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Enabling Correlation Logs with apictl

WSO2 API Controller (apictl) allows you to enable/disable correlation logs in WSO2 API Manager (WSO2 API-M) without a server restart. (For more information on correlation logs support in WSO2 API-M, see Monitoring Correlation Logs)

Get the correlation logging components in an environment

Follow the instructions below to get the correlation logging components in an environment using apictl:

  1. Make sure that the WSO2 API-M 4.2.0 version is started and that the 4.2.5 version of apictl is set up.
    For more information, see Download and Initialize the apictl.
  2. Log in to the WSO2 API-M in the environment by following the instructions in Login to an Environment.
  3. Run the corresponding apictl command below to get the correlation logging components in an environment.

    1. Get the correlation logging components in an environment.

      • Command

        apictl get correlation-logging -e <environment>



        • Required :
          --environment or -e : The environment that the command is executed on
        • Optional :
          --format : pretty-print correlation logging components using Go templates


        apictl get correlation-logging -e dev 
      • Response

        http                false               -
        jdbc                false               deniedThreads : MessageDeliveryTaskThreadPool, HumanTaskServer, BPELServer, CarbonDeploymentSchedulerThread
        ldap                false               -
        synapse             true                -
        method-calls        false               -


    • The get correlation-logging command can be executed only with a user who has super admin permissions.

Set the correlation configs for a correlation logging component in an environment

Follow the instructions below to set the correlation configs for a correlation logging component in an environment using apictl:

  1. Make sure that the WSO2 API-M 4.2.0 version is started and that the 4.2.5 version of apictl is set up.
    For more information, see Download and Initialize the apictl.
  2. Log in to the WSO2 API-M in the environment by following the instructions in Login to an Environment.
  3. Run the corresponding apictl command below to set the correlation configs for a correlation logging component in an environment.

    1. Set the correlation configs for a correlation logging component in an environment.

      • Command

        apictl set correlation-logging --component-name <component-name> --enable <true-or-false> --environment <environment>
        apictl set correlation-logging -i <component-name> --enable <true-or-false> -e <environment>
        apictl set correlation-logging --component-name <component-name> --enable <true-or-false> --denied-threads <denied-threads> --environment <environment>



        • Required :
          --environment or -e : The environment that the command is executed
          --component-name or -i : Component name
          --enable : Enable (can be true or false)
        • Optional :
          --denied-threads : Denied threads


        apictl set correlation-logging --component-name http --enable true -e dev
        apictl set correlation-logging --component-name jdbc --enable true --denied-threads MessageDeliveryTaskThreadPool,HumanTaskServer,BPELServer -e dev

      • Response

        Correlation component http is successfully enabled.


    • Supported component name values : http, jdbc, ldap, synapse or method-calls.
    • Supported values for enable: true or false.
    • The set correlation-logging command can be executed only with a user who has super admin permissions.