Distributed Rate Limiting

You can enable Distributed Rate Limiting in Choreo Connect using Choreo Connect with WSO2 API Manager as a Control Plane.


To learn about the concepts of Rate Limiting (Throttling) in Choreo Connect, see API-M as a Control Plane - Rate Limiting.

Enabling Distributed Rate Limiting

Rate Limiting in Choreo Connect works with API Manager (Traffic Manager).

Follow the instructions below to enable Distributed Rate Limiting:

  1. Open the Choreo Connect configuration file according to the deployment type you are using.

    Click here to see the configuration file location for your Choreo Connect deployment.

    Navigate to the correct folder path and open the config.toml or config-toml-configmap.yaml file based on your Choreo Connect deployment.

    Deployment Mode File name Directory
    Docker Compose Choreo Connect as a Standalone Gateway config.toml <CHOREO-CONNECT_HOME>/docker-compose/choreo-connect/conf/
    Docker Compose Choreo Connect with WSO2 API Manager as a Control Plane config.toml <CHOREO-CONNECT_HOME>/docker-compose/choreo-connect-with-apim/conf/
    Kubernetes Choreo Connect as a Standalone Gateway config-toml-configmap.yaml <CHOREO-CONNECT_HOME>/k8s-artifacts/choreo-connect/
    Kubernetes Choreo Connect with WSO2 API Manager as a Control Plane config-toml-configmap.yaml <CHOREO-CONNECT_HOME>/k8s-artifacts/choreo-connect-with-apim/
  2. Use the following configurations to enable Distributed Rate Limiting.

     # Throttling configurations
       # Connect with the central traffic manager
       enableGlobalEventPublishing = false
       # Enable global advanced throttling based on request header conditions
       enableHeaderConditions = false
       # Enable global advanced throttling based on request query parameter conditions
       enableQueryParamConditions = false
       # Enable global advanced throttling based on jwt claim conditions
       enableJwtClaimConditions = false
       # The message broker context factory
       jmsConnectionInitialContextFactory = "org.wso2.andes.jndi.PropertiesFileInitialContextFactory"
       # The message broker connection URL
       jmsConnectionProviderURL = "amqp://admin:$env{tm_admin_pwd}@carbon/carbon?brokerlist='tcp://{API-M_HOST/TM_HOST}:5672'"
       # Throttling configurations related to event publishing using a binary connection
         # Credentials required to establish connection between Traffic Manager
         username = "admin"
         password = "$env{tm_admin_pwd}"
         # Receiver URL and the authentication URL of the Traffic manager node/nodes
           receiverURLs = ["tcp://{API-M_HOST/TM_HOST}:9611"]
           authURLs = ["ssl://{API-M_HOST/TM_HOST}:9711"]
         # Data publisher object pool configurations
           # Maximum idle number of connections
           maxIdleDataPublishingAgents = 1000
           # Minimum idle number of connections
           initIdleObjectDataPublishingAgents = 200
           # Thread pool core size
           publisherThreadPoolCoreSize = 200
           # The maximum size of the thread pool
           publisherThreadPoolMaximumSize = 1000
           # The timeframe after which the publisher thread pool is terminated in seconds
           publisherThreadPoolKeepAliveTime = 200
         # Data publisher agent configurations
           # SSL Protocols
           sslEnabledProtocols = "TLSv1.2"
           # Ciphers
           # The size of the queue event disruptor which handles events before they are published
           # The value specified should always be the result of an exponent with 2 as the base
           queueSize = 32768
           # The maximum number of events in a batch sent to the queue event disruptor at a given time
           batchSize = 200
           # The number of threads that will be reserved to handle events at the time you start
           corePoolSize = 1
           # Socket timeout
           socketTimeoutMS = 30000
           # The maximum number of threads that should be reserved at any given time to handle events
           maxPoolSize = 1
           # The amount of time which threads in excess of the core pool size may remain idle before being terminated.
           keepAliveTimeInPool = 20
           # The time interval between reconnection
           reconnectionInterval = 30
           # TCP connection pool configurations (for data publishing)
           maxTransportPoolSize = 250
           maxIdleConnections = 250
           evictionTimePeriod = 5500
           minIdleTimeInPool = 5000
           # SSL connection pool configurations (for authentication)
           secureMaxTransportPoolSize = 250
           secureMaxIdleConnections = 250
           secureEvictionTimePeriod = 5500
           secureMinIdleTimeInPool = 5000


When using multiple traffic manager nodes for high availability, you can use a configuration as given below.

  enableGlobalEventPublishing = true
  jmsConnectionProviderURL = "amqp://admin:$env{tm_admin_pwd}@carbon/carbon?failover='roundrobin'%26cyclecount='2'%26brokerlist='tcp://<Traffic-Manager-1-host>:5672?retries='5'%26connectdelay='50';tcp://<Traffic-Manager-2-host>:5672?retries='5'%26connectdelay='50''"
    username = "admin"
    password = "$env{tm_admin_pwd}"
      receiverURLs = ["tcp://<Traffic-Manager-1-host>:9611"]
      authURLs = ["ssl://<Traffic-Manager-1-host>:9711"]
      receiverURLs = ["tcp://<Traffic-Manager-2-host>:9611"]
      authURLs = ["ssl://<Traffic-Manager-2-host>:9711"]

Conditional Rate Limiting

There can be situations where certain APIs require more granular level of Rate Limiting. Assume you want to provide limited access to a certain IP range or a type of client application (identified by User-Agent header). For these scenarios, a simple throttle policy with API/resource level limits is not sufficient. To address complex throttling requirements as above, Choreo Connect is capable of throttling requests based on several conditions. The following types of conditions are supported.

  • Specific IP or IP range conditions.

    This condition can be used to provide specific limits to a certain IP address or a range of IP addresses.

  • Header conditions.

    This condition can be used to set specific limits to a certain header value.

  • Query parameter conditions.

    Same as the header conditions, this allows applying a specific limit to a certain query parameter value.

  • JWT claim conditions.

    This type of condition will evaluate the backend JWT and check if it has a specific claim value in it to set the throttle limit.

Configuring and enabling conditional Rate Limiting

Conditional Rate Limiting is done via the Advanced Rate Limiting policies in API Manager.

  1. Open the Choreo Connect configuration file according to the deployment type you are using.

    Click here to see the configuration file location for your Choreo Connect deployment.

    Navigate to the correct folder path and open the config.toml or config-toml-configmap.yaml file based on your Choreo Connect deployment.

    Deployment Mode File name Directory
    Docker Compose Choreo Connect as a Standalone Gateway config.toml <CHOREO-CONNECT_HOME>/docker-compose/choreo-connect/conf/
    Docker Compose Choreo Connect with WSO2 API Manager as a Control Plane config.toml <CHOREO-CONNECT_HOME>/docker-compose/choreo-connect-with-apim/conf/
    Kubernetes Choreo Connect as a Standalone Gateway config-toml-configmap.yaml <CHOREO-CONNECT_HOME>/k8s-artifacts/choreo-connect/
    Kubernetes Choreo Connect with WSO2 API Manager as a Control Plane config-toml-configmap.yaml <CHOREO-CONNECT_HOME>/k8s-artifacts/choreo-connect-with-apim/
  2. Add/enable the following configurations to enable the required condition type for Rate Limiting.

      # Connect with the central traffic manager
      enableGlobalEventPublishing = false
      # Enable global advanced throttling based on request header conditions
      enableHeaderConditions = false
      # Enable global advanced throttling based on request query parameter conditions
      enableQueryParamConditions = false
      # Enable global advanced throttling based on jwt claim conditions
      enableJwtClaimConditions = false
  3. Define the Advance Throttle Policy containing the required conditions in WSO2 API Manager.

    For more information, see Adding New Rate Limiting Policies.

  4. Create an API in API Publisher and assign the created Advanced Throttling policy to the API.

    For more information, see Advanced Rate Limiting (API Publisher).

  5. Deploy the API in Choreo Connect.

    For more information, see Deploy an API via API Manager.

See also
