Publish an API to a Cloud Cluster in PrivateJet Mode

In an age where more and more applications are adopting the microservice architecture, it is obvious that container-orchestration systems such as Kubernetes have gained popularity due to the attractive functionalities they offer to simplify a number of complex management tasks. Automating computer application deployment, scaling, and management are a few of such functionalities to name. WSO2 API Manager provides cloud-native API management, where a user is able to expose microservices as managed APIs in cloud environment such as Kubernetes. This could be done with the support of WSO2-Kubernetes API Operator.


Microservices will be exposed as managed APIs in cloud clusters in the PrivetJet mode. Here, each microservice wll have a dedicated WSO2 API Microgateway. This will provide maximum security and guaranteed resource allocation for API execution. As depicted in the above diagram, When the APIs published via API-Manager in cloud environments, deployment, scaling, and management tasks will handle by the WSO2 -Kubernetes API Operator itself.

Before you Begin

  1. Follow the document Enabling PrivateJet Mode for Microgateways to enable deploying APIs to cloud clusters in PrivateJet mode.
  2. Follow the document Securing APIs deployed in cloud clusters to secure the API using any other authentication mechanisms other than JWT authentication.

Publish an API to a Cloud Cluster in PrivateJet Mode

  1. Start the API-M server.

  2. Sign in to the API Publisher https://<hostname>:9443/publisher (e.g., https://localhost:9443/publisher ). Upon signing in, the list of APIs in the API Publisher is listed. Please refer create an API guide to create a new API.

  3. Click on an API that is in the CREATED state.

    Select API

  4. Click the Environments tab and select the cluster(s) to deploy the API.


  5. Click the Lifecycle tab and publish the API. This will expose microservices as managed APIs in selected clusters.

    API LifeCycle

Now, you have successfully published your API to a cloud cluster. Next, you can test your API by invoking it from the developer portal.
