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Configure Auth0 as a Key Manager

It is possible to integrate the WSO2 API Manager with an external Identity and Access Management server (IAM) using the Auth0 OAuth Authorization Server to manage the OAuth clients and tokens that are required by WSO2 API Manager. WSO2 API Manager has inbuilt support to consume APIs exposed by Auth0 OAuth.

Follow the instructions below to configure Auth0 as a third-party Key Manager:


For more information, see the Getting Started Guide, which is under the official Auth0 documentation.

Step 1 - Configure Auth0

  1. Create an Auth0 account.

    Get the URL for the tenant and then sign in to the dashboard.

    auth0 dashboard

  2. Create an application to use the management API.

    auth0 management api

    auth0 new application

  3. Allow that application to use the management API.

    Make sure that you have granted all the permissions to Create, Manage Apps, and Resource servers.

    auth0 permission to use app

  4. Navigate to the APIs section and create a custom API.

    auth0 create custom api

  5. Navigate to the Permissions tab in the custom API and create a new scope named default for the API.

    auth0 create scope

Step 2 - Configure WSO2 API Manager

  1. Start WSO2 API Manager.

  2. Sign in to the Admin Portal.



  3. Add a new Key Manager.

    auth0 add app admin

    1. Select the Key manager type as Auth0 and provide the relevant details in the fields accordingly.

      auth0 km type


      A list of well know addresses can be found in the advance section of the Auth0 Application settings


      auth0 endpoints

      • The introspection endpoint will not be populated as it is not exposed in Auth0. Therefore, set its value as none.
      • Select the token validation method as Self validate JWT as shown below.

      auth0 token validation

    2. Set the grant types which are allowed in Auth0.

      For information on the format of the grant types, go to Application Grant Types in the official Auth0 documentation.

      auth0 grant types

    3. Enter the client ID and client secret of the application that was created to invoke the Manage API.

      You can get to the audience value from Manage API. This is the Identifier value under General Settings for that API.

      auth0 connector configs

    The following table provides definitions for each of the Key Manager configurations.

    Configuration Description
    Name The name of the authorization server. Mandatory
    Display Name A name to display in the UI. Mandatory
    Description A brief description of the Key Manager. Optional
    Key Manager Type The type of the Key Manager to be selected. Mandatory

    The well-known URL of the Authorization Server (Key Manager).
    If the well-known URL is provided, other endpoints can be imported.

    Issuer The issuer that consumes or validates access tokens.
    Key Manager Endpoints
    Client Registration Endpoint

    The endpoint that verifies the identity and obtains profile information of the end-user based on the authentication performed by an authorization server.

    Optional if the well-known URI is provided.
    Introspection Endpoint The endpoint that allows authorized protected resources to query the authorization server to determine the set of metadata for a given token that was presented to them by an OAuth client. The introspection endpoint will not be populated as it is not exposed in Auth0. Therefore, set its value as none
    Token Endpoint The endpoint that issues the access tokens. Optional if the well-known URI is provided.
    Revoke Endpoint The endpoint that revokes the access tokens. Optional if the well-known URI is provided.
    Userinfo Endpoint The endpoint that allows clients to verify the identity of the end-user based on the authentication performed by an authorization server, as well as to obtain basic profile information about the end-user. Optional
    Authorize Endpoint The endpoint is used to obtain an authorization grant from the resource owner via the user-agent redirection. Optional
    Scope Management Endpoint The endpoint is used to manage the scopes. Optional
    Connector Configurations
    Client ID The client ID generated when creating the Auth0 application. Mandatory
    Client Secret The client secret generated when creating the Auth0 application. Mandatory
    Audience Audience of the Admin API. Can be found by navigating to the Auth0 Management API in Auth0. Mandatory
    Claim URIs This provides claim URIs for the consumer key and the scopes. Mandatory
    Consumer Key Claim URI The claim URI for consumer key
    Example: azp
    Scopes Claim URI The claim URI for scopes
    Example: scope
    Grant Types The supported grant types. Optional
    PEM Either copy and paste the certificate in PEM format or upload the PEM file. Optional
    JWKS The JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) endpoint is a read-only endpoint. This URL returns the Auth0's public key set in JSON web key set format. This contains the signing key(s) the Relying Party (RP) uses to validate signatures from the Auth0.
    Advanced Configurations
    Token Generation This enables token generation via the authorization server. Optional
    Out Of Band Provisioning This enables the provisioning of Auth clients that have been created without the use of the Developer Portal, such as previously created Auth clients. Optional
    OAuth App Creation This enables the creation of Auth clients. Optional
    Token Validation Method The method used to validate the JWT signature. This is not mandatory as the Token Validation Method cannot be introspect for Auth0.
    Self Validate JWT The kid value is used to validate the JWT token signature. If the `kid value is not present, the gateway_certificate_alias is used. Optional
    Use introspect Cannot use this option as Auth0 does not expose an introspection endpoint. Optional
    Token Handling Options This provides a way to validate the token for this particular authorization server. Optional. This is mandatory if the Token Validation Method is introspect.
    REFERENCE The tokens that match a specific regular expression (regEx) are validated.
    JWT The tokens that match a specific JWT is validated.
    CUSTOM The tokens that match a custom pattern are validated.
    Claim Mappings Local and remote claim mapping. Optional

    1. Save the configurations.

Step 3 - Generate keys using the Auth0 Key Manager

  1. Sign in to the Developer Portal.



  2. Click Applications.

  3. Create a new application.

    auth0 dev app create

  4. Click either "production" or "sandbox", select Auth0, and fill in the relevant information.

    auth0 app creation form


    • Note that the API field named audience is mandatory to generate an access token for Auth0. Therefore, provide it when generating the application keys.
    • You can obtain the audience of the API by checking the API. This is the value from the Resource Server API.

    auth0 resource api

    After the keys are generated, it will reflect in the UI.

    auth0 created app

  5. Click Generate Keys.

    auth0 success


If you want to generate the tokens with scopes, those scopes should have been defined in Auth0 as mentioned in Step 1 - (4).