Setting up an Oracle Database

Follow the steps given below to set up the required Oracle databases for your Micro Integrator (MI) Dashboard.

Creating the databases

The required Oracle script is stored in the <MI_DASHBOARD_HOME>/dbscripts/oracle directory of your Micro Integrator (MI) Dashboard.

Create the database and then create the DB tables by pointing to the Oracle script in the <MI_DASHBOARD_HOME>/dbscripts/oracle directory.

In SqlPlus terminal run following command to source the script

Setting up the JDBC driver

  1. Download the Oracle JDBC driver.
  2. Add the downloaded Oracle driver and copy the JAR (ojdbc8.jar) to the <MI_DASHBOARD_HOME>/lib/ directory of your Micro Integrator (MI) Dashboard.

Connecting the database to the server

Open the deployment.toml file in the <MI_DASHBOARD_HOME>/conf directory and add the following sections to create the connection between the Micro Integrator (MI) Dashboard and the database.

jdbcUrl = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521/ORCLPDB1"
username = "SYSTEM"
password = "oracle"
driverClassName = "oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver"
maximumPoolSize = "100"
poolName = "dashboard-1"
connectionTimeout = "400000"
maxLifetime = "2000000"

For more information, see the descriptions of database connection parameters.
