Subscribing for Alerts

You can subscribe to events as a system administrator or as a API publisher/subscriber. These users can subscribe to any of the alert types listed in the Manage Alert Subscriptions page specific to them. For more information about different types of alerts and their importance, see Alert Types.


Before you begin, make sure that you have done the following

Subscribe to alerts

System Administrators

A system administrator is allowed to select one or more alert types to subscribe for, as well as specify a list of email addresses to which the alerts should be sent. Follow the procedure below to carry out the tasks mentioned above using the Admin Portal of WSO2 API Manager.

  1. Log into the WSO2 API Manager Admin Portal using the https://<API-M_HOST>:<API-M_PORT>/admin URL.
  2. Click Manage Alerts to open the Manage Alert Subscriptions page. Subscribe to alerts in admin portal
  3. Select the relevant check boxes based on the alert types to which you want to subscribe.
  4. Under Email list , enter the list of email addresses that should receive alerts. The email addresses should be those of system administrators. Each email address can be separated with a comma or you can type Email address and press Enter.
  5. Click Save to save the information.

An API Manager publisher/subscriber can enable/disable alert types based on the alerts that he/she wants to receive individually, as well as specify a list of email addresses to which the alerts should be sent.

APIM Publisher/Subscriber

  1. Log into the API Publisher or API Developer Portal with the username and password of a user with required permission.
  2. Click on the SETTINGS menu, to open the Manage Alert Subscriptions page.

    • API Publisher Subscribe to alerts in publisher

    • API Developer Portal Subscribe to alerts in developer portal

  3. Select the relevant check boxes based on the alert types to which you want to subscribe.

  4. Under Email list , enter the list of email addresses that should receive alerts.
  5. Click Save to save the information.

Unsubscribe to alerts

System Administrators

  1. Log into the WSO2 API Manager Admin Portal using the https://<API-M_HOST>:<API-M_PORT>/admin URL.
  2. Click Manage Alerts to open the Manage Alert Subscriptions page. Unubscribe to alerts in admin portal
  3. Deselect the relevant check boxes of the alert types to which you want to unsubscribe.
  4. Under Email list , remove the email addresses of users that should be removed from alerts recipient list.
  5. Click Save to save the information.
  6. Click Unsubscribe All to unsubscribe from all alert types.

APIM Publisher/Subscriber

  1. Log into the API Publisher or API Developer Portal with the username and password of a user with required permission.
  2. Click on the SETTINGS menu, to open the Manage Alert Subscriptions page.

    • API Publisher Unubscribe to alerts in publisher

    • API Developer Portal Unubscribe to alerts in developer portal

  3. Deselect the relevant check boxes of the alert types to which you want to unsubscribe.

  4. Under Email list , remove the email addresses of users that should be removed from alerts recipient list.
  5. Click Save to save the information.
  6. Click Unsubscribe All to unsubscribe from all alert types.