Quick Start Guide

Design Your First API

This section is a step-by-step guide to create, publish and invoke an API using the WSO2 API Manager's publisher and store user interfaces.

Before you begin...

  1. Install Oracle Java SE Development Kit (JDK) version 11.\* or 1.8.\* and set the JAVA_HOME environment variable. For more information on setting the JAVA_HOME environment variable for different operating systems, see Setup and Install.
  2. Download the version 3.1.0 of WSO2 API Manager.
  3. Start WSO2 API Manager by navigating to the /bin directory using the command-line and execute the following command wso2server.bat --run (for Windows) or sh wso2server.sh (for Linux.)


  1. Creating and publishing an API via the API Publisher Portal.
  2. Subscribing to the API via the Developer Portal and generating keys.
  3. Invoking the API with the generated keys.

Let's get started...

Step 1 - Create and publish an API

Follow the instructions below to create a publish an API via the API Publisher Portal.

  1. Navigate to the API Publisher Portal https://localhost:9443/publisher and sign in with admin/admin as the credentials.

    API Publisher home page

  2. Create an API.

    Let's use a mock REST service to create the API from scratch.

    1. Navigate to https://www.mocky.io/ on your web browser.

      A mock service with a JSON response {"hello": "world"} is provided by default on the landing page of the site. Let's use the service URL (http://www.mocky.io/v2/5185415ba171ea3a00704eed) that appears in the mock service. Note that we are using the HTTP protocol instead of HTTPS.

    2. Optionally, to test this service, copy the service URL http://www.mocky.io/v2/5185415ba171ea3a00704eed and navigate to it on a new browser. You should see the following JSON message.

      {"hello": "world"}

  3. Click Create New API and then click Design a new REST API.

    Design a new REST API

  4. Enter the API details.

    Name HelloWorld
    Context /hello
    Version 1.0.0
    Endpoint http://www.mocky.io/v2/5185415ba171ea3a00704eed


    Use the HTTP protocol because to use HTTPS you need to import the mocky.io certificate into WSO2 API Manager

    Business Plan(s) Gold, Bronze

    Create an API

  5. Click Create & Publish.

    This will publish your first API on the Developer Portal as well as deploy it on the API Gateway. You now have an OAuth2.0 secured REST API that is ready to be consumed.

Step 2 - Subscribe to the API

Follow the instructions below to subscribe to the API and generate the keys via the Developer Portal.

  1. Navigate to the Developer Portal.


    The published HelloWorld API is listed in the Developer Portal as shown below.

    Developer Portal home page

  2. Click Sign-In and enter admin/admin as your credentials to sign in to the Developer Portal.

  3. Click on the API thumbnail to view the overview of the API.

    API overview

  4. Register an OAuth2.0 application.

    1. Click Subscribe on the Subscriptions card Subscription Card

    2. Click Subscription & Key Generation Wizard

      This wizard walks you through 5 steps that will register an OAuth2.0 application which you will use to consume the HelloWorld API.

    Key generation wizard

    1. Create the OAuth2.0 application.

      Enter the application name, and click Next without changing any of the other default values.

      Application Name Greetings
      Per Token Quota 50PerMin
      Token Type JWT

    2. Subscribe the application to the API.

      This subscribes the Greetings application to the HelloWorld API on the selected Business Plan. Click Next without changing any of the default values.

    3. Generate the credentials for the Greetings OAuth2.0 application.

      The Grant Types define the various protocols, which will be allowed by the system, from which your application will be allowed to request tokens. Click Next without changing any of the default values.

    4. Generate a test access token for the 'Greetings' application to access the 'HelloWorld' API.

      This step allows you to specify the validity period for the token and its permissions (scopes). Click Next without changing any of the default values.

    5. Click copy, as shown below, to copy the generated test access token to the clipboard.

    6. Click Finish.

Voila!!! You can now test the 'HelloWorld' API with the OAuth2.0 token that you just generated.

Step 3 - Invoke the API

Follow the instructions below to invoke the previously created API with the generated keys.

  1. Click Try Out.

    The resources of the API are listed.

  2. Paste the access token that you previously copied in the Access Token field.

  3. If this is the first time you are using the API test console from your browser, open a new tab and navigate to the https://localhost:8243/ URL.

    This will prompt your browser to accept the certificate used by the API Gateway. This is required because by default the API Gateway uses a self-signed certificate that is not trusted by web browsers.


    This certificate that is used by the API Gateway is replaced when deploying the system in production.

  4. Click on the GET resource of the API to expand the resource.

  5. Click Try It Out, which is the button on the right. Then click Execute.

    You should see the {"hello" : "world"} response from the API.

Congratulations! You have successfully created your first API, subscribed to it through an OAuth2.0 application, obtained an access token for testing, and invoked your API with the access token.

Automate API Development and Deployment

Let's look at how you can use the CI/CD command line tool for APIs (API Controller) to develop and deploy an API on WSO2 API Manager.

Before you Begin...

  1. Download API Controller 3.1.0 (or the 3.1.x latest) based your operating system from https://wso2.com/api-management/previous-releases/.


    Download the API Controller 3.1.x latest distribution using below instructions:

    1. Access the previous WSO2 API Manager related releases.
    2. Select version 3.1.0.
    3. Download the operating system specific distribution from Tooling -> CLI section.
  2. Extract the ZIP to a preferred location.

    This location will be referred to as the apictl directory.

  3. Use the command line tool to navigate to the apictl directory.


    From API Manager Tooling 3.1.0 version onwards, the names of the endpoints have been modified and this causes changing the syntax in /home/<user>/.wso2apictl/main_config.yaml file. If you have an older file, you'll get an error while executing the apictl commands due to this. To avoid that, backup and remove /home/<user>/.wso2apictl/main_config.yaml file and reconfigure the environments using new commands as explained below.

    Execute the following command to view the available operations.

    ./apictl --help
  4. Point the API Controller to the instance of API Manager in which you want to deploy APIs.

    Execute the following command to add an environment.


    It is assumed that WSO2 API Manager is run locally (localhost) using the default ports.

    ./apictl add-env -e dev \
            --registration https://localhost:9443 \
            --token https://localhost:8243/token \
            --admin https://localhost:9443 \
            --publisher https://localhost:9443 \
            --devportal https://localhost:9443



     -Required :     
        `--environment` or `-e` : Name of the environment to be added   
        `--apim` : API Manager endpoint for the environments  
        `--token` : Token endpoint for the environment
     -   Optional :      
         `--admin` : Admin endpoint for the environment 
         `--registration` : Registration endpoint for the environment                   
         `--publisher` : Publisher endpoint for the environment 
         `--devportal` : DevPortal endpoint for the environment

    On successfully executing this command, you should see the following message.

    Successfully added environment 'dev'

Step 1 - Create an API

  1. Initialize an API project by providing a name for the project.

    Let's use the command below to create an API named PetstoreAPI. This creates a folder named PetstoreAPI in your current directory.

    ./apictl init PetstoreAPI --oas https://petstore.swagger.io/v2/swagger.json


    Use the following command to view the various options related to initializing a project.

    ./apictl init --help
  2. Open the api.yaml file.

    Open and explore the PetstoreAPI folder with an IDE (e.g., VSCode). Navigate to the Meta-information directory and open the api.yaml file.


    Alternatively, You can use a text editor to open this file as well.

    Change the values of the attributes status and productionUrl as shown below and save the file.

    status: PUBLISHED
    productionUrl: http://petstore.swagger.io/v2


    • Changing the default lifecycle status of the API from CREATED to PUBLISHED, will deploy
      the API directly to the Developer Portal and API Gateway, when you push this API to WSO2 API Manager in the following step.
    • If you want to push this API to the Publisher Portal only, the status should be CREATED.

Step 2 - Publish the API

  1. Push the API to WSO2 API Manager.

    Navigate back to the apictl directory and execute the following command:


    If you are working with a specific environment for the first time, you will be prompted to enter your account credentials on API Manager. You can use the default admin credentials as admin/admin.

    ./apictl import-api --file ./PetstoreAPI --environment dev -k 

    You should now see your API deployed successfully on WSO2 API Manager.

  2. Browse the Developer Portal or the Publisher Portal to view the API details.


    You can consume the API as explained in the following sections.
