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Template Patterns for OpenAPI Definitions

You can use these template patterns when defining OpenAPI (Swagger) definitions for APIs that will be deployed on Choreo Connect. The following is a list of sample patterns that are currently supported in Choreo Connect.

Pattern Format Sample request path
/{constant1}/{variable1}/{variable2} /foo/p12/e001
/{constant1}/{variable1}/{variable2}/{constant2} /foo/p20/e002/store
/{constant1}/{variable1}.{constant2} /foo/
/{constant1}/{variable1}.{constant2}/{constant2} /foo/


You cannot define two resources in the same service, as follows, by only changing one path template expression.



Resource Ordering

Choreo Connect Router is backed by Envoy. All the resource paths defined in the OpenAPI (Swagger) definition are applied through a single Envoy configuration as routes.

The routes are matched in the order which they have been configured. Therefore, it's mandatory to order the resources in such a way that, correct resource path is matched when invoking the API.

The resources in the OpenAPI (Swagger) definition will be ordered as below.

OpenAPI (Swagger) Definition


Ordered resources



  • The concrete paths are matched first for a given pattern.
  • Any path with . character gets higher precedence.
  • Precedence decreases when the number of path parameters increases.
  • The wild card path is matched last.