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Kubernetes API Operator

As microservices are increasingly being deployed on Kubernetes, the need to expose these microservices as well documented, easy to consume, managed APIs are becoming important to develop great applications. The API operator for Kubernetes makes APIs a first-class citizen in the Kubernetes ecosystem. Similar to deploying microservices, you can now use this operator to deploy APIs for individual microservices or compose several microservices into individual APIs. With this, users will be able to expose their microservice as managed API in Kubernetes environment without any additional work.

The API operator for Kubernetes provides first-class support for Micro Integrator deployments in the Kubernetes ecosystem. It uses the Integration custom resource (integration_cr.yaml file) that is available in the Kubernetes project (exported from WSO2 Integration Studio) and deploys the integration in your Kubernetes environment.


If you are using native Kubernetes for complex or custom scenarios, note that the WSO2 Kubernetes API Operator does not support such improvements. You need to use native Kubernetes and Helm charts instead for those cases.

With and without K8s API Operator

How the API Operator works

Using kubectl command-line tool, users can manage APIs and Integration custom resources in Kubernetes environments as follows.

How API Operator Works

Deploy APIs

The high-level steps for deploying APIs in Kubernetes using the API K8s Operator is as follows:

  1. Deploy an API project or OpenAPI definition in a config map in Kubernetes
  2. Deploy api.yaml file which is the API custom resource definition (CRD) for the API.
  3. In the API, you should refer to the config map which has the API project or OpenAPI definition.
  4. The API Operator takes control of the API CRD.
  5. The API controller in the API Operator creates the relevant artifacts for deploying in the API Manager control plane and data plane.
  6. Based on the deployment options, API controller deploys the API in the API Manager control plane or data plane.

For more information and instructions, see Deploying APIs.

Deploy Integrations

The high-level steps for deploying integrations in Kubernetes using the API K8s Operator is as follows:

  1. Deploy integration.yaml file which is the Integration custom resource definition (CRD) for the Integration project.
  2. The API Operator takes control of the Integration CRD.
  3. The Integration controller in the API Operator creates and deploys the relevant Kubernetes artifacts such as deployment, service, ingress, and horizontal pod autoscaler in the Kubernetes environment.

For more information and instructions, see Deploying Integrations.

Custom Resources


API holds the API related information. Users can provide a configmap name for swaggerConfigMapName, paramsValues and certsValues. The swaggerConfigMapName holds the API project or OpenAPI definition file. The paramsValues and certsValues holds the apictl project parameter configs and the certificate files for the API respectively.

kind: API
name: petstore-api
swaggerConfigMapName: petstore-cm
paramsValues: params-cm
certsValues: certs-cm


Integration holds the integration project-related information. Users can define the docker image name, deployment specification, autoscale configurations, service-related information, and environment variables for the integration project.

kind: Integration
name: test-integration
image: sajithagimash/test:1.0.0
    minReplicas: 1
    requestCPU: "500m"
    reqMemory: "512Mi"
    cpuLimit: "2000m"
    memoryLimit: "2048Mi"
    enabled: "true"
    maxReplicas: 3
    passthroPort: 8290
    - 8000
    - name: DEV_ENV_USER_EP
    value: ""


TargetEndpoint holds the endpoint-related information. Users can define the application protocol, ports, deployment specification and the running mode for the endpoint.

kind: TargetEndpoint
name: products-privatejet
    app: wso2
applicationProtocol: http
    - name: prod-ep
    port: 80
    targetPort: 9090
    name: products-pj-service
    dockerImage: pubudu/products:1.0.0
    minReplicas: 2
    maxReplicas: 3
    requestCPU: "60m"
    reqMemory: "32Mi"
    cpuLimit: "120m"
mode: privateJet

API K8s Operator configurations

The configurations of the K8s API Operator are stored in K8s secrets and configmaps. Users can change the configurations by changing the secrets and config maps in K8s.

API Controller

Control deploying to the API microgateway and API Manager.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
    name: api-controller-config
    # Deploy the API to Microgateway
    deployAPIToMicrogateway: "true"
    # Deploy the API to API Manager
    deployAPIToAPIManager: "false"

API-M configurations

Configure key manager endpoints, API publisher endpoint, ssl verification, and secret name for API Manager credentials.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
    name: apim-config
    # The following 3 endpoints are related to importing API to API Manager
    # API Manager Keymanager/DCR endpoint
    apimKeymanagerEndpoint: "https://localhost:9443"
    # API Manager Publisher endpoint
    apimPublisherEndpoint: "https://localhost:9443"
    # API Manager token endpoint
    apimTokenEndpoint: "https://localhost:9443/oauth2/token"

    # Skip verification for the REST API invocations. If "false", you need to provide the cert
    insecureSkipVerify: "true"
    # Secret name containing API Manager credentials and cert
    apimCredentialsSecret: "apim-secret"
    # Enable configurations for retrieving API and subscription data from API Manager.

Choreo Connect configurations

Configure adapter connection URL and SSL verification.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
    name: envoy-mgw-configs
    mgwAdapterHost: "https://adapter.default:9843"
    # Skip verification for Microgateway Adapter endpoint call. If "false", you need to provide the cert
    mgwInsecureSkipVerify: "true"

API-M secrets

Configure credentials related to API Manager and API Microgateway using K8s secrets as below. The input values should be Base64 encoded.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
    name: apim-secret
type: Opaque
    # Base64 encoded username, password, and, cert secret name for API Manager
    username: YWRtaW4=
    password: YWRtaW4=
    cert_security: YXBpbS1jZXJ0LXNlY3JldA==
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
    name: apim-cert-secret
    # Base64 encoded public cert of API Manager instance
    apim.pem: <BASE 64 ENCODED PUBLIC CERT>
type: Opaque
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
    name: envoymgw-adapter-secret
type: Opaque
    # Base64 encoded username and password for Envoy MGW Adapter
    username: YWRtaW4=
    password: YWRtaW4=
    mgwCertSecretName: ZW52b3ltZ3ctY2VydC1zZWNyZXQ=
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
    name: envoymgw-cert-secret
    # Base64 encoded public cert of Microgateway Adapter
    adapter.pem: <BASE 64 ENCODED PUBLIC CERT>
type: Opaque

Integration Controller

Configure Integration custom resource-related configurations.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
    name: integration-config
    reconcileInterval: "10"
    autoIngressCreation: "true"
    enableAutoScale: "false"
    minReplicas: "1"
    maxReplicas: "5"
    # Auto Scaling Configurations
    hpaMetrics: |
    - type: Resource
        name: cpu
            type: Utilization
            averageUtilization: 70
    # K8s Probes
    livenessProbe: |
        port: 8290
    initialDelaySeconds: 10
    periodSeconds: 5
    readinessProbe: |
        path: /healthz
        port: 9201
    initialDelaySeconds: 10
    periodSeconds: 5

Integration Ingress configurations

Configure Ingress configurations for Integration services.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
    name: integration-ingress-config
data: | nginx /$2 false
    ingressResourceName: "api-operator-ingress"
    #Define whether ingress to use http or https endpoint of operator deployment
    ingressTransportMode: "https"
    #Define the hostname of the ingress
    ingressHostName : ""
    #Define the secret name for TLS certificate
    #tlsSecretName: ""