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SMPP Inbound Endpoint Reference

The following configurations allow you to configure SMPP Inbound Endpoint for your scenario.

Parameter Description Required Possible Values Default Value
host IP address of the SMSC. Yes N/A N/A
port Port to access the SMSC. Yes N/A N/A
systemType Identifies the type of ESME system requesting to bind as a receiver with the SMSC. Yes "" - (NULL)
CMT - Cellular Messaging
CPT - Cellular Paging
VMN - Voice Mail Notification
VMA - Voice Mail Alerting
WAP - Wireless Application Protocol
USSD - Unstructured Supplementary Services Data
"" - (NULL)
systemId Identifies the ESME system requesting to bind as a receiver with the SMSC. Yes N/A N/A
password The password may be used by the SMSC to authenticate the ESME requesting to bind. Yes N/A N/A
addressNpi Numbering Plan Indicator for ESME address. Yes Unknown
ISDN (E163/E164) Data (X.121) Telex (F.69)
Land Mobile (E.212)
National Private ERMES
Internet (IP)
WAP Client Id (to be defined by WAP Forum)
addressTon Indicates Type of Number of the ESME address. Yes Unknown
International National Network Specific
Subscriber Number
Alphanumeric Abbreviated
bindType An ESME bound as a Receiver or Transceiver is authorised to receive short messages from the SMSC. Yes BIND_RX
addressRange A single ESME address or a range of ESME addresses served via this SMPP receiver session. No N/A null
enquireLinktimer Used to check whether SMSC is connected or not. No N/A 10000
transactiontimer Time elapsed between SMPP request and the corresponding response. No N/A 200
reconnectInterval The Initial retry interval to reconnect with the SMSC while SMSC is not available. No N/A 3000ms
retryCount The number of times to retry to connect with SMSC, while connection with the SMSC is closed. If you want to retry forever, give the retry count value as less than 0. No N/A 5
exponentialFactor Start with Initial reconnectInterval delay until first retry attempt is made but if that one fails, we should wait (reconnectInterval * exponentialFactor) times more. For example
let’s say we start with exponentialFactor 2 and 100ms delay until first retry attempt is
made but if that one fails as well, we should wait two times more (200ms). And later 400ms, 800ms…
No N/A 5
maximumBackoffTime The above one is an exponential function that can grow very fast. Thus it’s useful to set maximum backoff time at some reasonable level, e.g. 10 seconds: No N/A 10000ms