Federating OAuth Applications

In the following document we will be explaining how to federate the OAuth applications using an external indentity provider.


  1. Download WSO2 API Manager 3.1.0 distribution
  2. Have an external IDP already configured. You can follow our SSO Documentation to setup okta as an external IDP


  1. Go to <APIM_HOME>/repository/conf/identity/service-providers/ and open default.xml
  2. Comment out or remove the the <LocalAuthenticatorConfigs ... section and add the following.

                <!-- Name of the external IDP -->


    You can replace the FederatedAuthenticatorConfig name with your corresponding authenticator type of your IDP

    Authenticator type Config name
    OpenId Connect OpenIDConnectAuthenticator
    SAML SAMLSSOAuthenticator

  3. Now for the OAuth applications created using the Developer Portal, the above external IDP will be used to generate the access token.
