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ELK Dashboards for Micro Integrator


Overall Dashboard (wso2-mi-overall)

Gives you an idea about overall analytics.

Mi Overall 01

Mi Overall 02

Total Requests Total number of requests handled by the Micro Integrator
Fault Response Rate Fault response percentage
Failure Rate Number of failure requests
Fault Responses Total Number of fault responses. (Example HTTP status code 500)
Failure Requests Total Number of requests that failed
Success Requests Total Number of requests that were successful
Overall Message Count Total number of requests received within the time span
Top Proxy Services by Request Count Top Proxy services that served the highest number of requests
Top APIs by Request Count Top APIs that served the highest number of requests
Top Inbound Endpoints by Request Count Top Inbound Endpoints that served the highest number of requests
Top Endpoints by Request Count Top Endpoints that served the highest number of requests
Top Sequences by Request Count Top Endpoints that served the highest number of requests

API Dashboard (wso2-mi-api)

Gives you an idea about API analytics.


Total Requests Total number of requests handled by the APIs
Fault Response Rate Fault response percentage
Failure Rate Number of failure requests
Fault Responses Total Number of fault responses. (Example HTTP status code 500)
Failure Requests Total Number of requests that failed
Success Requests Total Number of requests that were successful
Maximum Latency Maximum latency recorded by a single request
Average Latency Average latency for a request
Top APIs by Message Count Top APIs that served the highest number of requests
Message Latency Maximum, Minimum and Average latency for the messages in the time span
Message Count Total number of requests received within the time span

Endpoints Dashboard (wso2-mi-endpoints)

Gives you an idea about Endpoints analytics.

Mi Endpoints

Total Requests Total number of requests handled by the Endpoints
Fault Response Rate Fault response percentage
Failure Rate Number of failure requests
Fault Responses Total Number of fault responses. (Example HTTP status code 500)
Failure Requests Total Number of requests that failed
Success Requests Total Number of requests that were successful
Maximum Latency Maximum latency recorded by a single request
Average Latency Average latency for a request
Top Endpoints by Message Count Top Endpoints that served the highest number of requests
Message Latency Maximum, Minimum and Average latency for the messages in the time span
Message Count Total number of requests received within the time span

Inbound Endpoints Dashboard (wso2-mi-inbound-endpoints)

Gives you an idea about Inbound Endpoints analytics.

Mi Inbound Endpoints

Total Requests Total number of requests handled by the Inbound Endpoints
Fault Response Rate Fault response percentage
Failure Rate Number of failure requests
Fault Responses Total Number of fault responses. (Example HTTP status code 500)
Failure Requests Total Number of requests that failed
Success Requests Total Number of requests that were successful
Maximum Latency Maximum latency recorded by a single request
Average Latency Average latency for a request
Top Inbound Endpoints by Message Count Top Inbound Endpoints that served the highest number of requests
Message Latency Maximum, Minimum and Average latency for the messages in the time span
Message Count Total number of requests received within the time span

Sequences Dashboard (wso2-mi-sequences)

Gives you an idea about Sequences analytics.

Mi Sequences

Total Requests Total number of requests handled by the Sequences
Fault Response Rate Fault response percentage
Failure Rate Number of failure requests
Fault Responses Total Number of fault responses.
Failure Requests Total Number of requests that failed
Success Requests Total Number of requests that were successful
Maximum Latency Maximum latency recorded by a single request
Average Latency Average latency for a request
Top Sequences by Message Count Top Sequences that served the highest number of requests
Message Latency Maximum, Minimum and Average latency for the messages in the time span
Message Count Total number of requests received within the time span

Proxy Services Dashboard (wso2-mi-proxy-services)

Gives you an idea about Proxy Services analytics.

Mi Proxy Services

Total Requests Total number of requests handled by the Proxy Services
Fault Response Rate Fault response percentage
Failure Rate Number of failure requests
Fault Responses Total Number of fault responses. (Example HTTP status code 500)
Failure Requests Total Number of requests that failed
Success Requests Total Number of requests that were successful
Maximum Latency Maximum latency recorded by a single request
Average Latency Average latency for a request
Top Proxy Services by Message Count Top Proxy Services which served the highest number of requests
Message Latency Maximum, Minimum and Average latency for the messages in the time span
Message Count Total number of requests received within the time span

Creating Advanced Dashboards

This section will help you to setup advanced dashboards using custom metadata. Use this documentation by Elastic to explore what kind of dashboard widgets you can create.

Assume you have a user registration AP deployed through a WSO2 Micro Integrator, which accepts JSON POST requests, and within that request, the body contains user age and country. You can publish the age and country with API analytics and create a visualization in the Kibana dashboard.

Example API:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<api xmlns="" name="userRegistrationAPI" context="/user">
   <resource methods="POST" uri-template="/signup">
         <property name="newUserAge" expression="json-eval($.age)" scope="analytics" type="INTEGER" />
         <property name="newUserLocation" expression="json-eval($.country)" scope="analytics"/>

To add data into the publishing analytics, you can use the Property Mediator. Any data that you add to the ANALYTICS scope will be published to Elastic Stack. In this example, age and country are being added into the analytics scope as newUserAge and newUserLocation.

  "timestamp": "2022-07-20T14:03:16.190979Z",
  "payload": {
    "httpMethod": "POST",
    "entityType": "API",
    "metadata": {
      "newUserAge": 28,
      "newUserLocation": "AU"
    "latency": 1,
    "apiDetails": {
      "method": "POST",
      "apiContext": "/user",
      "subRequestPath": "/signup",
      "api": "userRegistrationAPI",
    "faultResponse": false,
  "serverInfo": {  },
  "schemaVersion": 1

These custom data will be published under metadata inside the payload.