect as a Standalone Gateway config.toml <CHOREO-CONNECT_HOME>/docker-compose/choreo-connect/conf/
    Docker Compose Choreo Connect with WSO2 API Manager as a Control Plane config.toml <CHOREO-CONNECT_HOME>/docker-compose/choreo-connect-with-apim/conf/
    Kubernetes Choreo Connect as a Standalone Gateway config-toml-configmap.yaml <CHOREO-CONNECT_HOME>/k8s-artifacts/choreo-connect/
    Kubernetes Choreo Connect with WSO2 API Manager as a Control Plane config-toml-configmap.yaml <CHOREO-CONNECT_HOME>/k8s-artifacts/choreo-connect-with-apim/
    1. Locate the Analytics section.

    2. Enable analytics by using the following configurations.

          enabled = true
          bufferFlushInterval = "1s"
          bufferSizeBytes = 16384
          gRPCRequestTimeout = "20s"
          authURL = "$env{analytics_authURL}"
          authToken = "$env{analytics_authToken}"
          port = 18090
          maxMessageSize = 1000000000
          maxHeaderLimit = 8192
          #keep alive time of the external authz connection
          keepAliveTime = 600
              coreSize = 10
              maxSize = 100
              #keep alive time of threads in seconds
              keepAliveTime = 600
              queueSize = 1000

Step 2 - Try it out

Follow the instructions below to generate some traffic in order to be able to view the Analytics in the Choreo cloud:

  1. Deploy your API.

    Deploy your API in API Manager based on your setup.

  2. Invoke the API a few times.

    For more information, see Invoke the API.

  3. Go to Choreo Insights to view the statistics.

    Here are some of the graphs generated in the Choreo cloud.

    Choreo Analytics Overview

    Choreo Analytics Traffic

    Choreo Analytics Latency

Configuring ELK Analytics

Follow the instructions below to configure ELK Analytics for Choreo Connect

The Enforcer component in Choreo Connect can log analytics-related data to be used by Filebeat in ELK Stack. Data flow for the ELK Analytics can be depicted as given above.

Step 1 - Configure Choreo Connect

Step 1.1 - Compile the reporter implementation

Follow the instructions below to compile the reporter implementation as a JAR file:

  1. Checkout and build the wso2/samples-apim repository.

  2. Navigate to the analytics-event-publisher/target directory.

  3. Copy and paste the generated JAR in to the choreo-connect-1.x.x/docker-compose/resources/enforcer/dropins directory.

    This JAR will be mounted into the /home/wso2/lib/dropins directory within the Enforcer when the Enforcer starts.

Step 1.2 - Configure the config.toml file

  1. Open the Choreo Connect configuration file according to the deployment type you are using.

    Click here to see the configuration file location for your Choreo Connect deployment.

    Navigate to the correct folder path and open the config.toml or config-toml-configmap.yaml file based on your Choreo Connect deployment.

    Deployment Mode File name Directory
    Docker Compose Choreo Connect as a Standalone Gateway config.toml <CHOREO-CONNECT_HOME>/docker-compose/choreo-connect/conf/
    Docker Compose Choreo Connect with WSO2 API Manager as a Control Plane config.toml <CHOREO-CONNECT_HOME>/docker-compose/choreo-connect-with-apim/conf/
    Kubernetes Choreo Connect as a Standalone Gateway config-toml-configmap.yaml <CHOREO-CONNECT_HOME>/k8s-artifacts/choreo-connect/
    Kubernetes Choreo Connect with WSO2 API Manager as a Control Plane config-toml-configmap.yaml <CHOREO-CONNECT_HOME>/k8s-artifacts/choreo-connect-with-apim/
  2. Change the analytics section based on the following configurations.

        enabled = true
            "publisher.reporter.class" = ""

If you want to use a custom reporter class

Set the value of the publisher.reporter.class property to the class name of the new reporter implementation in the config.toml file.

Step 1.3 - Enable logs

The following are the two options that are available to retrieve the analytics logs.

Update the choreo-connect-1.x.x/docker-compose/choreo-connect(-with-apim)/conf/ file based on the selected analytics logs retrieval method as follows in order to configure the Filebeat agent.

Log to console

  1. Add a reporter to the loggers list.

    loggers = reporter, ... (list of other available loggers)
  2. Add the following configurations after the loggers. =
    logger.reporter.level = INFO
    logger.reporter.additivity = false
    logger.reporter.appenderRef.rolling.ref = ENFORCER_CONSOLE

Log to file

  1. Add ENFORCER_ANALYTICS to the appenders list.

    appenders = ENFORCER_ANALYTICS, ... (list of other available appenders)
  2. Add the following configuration after the appenders.

    appender.ENFORCER_ANALYTICS.fileName = logs/enforcer_analytics.log
    appender.ENFORCER_ANALYTICS.filePattern = /logs/enforcer_analytics-%d{MM-dd-yyyy}.log
    appender.ENFORCER_ANALYTICS.layout.type = PatternLayout
    appender.ENFORCER_ANALYTICS.layout.pattern = [%d] - %m%ex%n
    appender.ENFORCER_ANALYTICS.policies.type = Policies
    appender.ENFORCER_ANALYTICS.policies.time.type = TimeBasedTriggeringPolicy
    appender.ENFORCER_ANALYTICS.policies.time.interval = 1
    appender.ENFORCER_ANALYTICS.policies.time.modulate = true
    appender.ENFORCER_ANALYTICS.policies.size.type = SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy
    appender.ENFORCER_ANALYTICS.strategy.type = DefaultRolloverStrategy
    appender.ENFORCER_ANALYTICS.strategy.max = 20
    appender.ENFORCER_ANALYTICS.filter.threshold.type = ThresholdFilter
    appender.ENFORCER_ANALYTICS.filter.threshold.level = DEBUG
  3. Add a reporter to the loggers list.

    loggers = reporter, ... (list of other available loggers)
  4. Add the following configurations after the loggers. =
    logger.reporter.level = INFO
    logger.reporter.additivity = false
    logger.reporter.appenderRef.rolling.ref = ENFORCER_ANALYTICS


If you use a custom reporter class, update the property accordingly.

Step 2 - Set up the ELK Stack

  1. Configure and setup the following elements in ELK Stack.

    • Elasticsearch
    • Kibana
    • Logstash
    • Filebeat
  2. Configure the log file input source.

    1. Open the filebeat.yml file.
    2. Configure the container log files as the input source.

        - type: container
          enabled: true
            - /var/lib/docker/containers/*/*.log
          include_lines: ['(apimMetrics):']

Step 3 - Publish an API

Publish an API to the Choreo Connect by either using API Manager or apictl.

Step 4 - Invoke requests

Invoke a few requests (success and failure).

Step 5 - View the dashboards

Check the Kibana dashboard.

You will notice that the populated data appears in different dashboards.

See Also
