Configuring SSO for Admin Portal using SAML

This document explains how to connect WSO2 Identity Server as a third-party Identity Provider to WSO2 API Manager using SAML 2.0. Using this feature, you can configure SSO with SAML 2.0 for Admin Portal.


Step 1 - Configure the userstore

  1. Configure the user store(s) (if you have not done so already).

    Follow the instructions in Configuring User Stores.

    Let's use JDBC userstore (MySQL) and share it between WSO2 Identity Server and WSO2 API Manager.

    1. Create a MySQL database (e.g., user_db) and run the <API-M_HOME>/dbscripts/mysql.sql script on it to create the required tables.

    2. Change the userstore type as database_unique_id in the Identity Server by adding the following configuration in the deployment.toml file, which is in the <IS-HOME>/repository/conf directory.

      type = "database_unique_id"

    3. Configure the primary userstore.

      Add the following configuration in the deployment.toml file.

      type = "mysql"
      url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/user_db"
      username = "${username}"
      password = "${password}"
    4. Share the userstore with API Manager by adding the same configuration, which was defined in Step C) in the deployment.toml file, which is in the <API-M_HOME>/repository/conf directory.

    5. Copy the JDBC driver JAR file into the <PRODUCT_HOME>/repository/components/lib directory of both servers.

    6. Start the servers using the following commands:

      wso2server.bat --run

Step 2 - Configure the Identity Server

Step 2.1 - Configure the Service Provider

  1. Sign in to the WSO2 IS Management Console.

  2. Navigate to the Service Providers section under MainIdentity and create a new Service Provider.

  3. Edit the created Service Provider:

    1. Expand the Inbound Authentication Configuration section and define the SAML2 Web SSO Configuration by providing the following information:

      Issuer Specify the Issuer
      Assertion Consumer URLs https://{apim-ip}:9443/admin/jagg/jaggery_acs.jag
      Response Signing Algorithm
      Enable Response Signing true
      Enable Signature Validation in Authentication Requests and Logout Requests true
      Enable Single Logout true
      Enable Attribute Profile true
      Include Attributes in the Response Always true

      The following image shows the sample values for SAML2 Web SSO Configuration:

      SAML configuration in Service Provider

      In multi-tenanted environments

      Carry out the instruction given below for all the tenants to be able to sign in to the Admin Portal in a multi-tenanted environment.

      1. Click the SaaS Application option that appears after registering the service provider.

      SaaS configuration in service provider

      If you do not select the SaaS Application option, only users in the current tenant domain will be allowed to sign in to the portal. You will need to register separate service providers for portals from each tenant.

    2. Register the Service Provider.

      Enable a tenant-specific SSO for the Publisher and Developer Portal

      To enable a tenant-specific SSO with IS 5.10.0, enable the Use tenant domain in local subject identifier option under the Local & Outbound Authentication Configuration section.

      Enable tenant domain in local sub identifier

  4. Upload the public certificate of the API Manager by selecting Select SP Certificate Type.

    Upload certificate in SP for SAML2 SSO

Step 3 - Configure the API Manager

Step 3.1 - Configure the Admin Portal as SAML 2.0 SSO Service Provider

Open the site.json file, which is in <API-M_HOME>/repository/deployment/server/jaggeryapps/admin/site/conf directory, and modify the following configurations found under the ssoConfiguration section.

Parameter Description
enabled Set this value to true to enable SSO for the Admin app.
issuer Specify the issuer value. It depends on the Issuer value defined in the Service Provider, which you created in the WSO2 Identity Server.
identityProviderURL `https://{is-ip}:9444/samlsso`
keyStoreName The keystore of the running IDP. As you use a remote instance of WSO2 IS here, you can import the public certificate of the IS keystore to WSO2 API-M and then point to the API-M keystore.
keyStorePassword The password for the above keystore.
identityAlias The alias that is given to the Identity Server's certificate. The default alias is wso2carbon


To configure an IDP initiated SSO, you have to include the following additional parameters in the ssoConfiguration section.

Parameter Description
idpInit true
idpInitSSOURL https://{is-ip}:9444/samlsso?spEntityID=${service-provider-name}
externalLogoutPage https://{is-ip}:9444/samlsso?slo=true

Sample configuration is given below:

"ssoConfiguration": {
    "enabled": "true",
    "issuer": "apim",
    "identityProviderURL": "https://localhost:9444/samlsso",
    "keyStorePassword": "xxxxxxxx",
    "identityAlias": "wso2carbon",
    "keyStoreName": "wso2carbon.jks",
    "verifyAssertionValidityPeriod": "true",
    "audienceRestrictionsEnabled": "true",
    "responseSigningEnabled": "true",
    "assertionSigningEnabled": "true",
    "assertionEncryptionEnabled": "false",
    "signRequests" : "true",
    "idpInit" : "false",
    "idpInitSSOURL" : "https://localhost:9444/samlsso?spEntityID=apim",
    "externalLogoutPage" : "https://localhost:9444/samlsso?slo=true",
    "loginUserNameAttribute" : ""


Even with SSO is enabled, if the users do not have sufficient privileges to access the Admin Portal, they will not be authorized to access the Admin Portal.


To learn more about Single Sign-On with WSO2 Identity Server, see SAML 2.0 Web SSO in the WSO2 Identity Server documentation.
