Configuring a Distributed API-M Deployment with Gateway and Control Plane¶
The WSO2 API-M server can be deployed as an all-in-one deployment or as a distributed deployment. In the distributed setup, the API-M server profiles are deployed as separate API-M nodes.
Given below are the API-M nodes you can have in a distributed deployment by default.
To enable high availability, you need a minimum of two nodes running each profile.
API-M Node (Profile) | Description |
Gateway Worker Node | API-M nodes running the Gateway profile. |
Control Plane Node | API-M nodes running the Control Plane profile. The Control Plane includes the Traffic Manager, Key Manager, Publisher, and Developer Portal components. |
Step 1 - Install WSO2 API-M¶
To install and set up the API-M servers:
- Download the WSO2 API Manager.
- Create copies of the API-M distribution for the individual profiles.
Step 2 - Install and configure the databases¶
You can create the required databases for the API-M deployment in a separate server and point to the databases from the respective nodes.
For information, see Installing and Configuring the Databases.
Step 3 - Configure your deployment with production hardening¶
Ensure that you have taken into account the respective security hardening factors (e.g., changing and encrypting the default passwords, configuring JVM security, etc.) before deploying WSO2 API-M.
For more information, see Production Deployment Guidelines.
Step 4 - Create and import SSL certificates¶
Create an SSL certificate for each of the WSO2 API-M nodes and import them to the keystore and the truststore. This ensures that hostname mismatch issues in the certificates will not occur.
The same primary keystore should be used for all API Manager instances to decrypt the registry resources. For more information, see Configuring the Primary Keystore.
For more information, see Creating SSL Certificates.
Step 5 - Configure API-M Analytics¶
API Manager Analytics is delivered via the API Manager Analytics cloud solution. You need to configure the API Manager Gateway to publish analytics data to the cloud.
See the instructions on configuring the API Gateway with the cloud-based analytics solution.
Step 6 - Configure and start the profiles¶
Let's configure the API-M nodes in the deployment.
Configure the Gateway Nodes¶
Configure the Gateway to communicate with the Control Plane.
Open the
file of the Gateway node. -
Add the following configurations to the deployment.toml file.
Connecting the Gateway to the Key Manager component in the Control Plane:
Connecting the Gateway to the Traffic Manager component in the Control Plane:
[apim.throttling] service_url = "https://[control-plane-LB-host]/services/" throttle_decision_endpoints = ["tcp://control-plane-1-host:5672", "tcp://control-plane-2-host:5672"] [[apim.throttling.url_group]] traffic_manager_urls = ["tcp://control-plane-1-host:9611"] traffic_manager_auth_urls = ["ssl://control-plane-1-host:9711"] [[apim.throttling.url_group]] traffic_manager_urls = ["tcp://control-plane-2-host:9611"] traffic_manager_auth_urls = ["ssl://control-plane-2-host:9711"]
[apim.throttling] service_url = "https://control-plane-host:${mgt.transport.https.port}/services/" throttle_decision_endpoints = ["tcp://control-plane-host:5672"] [[apim.throttling.url_group]] traffic_manager_urls = ["tcp://control-plane-host:9611"] traffic_manager_auth_urls = ["ssl://control-plane-host:9711"]
Rate limiting configurations are used to configure both traffic management as well as the event hub for the Gateway in this scenario.
Gateway will publish gateway invocation related events to the TM using the
. Traffic managers will receive these events and throttle decisions will be published to gateway. To receive these throttle decisions, gateway has to create a JMS connection usingthrottle_decision_endpoints
and listen.Enabling TLS/SSL for Gateway to Traffic Manager JMS communications
If required, you can enable TLS/SSL for the JMS communications happening between the Gateway and Traffic Manager nodes.
Add the following configuration to the Gateway node for this purpose.
[apim.throttling.jms] topic_connection_factory = "amqp://<![CDATA[<username>]]>:<![CDATA[<password>]]>@clientid/carbon?brokerlist='tcp://'true'%26ssl_cert_alias='<certificate_alias_in_truststore>'%26trust_store='<path_to_trust_store>'%26trust_store_password='<truststore_password>'%26key_store='<path_to_key_store>'%26key_store_password='<keystore_password>''"
Also update your Traffic Manager node to include the following configuration to enable secure broker connections.
[broker.transport.amqp.ssl_connection] enabled = true port = 8672 ssl_enabled_protocols = "TLSv1,TLSv1.2" ciphers = "TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384,TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256,TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384,TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384,TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384,TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256" [broker.transport.amqp.ssl_connection.keystore] location = "repository/resources/security/wso2carbon.jks" password = "wso2carbon" cert_type = "SunX509" [broker.transport.amqp.ssl_connection.truststore] location = "repository/resources/security/client-truststore.jks" password = "wso2carbon" cert_type = "SunX509"
The same JMS connection will be used to subscribe for events received from the event hub. Gateway will subscribe for API/Application/Subscription and Keymanager operations related events.
points to the internal API resides in the event hub that is used to pull artifacts and information from the db. -
Add the following configuration to the deployment.toml file to configure the Gateway environment. Change the
property based on your Gateway environment.Info
Once an API is deployed/undeployed, Control Plane will send a deploy/undeploy event to the gateways. Using this configuration, the Gateway will filter out its relevant deploy/undeploy events and retrieve the artifacts.
Enable JSON Web Token (JWT) if required. For instructions, see Generating JSON Web Token.
Add the public certificate of the private key (that is used for signing the tokens) to the truststore under the "gateway_certificate_alias" alias. For instructions, see Create and import SSL certificates.
This is not applicable if you use the default certificates, which are the certificates that are shipped with the product itself.
Follow the steps given below to configure High Availability (HA) for the API-M Gateway:
Create a copy of the API-M Gateway node that you just configured. This is the second node of the API-M Gateway cluster.
Configure a load balancer fronting the two Gateway nodes in your deployment. For instructions, see Configuring the Proxy Server and the Load Balancer.
To keep custom runtime artifacts deployed in the Gateway, add the following configuration in the /repository/conf/deployment.toml file of the Gateway nodes.
Open the deployment.toml files of each Gateway node and add the cluster hostname. For example, if the hostname is
Specify the following incoming connection configurations in the deployment.toml files of both nodes.
Open the server's
file and map the hostnames to IPs.Format:
Sample configuration for the Gateway¶
hostname = ""
node_ip = ""
server_role = "gateway-worker"
type = "database_unique_id"
username = "admin"
password = "admin"
create_admin_account = true
type = "mysql"
hostname = ""
name = "shared_db"
port = "3306"
username = "sharedadmin"
password = "sharedadmin"
file_name = "wso2carbon.jks"
type = "JKS"
password = "wso2carbon"
alias = "wso2carbon"
key_password = "wso2carbon"
file_name = "client-truststore.jks"
type = "JKS"
password = "wso2carbon"
properties.port = 9763
properties.proxyPort = 80
properties.port = 9443
properties.proxyPort = 443
gateway_labels =["Default"]
# key manager implementation
service_url = ""
# Traffic Manager configurations
service_url = ""
throttle_decision_endpoints = ["tcp://apim-cp-1:5672", "tcp://apim-cp-2:5672"]
hostname = ""
node_ip = ""
server_role = "gateway-worker"
type = "database_unique_id"
username = "admin"
password = "admin"
create_admin_account = true
type = "mysql"
hostname = ""
name = "shared_db"
port = "3306"
username = "sharedadmin"
password = "sharedadmin"
file_name = "wso2carbon.jks"
type = "JKS"
password = "wso2carbon"
alias = "wso2carbon"
key_password = "wso2carbon"
file_name = "client-truststore.jks"
type = "JKS"
password = "wso2carbon"
gateway_labels =["Default"]
service_url = ""
service_url = ""
throttle_decision_endpoints = ["tcp://"]
Configure the Control Plane Nodes¶
Configure the Control Plane to communicate with the Gateway.
Open the
file of the Control Plane node. -
Add the following configurations to the deployment.toml file.
Connecting the Control Plane to the Gateway node:
[[apim.gateway.environment]] name = "Default" type = "hybrid" display_in_api_console = true description = "This is a hybrid gateway that handles both production and sandbox token traffic." show_as_token_endpoint_url = true service_url = "https://[api-gateway-LB-host]/services/" ws_endpoint = "ws://[api-gateway-LB-host-or-ip]:9099" wss_endpoint = "wss://[api-gateway-LB-host-or-ip]:8099" http_endpoint = "http://[api-gateway-LB-host]" https_endpoint = "https://[api-gateway-LB-host]"
"Single Gateway"
[[apim.gateway.environment]] name = "Default" type = "hybrid" display_in_api_console = true description = "This is a hybrid gateway that handles both production and sandbox token traffic." show_as_token_endpoint_url = true service_url = "https://[api-gateway-host]:9443/services/" ws_endpoint = "ws://[api-gateway-host]:9099" wss_endpoint = "wss://[api-gateway-host]:8099" http_endpoint = "http://[api-gateway-host]:${http.nio.port}" https_endpoint = "https://[api-gateway-host]:${https.nio.port}"
This configuration is used for deploying APIs to the Gateway and for connecting the Developer Portal component to the Gateway if the Gateway is shared across tenants. If the Gateway is not used in multiple tenants, you can create a Gateway Environment using the Admin Portal.
Note that in the above configurations,
points to the9443
port of the Gateway node, whilehttp_endpoint
points to thehttp
andhttps nio ports
(8280 and 8243).Add Event Hub Configurations:
Enabling TLS/SSL for event hub JMS communications
If required, you can enable TLS/SSL for the JMS communications of event hub. Update your event hub configurations to include the following for this purpose.
To enable secure broker connections add the following configuration to the Control Plane node.[apim.event_hub] enable = true jms.username = "<username>" jms.password = "<password>" jms.ssl = "true'&ssl_cert_alias='<certificate_alias_in_truststore>'&trust_store='<path_to_trust_store>'&trust_store_password='<truststore_password>'&key_store='<path_to_key_store>'&key_store_password='<keystore_password>" ssl = "true'&ssl_cert_alias='<certificate_alias_in_truststore>'&trust_store='<path_to_trust_store>'&trust_store_password='<truststore_password>'&key_store='<path_to_key_store>'&key_store_password='<keystore_password>" event_listening_endpoints = ["tcp://control-plane-host:8672"]
[broker.transport.amqp.ssl_connection] enabled = true port = 8672 ssl_enabled_protocols = "TLSv1,TLSv1.2" ciphers = "TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384,TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256,TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384,TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384,TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384,TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256" [broker.transport.amqp.ssl_connection.keystore] location = "repository/resources/security/wso2carbon.jks" password = "wso2carbon" cert_type = "SunX509" [broker.transport.amqp.ssl_connection.truststore] location = "repository/resources/security/client-truststore.jks" password = "wso2carbon" cert_type = "SunX509"
Add event hub configurations only if you have High Availability for the Control Plane.
# Event Hub configurations [apim.event_hub] enable = true username= "$ref{super_admin.username}" password= "$ref{super_admin.password}" service_url = "https://localhost:${mgt.transport.https.port}/services/" event_listening_endpoints = ["tcp://localhost:5672"] event_duplicate_url = ["tcp://apim-cp-2:5672"] [[apim.event_hub.publish.url_group]] urls = ["tcp://control-plane-1-host:9611"] auth_urls = ["ssl://control-plane-1-host:9711"] [[apim.event_hub.publish.url_group]] urls = ["tcp://control-plane-2-host:9611"] auth_urls = ["ssl://control-plane-2-host:9711"]
As there are two event hubs in a HA setup, each event hub has to publish events to both event streams. This will be done through the event streams created with
. The token revocation events that are received to an event hub will be duplicated to the other event hub usingevent_duplicate_url
.Add Event Listener Configurations:
The below configurations are only added to the Control Plane if you are using the Resident Key Manager (which resides in the Control Plane). If you are using WSO2 IS as a Key Manager, you need to add these to the IS node. Once you add the below configurations, the Control Plane or Identity Server will listen to token revocation events and invoke the
regarding the revoked token.# Event Listener configurations [[event_listener]] id = "token_revocation" type = "org.wso2.carbon.identity.core.handler.AbstractIdentityHandler" name = "" order = 1 [] notification_endpoint = "https://[control-plane-LB-host]/internal/data/v1/notify" username = "${admin.username}" password = "${admin.password}" 'header.X-WSO2-KEY-MANAGER' = "default"
# Event Listener configurations [[event_listener]] id = "token_revocation" type = "org.wso2.carbon.identity.core.handler.AbstractIdentityHandler" name = "" order = 1 [] notification_endpoint = "https://[control-plane-host]:${mgt.transport.https.port}/internal/data/v1/notify" username = "${admin.username}" password = "${admin.password}" 'header.X-WSO2-KEY-MANAGER' = "default"
Optionally, add the following configuration to enable distributed cache invalidation within the nodes.
Follow the steps given below to configure High Availability (HA) for the Control Plane:
Create a copy of the API-M Control Plane node that you just configured. This is the second node of the API-M Control Plane cluster.
Configure a load balancer fronting the two Control Plane nodes in your deployment. For instructions, see Configuring the Proxy Server and the Load Balancer.
To set an appropriate delay for the heartbeat value when connections remain idle for extended periods, include the following configuration. This controls the frequency of the internal heartbeat sent by the underlying Qpid broker component:
Sample configuration for the Control Plane¶
hostname = ""
node_ip = ""
base_path = "${carbon.protocol}://${}:${}"
type = "database_unique_id"
username = "admin"
password = "admin"
create_admin_account = true
type = "mysql"
hostname = ""
name = "apim_db"
port = "3306"
username = "apimadmin"
password = "apimadmin"
type = "mysql"
hostname = ""
name = "shared_db"
port = "3306"
username = "sharedadmin"
password = "sharedadmin"
file_name = "wso2carbon.jks"
type = "JKS"
password = "wso2carbon"
alias = "wso2carbon"
key_password = "wso2carbon"
file_name = "client-truststore.jks"
type = "JKS"
password = "wso2carbon"
name = "Default"
type = "hybrid"
display_in_api_console = true
description = "This is a hybrid gateway that handles both production and sandbox token traffic."
show_as_token_endpoint_url = true
service_url = "https://[api-gateway-LB-host]/services/"
ws_endpoint = "ws://[api-gateway-LB-host]:9099"
wss_endpoint = "wss://[api-gateway-LB-host]:8099"
http_endpoint = "http://[api-gateway-LB-host]"
https_endpoint = "https://[api-gateway-LB-host]"
url = ""
properties.port = 9763
properties.proxyPort = 80
properties.port = 9443
properties.proxyPort = 443
# Event Hub configurations
enable = true
username = "$ref{super_admin.username}"
password = "$ref{super_admin.password}"
service_url = ""
event_listening_endpoints = ["tcp://localhost:5672"]
event_duplicate_url = ["tcp://apim-cp-2:5672"]
urls = ["tcp://apim-cp-1:9611"]
auth_urls = ["ssl://apim-cp-1:9711"]
urls = ["tcp://apim-cp-2:9611"]
auth_urls = ["ssl://apim-cp-2:9711"]
# key manager implementation
service_url = ""
id = "token_revocation"
type = "org.wso2.carbon.identity.core.handler.AbstractIdentityHandler"
name = ""
order = 1
notification_endpoint = ""
username = "${admin.username}"
password = "${admin.password}"
'header.X-WSO2-KEY-MANAGER' = "default"
hostname = ""
node_ip = ""
server_role = "control-plane"
type = "database_unique_id"
username = "admin"
password = "admin"
create_admin_account = true
type = "mysql"
hostname = ""
name = "apim_db"
port = "3306"
username = "root"
password = "root"
type = "mysql"
hostname = ""
name = "shared_db"
port = "3306"
username = "root"
password = "root"
file_name = "wso2carbon.jks"
type = "JKS"
password = "wso2carbon"
alias = "wso2carbon"
key_password = "wso2carbon"
# Gateway configuration
name = "Default"
type = "hybrid"
display_in_api_console = true
description = "This is a hybrid gateway that handles both production and sandbox token traffic."
show_as_token_endpoint_url = true
service_url = ""
username= "${admin.username}"
password= "${admin.password}"
ws_endpoint = "ws://"
wss_endpoint = "wss://"
http_endpoint = ""
https_endpoint = ""
# key manager implementation
service_url = ""
# Event Listener configurations
id = "token_revocation"
type = "org.wso2.carbon.identity.core.handler.AbstractIdentityHandler"
name = ""
order = 1
notification_endpoint = ""
username = "${admin.username}"
password = "${admin.password}"
'header.X-WSO2-KEY-MANAGER' = "default"
Step 7 - Start the API-M nodes¶
Once you have successfully configured all the API-M nodes in the deployment, you can start the servers.
Starting the Gateway nodes
Open a terminal, navigate to the
folder, and execute the following command: -
Start the Control Plane nodes
Open a terminal, navigate to the
folder, and execute the following command:
For more information on starting API-M profiles, see API-M Profiles.