Deploying Choreo Connect as a Standalone Gateway on Kubernetes¶
Let's deploy an API in Choreo Connect running on Kubernetes as a Standalone Gateway. We can use WSO2 API Controller (apictl) the Command Line Tool to deploy the API.
Before you begin
- Install kubectl.
- Setup a Kubernetes cluster v1.20 or above.
- Minimum CPU : 3vCPU
- Minimum Memory : 2GB
- Deploy an ingress controller - NGINX Ingress Controller for this sample.
If you are using Rancher Desktop, disable the default Traefik ingress controller in order to deploy the Nginx ingress controller. Refer Rancher Docs for more information.
Step 1 - Setup Choreo Connect in Kubernetes¶
Download and extract the Choreo Connect distribution .zip file
The latest Choreo Connect distribution can be downloaded from Extract the Choreo Connect distribution .zip file. The extracted folder will be called as
hereafter. -
Apply the Kubernetes configurations for Choreo Connect using the kubectl tool.
kubectl apply -f <CHOREO-CONNECT_HOME>/k8s-artifacts/choreo-connect
Add the host entry to the
file.Add the following entry to the
file in order to access the Choreo Connect Router and Adapter.<INGRESS_ADDRESS>
Step 2 - Initialize an API Project¶
Let's create our first project with the name "petstore" based on the OpenAPI definition of the petstore.
Download and install apictl
apictl is a CLI tool that can be used to deploy and undeploy APIs in the Choreo Connect clusters. Refer Download and initialize the CTL Tool to set up the apictl in your development environment.
Now let's create our first API project to deploy on Choreo Connect that is set up on Kubernetes
Navigate to a preferred workspace folder using the command line. Run the following command to create an API project named "petstore". This creates the folder structure for the artifacts to be included. Use the --oas option as given below to create an API project based on an OpenAPI definition.
apictl init petstore --oas <api definition path>
Let's use the Petstore sample OpenAPI definition
apictl init petstore --oas
The project is now initialized. A directory with the name "petstore" has been created.
For more information on the API project directory that gets created, see Getting Started with apictl.
Step 3 - Deploy the API Project¶
Add the Choreo Connect Cluster as an Environment to apictl
To use apictl with Choreo Connect, we need to add the Choreo Connect cluster as an environment in apictl. Basically, the adapter URL will be added as the Gateway environment, and the added environment can be used in the subsequent commands.
apictl mg add env <ENVIRONMENT_NAME> --adapter <ADAPTER_URL>
apictl mg add env k8s --adapter
Log in to the Choreo Connect Cluster
Next you need to log in to the Choreo Connect environment (log in to the adapter) in order to deploy the API in Choreo Connect.
apictl mg login k8s -u admin -p admin -k
The following apictl commands are executed with the flag
to avoid the SSL verification with Choreo Connect. To communicate via https without skipping the SSL verification (without -k flag), add the cert of Choreo Connect into/home/<your-pc-username>/.wso2apictl/certs
. -
Deploy the API in Choreo Connect
Now let's deploy our first API to Choreo Connect using the project created in the step 3. Navigate to the location where the petstore project was initialized. Execute the following command to deploy the API in Choreo Connect.
apictl mg deploy api -f <PROJRECT_NAME> -e <ENVIRONMENT_NAME> -k
apictl mg deploy api -f petstore -e k8s -k
Step 4 - Invoke the sample API¶
Obtain a token
After the APIs are exposed via WSO2 Choreo Connect, you can invoke an API with a valid access token (JWT) or using a test key. Let's use WSO2 Choreo Connect's test key endpoint to obtain a test key in order to access the API. Refer Generate a Test JWT for more details.
TOKEN=$(curl -X POST "" -d "scope=read:pets" -H "Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=" -k -v)
You can obtain a JWT token from any third-party secure token service or via WSO2 API Manager, that is configured as an issuer in Choreo Connect.
Invoke the API
Execute the following command to invoke the API using the test key. You can now invoke the API running on Choreo Connect using the following cURL command.
curl -X GET "<hostname>:<port>/<API-context>/<API-resource>" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" -k
curl -X GET "" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Authorization:Bearer $TOKEN" -k