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SalesforceBulkV2 Connector Reference

The following operations allow you to work with the Salesforce Bulk V2 Connector. Click an operation name to see parameter details and samples on how to use it.

Salesforce Bulk API uses the OAuth protocol to allow application users to securely access data without having to reveal their user credentials. For more information on how authentication is done in Salesforce, see Understanding Authentication.

Bulk API 2.0 Connector Connector Configuration

Connection configuration

In the 'Properties' section of each operation, users can configure connection-related information. Once the configuration is created, it can be reused in other operations.

Parameter Name Description Required
Salesforce Configuration Name Name of the configuration. Yes
Instance URL Salesforce instance url. Yes
Client ID Salesforce connected app's client id. No. Connector will renew the access token if it gets 4xx response and clientId, clientSecret, refreshToken are configured.
Client Secret Salesforce connected app's client secret. No. Connector will renew the access token if it gets 4xx response and clientId, clientSecret, refreshToken are configured.
Refresh Token Salesforce connected app's refresh token. No. Connector will renew the access token if it gets 4xx response and clientId, clientSecret, refreshToken are configured.
Access Token Salesforce connected app's access token. Optional if clientId, clientSecret, refreshToken are configured. Required otherwise.

Note: It is recommended to use the OAuth client credentials (Client ID and Client Secret) along with the Refresh Token instead of Access Token.

Bulk API 2.0 Ingest


The salesforce_bulkapi_v2.abortJob operation aborts a bulk ingest job in Salesforce using Salesforce Bulk API v2. See the related API documentation for more information.

Parameter Name Description Required
Salesforce configuration The Salesforce configuration to store OAuth related data. Yes
Job ID Bulk job ID Yes


The salesforce_bulkapi_v2.createJob operation creates a bulk ingest job in Salesforce using Salesforce Bulk API v2. See the related API documentation for more information.

Parameter Name Description Required
Salesforce configuration The Salesforce configuration to store OAuth related data. Yes
Operation The ID of an assignment rule to run for a Case or a Lead. The assignment rule can be active or inactive. The ID can be retrieved by using the Lightning Platform SOAP API or the Lightning Platform REST API to query the AssignmentRule object. Yes
Object The object type for the data being processed. Use only a single object type per job. Yes
Column Delimeter The column delimiter used for CSV job data. The default value is COMMA. Valid values are:
  • BACKQUOTE—backquote character (``)
  • CARET—caret character (^)
  • COMMA—comma character (,) which is the default delimiter
  • PIPE—pipe character (|)
  • SEMICOLON—semicolon character (;)
  • TAB—tab character
Line Ending The line ending used for CSV job data, marking the end of a data row. The default is LF. Valid values are:
  • LF—linefeed character
  • CRLF—carriage return character followed by a linefeed character

Assignment Rule ID The ID of an assignment rule to run for a Case or a Lead. The assignment rule can be active or inactive. The ID can be retrieved by using the Lightning Platform SOAP API or the Lightning Platform REST API to query the AssignmentRule object. No
External ID Field Name The external ID field in the object being updated. Only needed for upsert operations. Field values must also exist in CSV job data. No


The salesforce_bulkapi_v2.closeJob operation closes a bulk ingest job in Salesforce using Salesforce Bulk API v2. See the related API documentation for more information.

Parameter Name Description Required
Salesforce configuration The Salesforce configuration to store OAuth related data. Yes
Job ID Bulk job ID Yes


The salesforce_bulkapi_v2.deleteJob operation deletes a bulk ingest job in Salesforce using Salesforce Bulk API v2. See the related API documentation for more information.

Parameter Name Description Required
Salesforce configuration The Salesforce configuration to store OAuth related data. Yes
Job ID Bulk job ID Yes


The salesforce_bulkapi_v2.getJobInfo operation retrieve all the bulk ingest job information from Salesforce using Salesforce Bulk API v2. See the related API documentation for more information.

Parameter Name Description Required
Salesforce configuration The Salesforce configuration to store OAuth related data. Yes
IsPKChunkingEnabled If set to true, the request only returns information about jobs where PK Chunking is enabled. This only applies to Bulk API (not Bulk API 2.0) jobs. No
Job Type Gets information only about jobs matching the specified job type. Possible values are:
  • Classic—Bulk API jobs. This includes both query jobs and ingest jobs.
  • BigObjectIngest.
  • V2Ingest—Bulk API 2.0 ingest (upload and upsert) jobs.
  • All-Gets information about all job types.

Query Locator Gets information about jobs starting with that locator value. No


The salesforce_bulkapi_v2.getFailedResults operation retrieves failed records of a specific bulk job from Salesforce using the Salesforce Bulk API v2. See the related API documentation for more information.

Parameter Name Description Required
Salesforce configuration The Salesforce configuration to store OAuth related data. Yes
Job ID Bulk job ID Yes
Output Type The response content type Yes
Add Results To Store the result in FILE or BODY Yes
File Path The file path to store results If selected FILE in Add Results To


The salesforce_bulkapi_v2.getJobInfo operation retrieve bulk ingest job information from Salesforce using Salesforce Bulk API v2. See the related API documentation for more information.

Parameter Name Description Required
Salesforce configuration The Salesforce configuration to store OAuth related data. Yes
Job ID Bulk job ID Yes


The salesforce_bulkapi_v2.getSuccessfulResults operation retrieves successful records of a specific bulk job from Salesforce using the Salesforce Bulk API v2. See the related API documentation for more information.

Parameter Name Description Required
Salesforce configuration The Salesforce configuration to store OAuth related data. Yes
Job ID Bulk job ID Yes
Output Type The response content type Yes
Add Results To Store the result in FILE or BODY Yes
File Path The file path to store results If selected FILE in Add Results To


The salesforce_bulkapi_v2.getUnprocessedResults operation retrieves unprocessed records of a specific bulk job from Salesforce using the Salesforce Bulk API v2. See the related API documentation for more information.

Parameter Name Description Required
Salesforce configuration The Salesforce configuration to store OAuth related data. Yes
Job ID Bulk job ID Yes
Output Type The response content type Yes
Add Results To Store the result in FILE or BODY Yes
File Path The file path to store results If selected FILE in Add Results To


The salesforce_bulkapi_v2.uploadJobData operation upload the csv records to a bulk job in Salesforce using the Salesforce Bulk API v2. See the related API documentation for more information.

Parameter Name Description Required
Salesforce configuration The Salesforce configuration to store OAuth related data. Yes
Job ID Bulk job ID Yes
Input Data The CSV content that needs to be uploaded. Required

Bulk API 2.0 Query


The salesforce_bulkapi_v2.createQueryJob operation creates a bulk query job in Salesforce using Salesforce Bulk API v2. See the related API documentation for more information.

Parameter Name Description Required
Salesforce configuration The Salesforce configuration to store OAuth related data. Yes
Operation The type of query. Possible values are: QUERY, QUERY_ALL Yes
Column Delimiter The column delimiter used for CSV job data. The default value is COMMA. Valid values are:
  • BACKQUOTE—backquote character (``)
  • CARET—caret character (^)
  • COMMA—comma character (,) which is the default delimiter
  • PIPE—pipe character (|)
  • SEMICOLON—semicolon character (;)
  • TAB—tab character
Line Ending The line ending used for CSV job data, marking the end of a data row. The default is LF. Valid values are: LF—linefeed character, CRLF—carriage return character followed by a linefeed character Yes


The salesforce_bulkapi_v2.abortQueryJob operation aborts a bulk query job in Salesforce using Salesforce Bulk API v2. See the related API documentation for more information.

Parameter Name Description Required
Salesforce configuration The Salesforce configuration to store OAuth related data. Yes
Query Job ID Bulk Query job ID Yes


The salesforce_bulkapi_v2.deleteQueryJob operation deletes a bulk query job in Salesforce using Salesforce Bulk API v2. See the related API documentation for more information.

Parameter Name Description Required
Salesforce configuration The Salesforce configuration to store OAuth related data. Yes
Query Job ID Bulk Query job ID Yes


The salesforce_bulkapi_v2.getQueryJobInfo operation retrieve bulk query job information from Salesforce using Salesforce Bulk API v2. See the related API documentation for more information.

Parameter Name Description Required
Salesforce configuration The Salesforce configuration to store OAuth related data. Yes
Job ID Query job ID Yes


The salesforce_bulkapi_v2.getAllQueryJobInfo operation retrieve all the bulk query job information from Salesforce using Salesforce Bulk API v2. See the related API documentation for more information.

Parameter Name Description Required
Salesforce configuration The Salesforce configuration to store OAuth related data. Yes
IsPKChunkingEnabled If set to true, the request only returns information about jobs where PK Chunking is enabled. This only applies to Bulk API (not Bulk API 2.0) jobs. No
Job Type Gets information only about jobs matching the specified job type. Possible values are:
  • Classic—Bulk API jobs. This includes both query jobs and ingest jobs.
  • V2Query—Bulk API 2.0 query jobs.
  • V2Ingest—Bulk API 2.0 ingest (upload and upsert) jobs.
  • All-Gets information about all job types.
Query Locator Gets information about jobs starting with that locator value. No


The salesforce_bulkapi_v2.getQueryJobResults operation retrieves the results of a specified bulk query job from Salesforce using the Salesforce Bulk API v2. See the related API documentation for more information.

Parameter Name Description Required
Salesforce configuration The Salesforce configuration to store OAuth related data. Yes
Job ID The ID of the bulk query job. Yes
Locator A string that identifies a specific set of query results. Providing a value for this parameter returns only that set of results. Optional
Max Records The maximum number of records to retrieve per set of results for the query. Optional
Output Type The response content type Yes
Add Results To Store the result in FILE or BODY Yes
File Path The file path to store results If selected FILE in Add Results To