Overriding Developer Portal Theme

WSO2 provides the developers with an easier approach to customize the UI. You do not need to have React, CSS, or HTML knowledge to customize the UI. We have a single JSON file which holds the parameterized constraints of the look and feel. For example, you can change the font family via the JSON file so that the changes appear through out the Developer Portal. When updating the Developer Portal theme, you can update not only the look and feel, but also behaviors such as making the listing view default instead of grid view, hiding social features, etc.

Overriding the default theme

The default theme is located in the <API-M_HOME>/repository/deployment/server/jaggeryapps/devportal/site/public/theme/ directory.

The defaultTheme.js file has all the parameters defining the look and feel of the Developer Portal.

Make sure to take a backup of the defaultTheme.js before making any changes.

Changes done in the defaultTheme.js file are reflected directly in the Developer Portal ( It's not required to restart the server or rebuild the source code).

Uploading via the Admin Portal (Tenants Only)

If you do not have access to the file system , you can upload the theme via the Admin Portal as shown below:

  1. Download the sample theme here sampleTheme.zip.
  2. The sampleTheme.zip file contains the following folder structure.

    You can make the changes required to defaultTheme.json file and archive it back. The name of the archive does not matter, but the name of the JSON file (defaultTheme.json) does.

    ├── css
    │   └── custom.css
    ├── defaultTheme.json
    └── images
        └── custom-logo.png
  3. Sign in to the WSO2 Admin Portal (https://server-host:9443/admin) with your tenant username (format <username>@<domain>.com [email protected]) and password.

  4. Expand the Settings menu, click Upload Tenant Theme and upload your ZIP file.

    Upload tenant theme

  5. Access the API Developer Portal (https://<server-host>:9443/devportal) using your tenant username and password.

    Note the new theme is applied.

Adding custom logo for the tenant

In your tenant theme, you can refer to an image from the defaultTheme.json file as follows. The examples below uses the custom-logo.png image from the sampleTheme.zip. The image can be referred using one of the following URL patterns.

The path format to the custom-logo.png image within the tenant domain theme is as follows:

"logo": "/site/public/tenant_themes/<tenant-domain>/images/custom-logo.png",
The path to the custom-logo.png image within the [email protected] tenant domain theme is as follows:

"logo": "/site/public/tenant_themes/[email protected]/images/custom-logo.png",

The following defines the logo image from an external URL.

"logo": "https://dummyimage.com/208x19/66aad1/ffffff&text=testlogo",

Applying CSS rules to change the look and feel

If you prefer to change the styling using CSS rules, you can use the custom.css file. The above sample theme also has a custom CSS file. In the CSS file, let's change the top header background color to black.

Note that we have injected IDs into the dom elements. You can use them to apply CSS rules. However, be aware about the dynamically generated CSS class names. These class names have a number suffix which changes from version to version. Therefore, it is recommended not to use them for styling purposes.

The CSS file is referenced in the defaultTheme.json in the following manner. It is not a must to replace the <tenant-domain> in the following line, as at runtime the Developer Portal will automatically replace it with the current tenant domain.

   "tenantCustomCss": "/site/public/tenant_themes/<tenant-domain>/css/custom.css",

Content of defaultTheme.json

  "themes": {
    "light": {
      "palette": {
        "primary": {
          "main": "#15b8cf"
        "secondary": {
          "light": "#347eff",
          "main": "#415a85",
          "contrastText": "#ffcc00"
        "background": {
          "default": "#efefef",
          "paper": "#ffffff",
          "drawer": "#1a1f2f"
      "typography": {
        "fontFamily": "\"Open Sans\", \"Helvetica\", \"Arial\", sans-serif",
        "fontSize": 12,
        "body2": {
          "lineHeight": 2
      "custom": {
        "tenantCustomCss": "/site/public/tenant_themes/<tenant-domain>/css/custom.css",
        "contentAreaWidth": 1240,
        "backgroundImage": "",
        "defaultApiView": "list",
        "page": {
          "style": "fluid",
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          "emptyAreadBackground": "#1e2129",
          "border": "none"
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          "logo": "/site/public/tenant_themes/<tenant-domain>/images/custom-logo.png",
          "logoHeight": 34,
          "logoWidth": 128,
          "background": "#1d344f",
          "activeBackground": "#254061",
          "showSearch": true,
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