Configuring Geo Location Based Statistics


This documentation uses MySQL as an example for configuring the GEO_LOCATION_DATA database.


In order to generate Geolocation based statistics, you need to pass an x-forwarded-for header with the relevant IP in the API request.

  1. Use the Geo Location dataset that you created here when configuring geo location based statistics.
  2. Create a database with name GEO_LOCATION_DATA and create tables in it by executing one of the following scripts.

    | mysql.sql | mssql.sql | oracle.sql | postgresql.sql | db2.sql |

    In this example, mysql.sql is executed.

    Command to run in MySQL command line

    mysql -h <hostname> -u <username> <database_name>  < <path_to_mysql_script> -p
    Example command:
    mysql -h localhost -u root GEO_LOCATION_DATA  < /mysql.sql -p


    This also can be done using the MySQL Workbench.

    For detailed instructions to run the database script, see MySQL Documentation - The Workbench Scripting Shell.

  3. Import the created final.csv file(created in the first step) into BLOCKS table. Use the command given below.

    load data local infile '[PATH_TO_FINAL.CSV]/final.csv' into table BLOCKS
    fields terminated by ','
    enclosed by '"'
    lines terminated by '\n'
    (network_cidr, network, broadcast, geoname_id, registered_country_geoname_id, represented_country_geoname_id, is_anonymous_proxy, is_satellite_provider, postal_code, latitude, longitude, network_blocks);
  4. Import the GeoLite2-City-Locations-en.csv file located inside the extracted latest CSV zip directory (e.g GeoLite2-City-CSV_20200310) into LOCATION table. Use the command given below.

    load data local infile '[PATH_TO_GeoLite2-City-Locations-en]/GeoLite2-City-Locations-en.csv' into table LOCATION
    fields terminated by ','
    enclosed by '"'
    lines terminated by '\n'
    (geoname_id, locale_code, continent_code, continent_name, country_iso_code, country_name, subdivision_1_iso_code, subdivision_1_name, subdivision_2_iso_code, subdivision_2_name, city_name, metro_code, time_zone);


    If you get an error when importing data from GeoLite2-City-Locations-en.csv to LOCATION table in PostgreSQL(as GeoLite2-City-Locations-en.csv file may include additional columns like 'is_in_european_union' which are not required) you can alter the LOCATION table to include non required columns and continue with the importing. Once the importing is successful, you can drop those non required columns.

  5. Check whether your imported dataset is working properly by executing following query in the MySQL Command Line.

    SELECT loc.country_name,loc.subdivision_1_name
    FROM BLOCKS block , LOCATION loc
    WHERE block.network_blocks = '<Network_part_of_ipv4>'
    AND <Long_value_of_publilc_IP> BETWEEN
    AND block.broadcast AND block.geoname_id=loc.geoname_id;

    Example query :

    SELECT loc.country_name,loc.subdivision_1_name
    FROM BLOCKS block , LOCATION loc
    WHERE block.network_blocks = '221.192'
    AND 3720398641 BETWEEN
    AND block.broadcast AND block.geoname_id=loc.geoname_id;
  6. Download a JDBC provider depending on the database you are using (MySQL, in this example), and copy it to the <API-M_ANALYTICS_HOME>/repository/components/lib directory.


    If the JDBC driver is not an OSGI bundle, then it should be converted to OSGI (using before placing it in the <API-M_ANALYTICS_HOME>/lib directory. For detailed instructions, see Adding Third Party Non OSGi Libraries.

    e.g., sh API-M_ANALYTICS_HOME/bin/ ojdbc6.jar API-M_ANALYTICS_HOME/lib/

  7. Configure the datasource for the GEO_LOCATION_DATA database.

    A default datasource for geo location based statistics is defined in the <API-M_ANALYTICS_HOME>/conf/worker/deployment.yaml file under data sources. You can edit that datasource to point it to your newly created GEO_LOCATION_DATA database.


    The database should be tuned to handle the total maxPoolSize (The maximum number of threads that should be reserved at any given time to handle events) that is defined in the configuration.

      description: "The data source used for geo location database"
        name: jdbc/GEO_LOCATION_DATA
        type: RDBMS
          jdbcUrl: 'jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/GEO_LOCATION_DATA'
          username: 'root'
          password: '123'
          driverClassName: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
          maxPoolSize: 50
          idleTimeout: 60000
          validationTimeout: 30000
          isAutoCommit: false