Configuring Identity Server as External IDP using SAML

The Single Sign-On with the SAML 2.0 feature in WSO2 API Manager is implemented according to the SAML 2.0 browser-based SSO support facilitated by WSO2 Identity Server(WSO2 IS). This feature is available in all WSO2 IS packs from 4.1.0 onwards. The version used in this guide is WSO2 IS 5.10.0.

WSO2 Identity Server acts as an identity service provider of systems enabled with single sign-on, while the Web applications act as SSO service providers. Using this feature, you can configure SSO with SAML 2.0 across the API Publisher and Developer Portal. After configuring, you can access the Developer Portal or the API Publisher with a single authentication attempt.


  • Download the API Manager distribution from

  • Download the Identity Server distirbution from


    To use WSO2 IS as the Key Manager, download the WSO2 Identity Server 5.10.0 as a Key Manager pack, with pre-packaged Key Manager features. The instructions are given below:

    1. Access the previous WSO2 API Manager related releases.
    2. Select version 3.1.0.
    3. Click on the Identity Server as a Key Manager download option.


    For testing purposes, if you want to run both the WSO2 API Manager and WSO2 IS server on the same server, go to the <IS-Home>/repository/conf/deployment.toml file and offset the port by 1 to Identity Server, by adding following configuration:

  • Start the servers using the following commands:

    wso2server.bat --run

Configure the Identity Server

Step - 1 Configure the Service Provider

  1. Login to the Management Console of the Identity server by accessing the following URL:

  2. Navigate to the Service Providers section under Main → Identity and create new Service Provider.

  3. Edit the created Service Provider:

    1. Expand the Inbound Authentication Configuration secition and configure SAML2 Web SSO Configuration by providing the following information:

      Issuer Specify the Issuer
      Assertion Consumer URLs https://{apim-ip}:9443/commonauth
      Response Signing Algorithm
      Enable Response Signing true
      Enable Signature Validation in Authentication Requests and Logout Requests true
      Enable Single Logout true
      Enable Attribute Profile true
      Include Attributes in the Response Always true

      Following image shows the sample values for SAML2 Web SSO Configuration:


      Enable a tenant-specific SSO for the Publisher and Developer Portal

      To enable a tenant-specific SSO with IS 5.10.0 for Publisher and the Developer Portal, enable the Use tenant domain in local subject identifier option under the Local & Outbound Authentication Configuration section.


    2. Expand the Claim Configuration section. Add as mandatory claim.

    3. Update the Service Provider configurations.

      In Multi-tenanted environments

      Carry out the instruction given below for all the tenants to be able to login to the API-M Web applications in a multi-tenanted environment.

      1. Click the SaaS Application option that appears after registering the service provider.


      If you do not select the SaaS Application option, only users in the current tenant domain will be allowed to login to the portals. You will need to register separate service providers for portals from each tenant.

    4. Upload the public certificate of the API Manager by selecting Select SP Certificate Type.


Step - 2 Create users and roles

  1. Create the required users and roles in Identity Server. Assume that the following users are created in Identity Servers with the given roles.

    User Role
    api_publisher publisher_role
    api_user user_role

Configure the API Manager

Step - 1 Configure the Identity Provider

  1. Login to the Management Console of API Manager by browsing the following URL:

  2. Navigate to the Identity Providers section under Main → Identity and create new Identity Provider.

    1. Upload the public certificate of Identity Server under Upload IDP certificate.

    2. Expand the Federated Authenticators section and add following configurations under SAML2 Web SSO Configurations:

      Enable SAML2 Web SSO true
      Service Provider Entity ID It depends on the Issuer value defined in the Service Provider configured in Identity Server above
      Identity Provider Entity ID localhost
      SSO URL https://{is-ip}:9444/samlsso
      Signature Algorithm RSA with SHA256
      Single Logout profile true
      Enable Authentication Request Signing true
      Enable Authentication Response Signing true
      Enable Logout Request Signing true

      Following image shows the sample values for SAML2 Web SSO Configurations:



      Make sure your service provider configurations in the Identity Server and the identity provider configurations in API Manager are similarly reflected to each other.


      • If the Response Signing Algorithm in Identity Server is rsa-sha256, then the Signature Algorithm in API Manager should be RSA with SHA256.
      • If you have enabled Enable Single Logout in the Service Provider created in the Identity Server, then you have to enable Single Logout Profile in the Identity Provider created in API Manager.
    3. Enable Just-in-Time Provisioning to provision the users in API Manager.

    4. Add the following role mapping under Role Configuration section:

      Identity Server Roles Roles Mapped in API Manager
      user_role Internal/Subscriber
      publisher_role Internal/publisher


      Instead of using the default internal roles, you can also create new roles in API Manager and map it to the provisioned users.

    Step - 2 Configure the Service Provider

    1. Navigate to the Service Providers section and list the Service Providers. There are two service providers created for Publisher portal and Developer portal named as apim_publisher and apim_devportal. Edit the apim_publisher service provider.


      The service providers are created during the first login. Therefore, you will have to log into the Developer Portal and Publisher at least once for the two service providers to appear.

    2. Expand the Local & Outbound Authentication Configuration section and select Federated Authentication as the Authentication Type and select the name of the Identity Provider you created. Update the configurations with your selection.

      Check Assert identity using mapped local subject identifier option. Note that it is mandatory to enable this option to authorize scopes for provisioned federated users.

    3. Repeat the same step for the apim_devportal Service Provider as well.

    Now you will be able to login to Publisher and Devportal using the users in WSO2 Identity Server.


    To learn more about Single Sign-On with WSO2 Identity Server, see SAML 2.0 Web SSO in the WSO2 Identity Server documentation.
