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VFS Parameters

When you implement an integration use case that requires file processing, you can use the following VFS parameters in your proxy service artifact.


The VFS transport is enabled and configured for the Micro Integrator by default, which allows you to run VFS use cases without any server configurations. Read about the VFS transport.

To add service-level transport parameters to a proxy service:

  1. Open your proxy service artifact in WSO2 Integration Studio.
  2. In the Design View, go to the Properties tab and expand the Parameters section as shown below.

  3. Click the plus icon to open the following dialog box and add the parameter name and value as a key-value pair:

See Creating a Proxy Service for instructions.

Service-Level Parameters


If the username or password contains special characters, you will need to use the URL encoded values when defining the File URIs in VFS transport.

Parameter Description
The URI of the location of your files. This should be the source location of the files (if you are configuring the Micro Integrator to read files) or the destination of the files (if you are configuring the Micro Integrator to send files). You can specify connection-level parameters on the URL (see VFS URL parameters below).

When you need to access the absolute path of the URL, you can define the URL with sftpPathFromRoot as shown below. Also, note that transport.vfs.AvoidPermissionCheck is a mandatory parameter for this URL when SFTP is used.
<parameter name="transport.vfs.FileURI">sftp://[ username[: password]@] hostname[: port][ absolute-path]?sftpPathFromRoot=true;transport.vfs.AvoidPermissionCheck=true</parameter>
You need to specify a valid file URI in the following form: file://path.
transport.vfs.ContentType Content type of the files processed by the transport. To specify the encoding, follow the content type with a semi-colon and the character set. For example: parameter name="transport.vfs.ContentType“text/plain;charset=UTF-32/parameter.

When writing a file, you can set a different encoding with the CHARACTER_SET_ENCODING property: property name="CHARACTER_SET_ENCODING" value="UTF-8" scope="axis2" type="STRING"/.
Specify a valid content type. For example, text/xml. You can specify the encoding after the content type, such as text/plain;charset=UTF-32.
transport.vfs.FileNamePattern If the VFS listener should process only a subset of the files available at the specified file URI location, use this parameter to select those files by name using a regular expression. Specify a regular expression. For example: *\.xml.
transport.PollInterval The polling interval for the transport receiver to poll the file URI location. The value is expressed in seconds unless you add "ms" for milliseconds. For example, "2" or "2000ms" to specify 2 seconds. Specify a positive integer.
transport.vfs.ActionAfterProcess Whether to move, delete or take no action on the files after the transport has processed them. Possible values are MOVE, DELETE, or NONE. The default value is DELETE.
transport.vfs.ActionAfterFailure Whether to move, delete or take no action on the files if a failure occurs. Possible values are MOVE, DELETE, or NONE. The default value is DELETE.
transport.vfs.MoveAfterProcess Where to move the files after processing if **ActionAfterProcess** is MOVE. This parameter is required if the ActionAfterProcess is MOVE.
transport.vfs.MoveAfterFailure Where to move the files after processing if **ActionAfterFailure** is MOVE. This parameter is required if the ActionAfterFailure is MOVE.
transport.vfs.ReplyFileURI The location where reply files should be written by the transport.
transport.vfs.ReplyFileName The name for reply files written by the transport. The default value is response.xml.
transport.vfs.MoveTimestampFormat The pattern/format of the timestamps added to file names as prefixes when moving files. Specify a valid timestamp pattern. For example, yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ.
transport.vfs.Streaming Whether files should be transferred in streaming mode, which is useful when transferring large files. The default setting is false.
transport.vfs.ReconnectTimeout Reconnect timeout value in seconds to be used in case of an error when transferring files. Specify a positive integer. The default values is 30 seconds.
transport.vfs.MaxRetryCount Maximum number of retry attempts to carry out in case of errors. Specify a positive integer. The default values is 3.
transport.vfs.Append When writing the response to a file, whether the response should be appended to the response file instead of overwriting the file. This value should be defined as a query parameter in the out/reply file URI. For example:
or, parameter name="transport.vfs.ReplyFileURI"file:///home/user/test/out?transport.vfs.Append=true/parameter.
By default, the parameter is set to false (the response file will be completely overwritten).
transport.vfs.MoveAfterFailedMove Where to move the failed file.
transport.vfs.FailedRecordsFileName The name of the file that maintains the list of failed files. Example file name:
transport.vfs.FailedRecordsFileDestination Where to store the failed records file.
transport.vfs.MoveFailedRecordTimestampFormat Entries in the failed records file include the name of the file that failed and the timestamp of its failure. This property configures the time stamp format. Specify a valid timestamp pattern. For example, yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ. By default, the parameter is set to dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss.
transport.vfs.FailedRecordNextRetryDuration The time in milliseconds to wait before retrying the move task. Specify a positive integer. The default value is 3000 miliseconds.
transport.vfs.Locking By default, file locking is enabled in the VFS transport. This parameter lets you configure the locking behavior on a per service basis. You can also disable locking globally by specifying the parameter at the receiver level and selectively enable locking only for a set of services. The setting is enabled by default.
transport.vfs.FileProcessCount This setting allows you to throttle the VFS listener by processing files in batches. Specify the number of files you want to process in each batch. Specify a positive integer such as 10.

Note: If you specify the transport.vfs.FileProcessCount parameter, you do not need to specify the transport.vfs.FileProcessInterval parameter in a configuration, and vice versa. These two parameters cannot be used at the same time.
transport.vfs.FileProcessInterval The interval in milliseconds between two file processes. Specify a positive integer, such as 10
transport.vfs.FileSizeLimit Only file sizes that are less than or equal to the defined limit are processed. Specify the file size in bytes. The default value is -1(unlimited file size).
transport.vfs.AutoLockReleaseInterval The timeout value for stale locks where the VFS transport will ignore those file locks once the defined time period is reached. The time period is calculated from the time the lock is created to the time you attempt to access it. If you need stale locks to never timeout provide -1 as the timeout value. Specify the time in miliseconds. The default value is 20000.
transport.vfs.SFTPIdentities Location of the private key.
transport.vfs.SFTPIdentityPassPhrase Passphrase of the private key.
transport.vfs.SFTPUserDirIsRoot If the SFTP user directory should be treated as root. By default, this parameter is set to true.
transport.vfs.ResolveHostsDynamically Whether hostnames should be resolved at the time of deployment or whether it is necessary to resolve hostnames dynamically at runtime. By default hostnames are resolved at the time of deployment. If you want to resolve hostnames at runtime, set this parameter to true. Note: Resolving hostnames at runtime is only possible for the Server Message Block (SMB) protocol.
By default, this setting is false.
transport.vfs.AutoLockRelease Set to true if you need to release locking in order to avoid files not being processed due to faulty locking. This works together with the transport.vfs.AutoLockReleaseInterval and transport.vfs.LockReleaseSameNode parameters.
transport.vfs.LockReleaseSameNode Set to true if you need to release the locks only accrued by the same worker node.
If this is set to false, locks accrued by other nodes will be released according to the value specified in transport.vfs.AutoLockReleaseInterval. By default, this setting is true.
transport.vfs.FileSortAttribute The attribute by which the files should be sorted and processed. The possible values are NONE, Size, or Lastmodifiedtimestamp.
transport.vfs.FileSortAsscending The sort order to sort and process the files. If set to true, files will be sorted in ascending order based on the attribute you specify in transport.vfs.FileSortAttribute. By default, this setting is true.
transport.vfs.CreateFolder Set to true to create a folder if a folder does not exist when moving files. By default, this setting is false.
transport.vfs.SubFolderTimestampFormat The pattern/format of the timestamps added to the folder structure when moving files. You need to set transport.vfs.CreateFolder to true in order to specify a value for this parameter. Specify a valid timestamp pattern. For example, yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ.
transport.vfs.Build Set to true if you need to build the content inside the file before injecting the file to the mediation engine. If there is a build error, the file will not be injected to the mediation engine. By default, this setting is false.
transport.vfs.UpdateLastModified When this parameter is set to true, the newly created file will have the same last-modified timestamp as the original file. The default setting is true.


If you require cluster coordination for file polling, please use the File Inbound Endpoint.

The following service-level parameters are required for Inbound Endpoints.

Parameter Description
interval The time duration in milliseconds between two file scans that checks for updates.
sequential Files will be processed sequentially when this parameter is set to true.

This should be true for clustered deployments in order to prevent two nodes from retrieving the same file.

VFS URL Parameters

When you use the transport.vfs.FileURI parameter, you can set connection-specific VFS parameters as URL query parameters. For example, to use SFTP with SSL, you could specify the URL as shown below. Note that transport.vfs.AvoidPermissionCheck is a mandatory parameter for this URL when SFTP is used.

<parameter name="transport.vfs.FileURI">vfs:ftps://test:[email protected]/vfs/in?vfs.ssl.keystore=/home/user/openssl/keystore.jks&amp;vfs.ssl.truststore=/home/user/openssl/vfs-truststore.jks&amp;vfs.ssl.kspassword=importkey&amp;vfs.ssl.tspassword=wso2vfs&amp;vfs.ssl.keypassword=importkey;transport.vfs.AvoidPermissionCheck=true</parameter>

Parameter Description
transport.vfs.AvoidPermissionCheck Be sure to set this parameter to true for an SFTP connection. This is because (by default) the VFS transport checks whether the user has permission to access the location of the files (the source location or the destination). However, since the system is reading files in an external server through the SFTP connection, this permission check is not required and should be avoided.
vfs.passive Enable FTP passive mode. This is required when the FTP client and server are not in the same network. By default, this setting is false.
transport.vfs.Append If a file with same name exists, this parameter tells whether to create a new file and write content or append content to existing file. By default, this setting is false. Set data channel protection level using FTP PROT command. Possible values are as follows:
  • C - Clear
  • S - Safe(SSL protocol only)
  • E - Confidential(SSL protocol only)
  • P - Private
The default value is C.
vfs.ssl.keystore Private key store to use for mutual SSL. Your keystore must be signed by a certificate authority. For more information, see Oracle page. Possible value: String (Path of keystore).
vfs.ssl.kspassword Private key store password.
vfs.ssl.keypassword Private key password
vfs.ssl.truststore Trust store to use for SFTP
vfs.ssl.tspassword Trust store password
transport.vfs.CreateFolder If the directory does not exists create and write the file. The default setting is false.
transport. vfs.SendFileSynchronously Whether to send files synchronously to the file host. When this parameter is set to true, files will be sent one after another to the file host. This synchronous write can be configured on a per host basis. The default setting is false.
transport.vfs.StrictHostKeyChecking Whether the Host key should be checked. When this parameter is set to yes, VFS transport will always verify the public key (fingerprint) of the SSH/SFTP server. The default setting is no.
transport.vfs.UpdateLastModified When this parameter is set to true, the newly created file will have the same last-modified timestamp as the original file. The default setting is true.
timeout The connection timeout in milliseconds. Possible value: 1000. The default value is 5000.
When you need to access the absolute path of the URL, you can define the URL with sftpPathFromRoot as shown below. Also, note that transport.vfs.AvoidPermissionCheck is a mandatory parameter for this URL when SFTP is used.
<parameter name="transport.vfs.FileURI">sftp://[ username[: password]@] hostname[: port][ absolute-path]?sftpPathFromRoot=true;transport.vfs.AvoidPermissionCheck=true</parameter>
transport.vfs.IsMounted When a file read/write location is a bind mount volume, this property needs to be set to true.

Configuring a Proxy Server over FTP and SFTP

Proxy server specific parameters can be set as URL query parameters. For example, to use Proxy over FTP, you could specify the URL as follows:

ftp://username:[email protected]/home/wso2/res?proxyServer=

Following are the URL parameters you can set:

Parameter Description


The IP address of the proxy server. Possible value: This parameter is set to false by default.


The port number on which the proxy server is listening for requests. Possible value: 1328. This parameter is set to false by default.
proxyType The proxy server type. This can either be HTTP or SOCKS. The default is SOCKS. Note: In a configuration, if the proxy server type is not specified or an unknown proxy server type is specified, the proxyType will be considered as HTTP.
proxyUsername The user name of the proxy server.
proxyPassword The password of the proxy server.
timeout The connection timeout in milliseconds. Possible value: 1000. The default value is 5000.
retryCount The number of retry attempts in case of a connection timeout. Possible value: 3. The default value is 5.