Override API Overview page per API

It is possible to display a custom Overview content for any API by adding a document by following the steps given bellow.

  1. Login to API Publisher go to documents tab of the API you want to override.Login to the API Publisher and go to the Documents tab of the API that you want to override.

  2. Create a new document with the following settings. override api overview page per api publisher

    Input Name Input Value
    Name Custom Overview
    Summary summary about the overview page for financeAPI1
    Type Other
    Other Document Type _overview
    Source Markdown
  3. Click the save button and select ADD CONTENT from the dialog box.

  4. Add the markdown content.

    Following keys can be used within the markdown to get some of the API properties.

    Property Name Key to use in markdown
    name name
    authorizationHeader authorizationHeader
    avgRating avgRating
    context context
    id id
    lifeCycleStatus lifeCycleStatus
    provider provider
    type type
    version version

    override api overview page per api publisher

    Above screen demonstrates the use of name key to display API name within the markdown content.

    Overview for the selected API will be rendered from the markdown content in the developer portal.

    override api overview page per api devportal
