Creating Custom Widgets

In addition to already available widgets in the analytics dashboards, you can implement your own custom widget and use them across the dashboards.

A widget in the Analytics dashboard is a ReactJS component that can be used to visualize information. A widget can have any static or interactive visualizations such as charts, tables, filters with drill-down and inter widget communication capabilities.

In order to identify a particular ReactJS component as a widget by the dashboard, it needs to register itself as a widget in the portal.

WSO2 API-M Analytics has a widget generator tool to automatically generate the widget skeleton based on the user preferences that are provided via the command-line tool.

Follow the instructions below to create a custom widget:

Let’s assume the following.

  • You need to create a custom widget named APIMApiTraffic.
  • The widget is a subscriber widget.
  • The widget uses SiddhiDataProvider to retrieve the data.

Step 1 - Create a custom widget

Follow the instructions below to create a custom widget named APIMApiTraffic that can retrieve the published data:

  1. Navigate to the <API-M_ANALYTICS_HOME>/wso2/tools/generator-widget directory and issue the following command to initialize the widget generator.

    npm run init    
    Hereafter, the above directory will be referred to as <TOOL_HOME>.

  2. Open a new terminal in <TOOL_HOME> directory and issue the following command to generate the widget template.

    npm run createwidget--widgettype:subscriber--dataprovider:SiddhiDataProvider    
    You will be asked to provide the widget name and the widget heading.

  3. Enter the widget name as APIMApiTraffic and widget heading as Total Traffic.

    Based on the user preferences, the widget skeleton will be created inside the <TOOL_HOME>/widgetTemplates directory, and the relevant dependencies will be installed in the <TOOL_HOME>/widgetTemplates/APIMApiTraffic directory, which will be hereafter referred to as <WIDGET_ROOT>.

    The following file structure will be created inside the <WIDGET_ROOT> directory.

    ├── src
    │   ├── resources
    │   │     └──widgetConf.json
    │   └── APIMApiTrafficWidget.jsx  
    ├── package.json
    └── webpack.config.js

    Click here for descriptions of the files in the Widget directory

    The following section describes the files that are available in the <WIDGET_ROOT> directory.

    1. Package.json
      Package.json file holds metadata relevant to the widget. This file is used to give information to npm that allows it to identify the widget as well as handle the dependencies.

      Dependency Version Description
      @wso2-dashboards/widget ^1.4.0 WSO2 Dashboard Component
      @material-ui/core ^3.9.0 To use react components from material-ui library
      @material-ui/icons ^3.0.2 To use icons from material-ui library
      React ^16.7.0 Functionality necessary to define React components
      react-dom ^16.7.0 Serves as the entry point to the DOM and server renderers for React
      react-custom-scrollbars ^4.2.1 To wrap the content with the custom scroll component
      rimraf ^2.6.3 Provides the Unix command rm -rf
      victory ^31.0.2 Components for modular charting and data visualization
    2. widgetConf.json
      This contains the meta information of the widget such as widget ID, widget name and configurations. Following are the main configurations included in the widgetConf.json file.

      • pubsub - To declare whether the widget is a publisher or subscriber in the publisher-subscriber concept.


        The analytics dashboard allows inter-widget communication via publisher/subscriber model. In the publisher/subscriber approach the publisher or the sender sends messages without specifically targeting a subscriber or a receiver. The receiver individually declares the interest in one or more messages published by a particular publisher or set of publishers.

      • providerConfig - To declare the data source and the queries from which the data is fetched. You have the ability to write many queries here and select the specific query in runtime, and also you can use query templates in the default query and assemble it in runtime.
      • options - Used to integrate the header removing facility to widgets.
    3. Webpack.config.js
      Webpack.config.js is basically used to configure the entry point and the output result directory of the widget. By default, it will assume that the entry point of your widget is src/index and will output the result in dist/main.js minified and optimized for production.
      Furthermore, below properties are included in the Webpack.config.js file
      • context : The Base directory to resolve entry points and loaders.
      • entry : Application execution starting point.
      • output : options related to how webpack emits results.
      • module : configuration regarding modules.
      • plugins : Used to customize the webpack build process in a variety of ways.

  4. Start a node development environment and create a Symlink.

    Issue the following commands in the <WIDGET_ROOT> directory to start a node development environment and create a symlink from <WIDGET_ROOT> directory to <ANALYTICS_HOME>/wso2/dashboard/deployment/web-ui-apps/analytics-dashboard/extensions/widgets directory.

    npm run dev


    Creating a development environment and Symlink, will instantly update the changes to the UI. You do not need to restart the dashboard profile every time to see the changes.

  5. Start the dashboard profile of the Analytics Server.


    If you have already started the dashboard profile, restart the dashboard profile to render the new widget to the dashboard.

  6. Sign in to the Dashboard Portal and create a new dashboard.

    For instructions on creating a new dashboard, see Creating New Dashboards.

  7. You can view the newly created APIMApiTraffic widget in the widget listing panel of the Dashboard Designer. Drag and drop the APIMApiTraffic widget to the dashboard.


    • The APIMApiTraffic widget is a subscriber widget and it retrieves published data.
    • To configure a publisher widget, drag and drop the DateTimeRangePicker widget to the same page.
  8. Click on the configuration icon in the top-left of the APIMApiTraffic widget.

    This will open the “Widget configurations” panel which lists all the publishers in the dashboard.

  9. Select the Date time Range.

    APIMApiTraffic configurations

Step 2 - Define the database configurations for the widget

Follow the instructions below to define the database configurations for the APIMApiTraffic widget so that the traffic data will be retrieved from the database and displayed on the widget.

  1. Navigate to the <WIDGET_ROOT>/src/resources directory and replace the following configurations of the widgetConf.json file.


    • Data providers are the sources from which information is fetched to be displayed in widgets, you can use either SiddhiStoreDataProvider or RDBMSDataProvider. For more information on data providers, see Working with data providers.
    • In order to retrieve data , you must create a Siddhi app and a Siddhi query. For more information, see Siddhi query guide.
    • publishingInterval refers to the frequency with which you want the data provider to poll data from the Siddhi store. The time interval is specified in seconds.
  2. Navigate to the <WIDGET_ROOT> directory and update the content of the APIMApiTrafficWidget.jsx file as follows to handle the data received from the query.

    1. Declare a new variable named usageData and add it to the state.

      this.state = {
          usageData: null,
      2. Modify the queryName parameter of the assembleQuery method as apiUsageQuery.

      dataProviderConfigs.configs.config.queryData.queryName = 'apiusagequery';
    2. Update the handleQueryResults method as follows to format the retrieved data.

      handleQueryResults(message) {
          const { data } = message;
          if (data) {
              const usageData = [];
              data.forEach((dataUnit) => {
                      API: dataUnit[0] + '(' + dataUnit[1] + ')', Traffic: dataUnit[2],
              this.setState({ usageData });

Step 3 - Create a traffic chart to display data

  1. Navigate to <WIDGET_ROOT> directory and create a functional component named TrafficChart.jsx.

    Now, the directory structure inside the <WIDGET_ROOT> directory will be as follows.

     ├── dist
     ├── node_modules
     ├── src
     │   ├── resources
     │   ├── APIMApiTrafficWidget.jsx     
     │   └── TrafficChart.jsx  
     ├── package.json
     └── webpack.config.js

  2. Update the TrafficChart.jsx as follows.

    import React from 'react';
    import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
    import { VictoryBar, VictoryChart, VictoryAxis } from 'victory';
    export default function TrafficChart(props) {
        const { data } = props;
        const  styles = {
            victorybar: {
                display: 'flex',
                flexWrap: 'wrap',
                data: { fill: 'rgb(0, 107, 201)', width: 5 },
            victoryaxis: {
                axisLabel: {
                    padding: 30,
                    fill: '#fff',
                    fontsize: '8px',
        const chartTheme = {
            axis: {
                style:  {
                    tickLabels: {
                        fill: '#fff',
                        fontSize: '8px',
                        angle: 45,
                    grid: { stroke: 'none' },
        return (
                domainPadding={{ x: 30 }}
                maxDomain={{ x: 5 }}
                    cornerRadius={{ topRight: 5 }}
                        duration: 1000,
                        onLoad: { duration: 500 },
                    label='Api Name'
                    label='Total Traffic'
    TrafficChart.propTypes = {
        data: PropTypes.instanceOf(Object).isRequired,
        themeName: PropTypes.string.isRequired,


    Victory JS is a React JS library for modular charting and data visualization. You can find the required information about Victory JS in the official Victory JS]( documentation. In order to create charts using Victory JS you need to install the Victory JS as a dependency to the widget.

    Follow the steps mentioned below to install Victory JS as a dependency:

    1. Navigate to <WIDGET_ROOT> directory and add Victory JS as a dependency to the package.json file.
      "dependencies": {
              "victory": "^31.0.2"
    2. Issue the following command to install the dependency.
      npm install
  3. Modify the APIMApiTrafficWidget.jsx file as shown below to pass the Traffic data to the TrafficChart.jsx file.

    import TrafficChart from './TrafficChart';
    class APIMApiTrafficWidget extends Widget {
       render() {
           const { usageData } = this.state;
           return (
  4. Build the newly created widget.

    This will permanently deploy the widget.

    npm run build
  5. Add the newly created widget to the Analytics Dashboard by selecting it from the widget listings.

  6. Refresh the dashboard to view the changes.

    The widget will appear on the dashboard.
