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CSV Default Mapping


This application demonstrates how to configure WSO2 Streaming Integrator Tooling to Publish and receive data events processed within Siddhi to files in CSV default format.


  • Edit the URI '{WSO2SIHome}/samples/artifacts/CSVMappingWithFile/new/example.csv' by replacing {WSO2SIHome} with the absolute path of your WSO2SP home directory. You can also change the path for 'file.uri' in the sink, if you want to publish your event file to a different location.

  • Save this sample. If there is no syntax error, the following messages would be shown on the console:

    • CSVDefaultMapping.siddhi successfully deployed.

Executing & testing the Sample:

  1. Start the Siddhi application by clicking on 'Run'.
  2. If the Siddhi application starts successfully, the following messages are shown on the console:
    • CSVDefaultMapping.siddhi - Started Successfully!

Viewing the Results:

  • Source takes input from the '{WSO2SP-HOME}/samples/artifacts/CSVMappingWithFile/new/example.csv' then produce the event. example.csv has data in below format
  • Sink takes input from source output and produces the output to outputOfCustom.csv in CSV custom format. outputOfCustom.csv's data appear in below format
Click here to view the sample Siddhi application.
@App:description('Publish and receive data events processed within Siddhi to files in CSV default format.')

define stream InputStream (id int, name string, amount double);

@sink(type='file', file.uri='/{WSO2SIHome}/samples/artifacts/CSVMappingWithFile/new/outputOfDefault.csv' , @map(type='csv'))
define stream OutputStream (id int, name string, amount double);

from InputStream
select *
insert into OutputStream;