Viewing Alerts


The following procedure to view alerts is relevant only for system administrators. System administrators, API publishers as well as API subscribers receive alerts via notification emails if they have subscribed to one or more alert type.

Follow the procedure below to view alerts that were generated for the APIs deployed in your WSO2 API Manager installation.

  1. Access the WSO2 API Manager Admin Portal by using the following URL, and log in using your credentials. https://<API-M_HOST>:<API-M_PORT>/admin
  2. Once the Admin Portal opens, click the following icon in the top right corner of the view.
    This opens the Alerts History page as shown in the example below. The All Alerts value is selected in the Alert Type field by default as shown in the example below. Therefore, all the alerts that were generated in your WSO2 API Manager installation are displayed by default in this page.
  3. If you want to filter the alerts displayed in the page by a specific alert type, select the required alert type in the Alert Type field as shown in the example below.