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Enable or Disable Footer

The footer section is visible by default. You can hide the footer by configuring the defaultTheme.js file.

The defaultTheme.js file has all the parameters defining the look and feel of the developer portal. To learn more about defaultTheme.js refer here.

  1. Open the <API-M_HOME>/repository/deployment/server/webapps/devportal/src/main/webapp/site/public/theme/defaultTheme.js file in a text editor and set the attribute as false to hide the footer.

  2. Refresh the Developer Portal to view the changes.

const Configurations = {
    custom: {
        footer: {
            active: true,
            text: '',
            background: '#000',
            color: '#fff',
Option type Description
active boolean Footer is visible if true (default). Hidden if false.
text string Leave empty to show the default WSO2 Text. Provide custom text to display your own thing.
background string Set the background color of the footer
color string Set the font color for the footer text