Create and Publish a WebSocket API

Follow the instructions in this tutorial to design and publish API with a WebSocket backend, and thereafter invoke it using the wscat WebSocket client.


For more information on WebSocket APIs, see Create a WebSocket API.

Step 1 - Design a WebSocket API

  1. Sign in to the API Publisher.


    Example: https://localhost:9443/publisher

    Let's use admin as your username and password to sign in.

  2. Click CREATE API and then click Design a New WebSocket API.


    The CREATE button will only appear for a user who has the creator role permission.

    Create WebSocket API menu

  3. Enter the details of the new WebSocket API.

    Field Sample value
    Name ifelseWebSocket
    Context /ifelse
    Version 1.0.0

    Use one of the following endpoints.

    • ws://
    • wss://
    Business Plan Unlimited

    Create a WebSocket API menu


    The CREATE & PUBLISH option will appear only if the optional fields Endpoint and Business plan(s) are provided by a user who has publisher permission. You need to add a Name, Context, Version, and a valid Endpoint (For non-secured WebSockets enter the protocol as ws:// or for secured WebSockets enter the protocol as wss://) to create the API.

  4. Click CREATE.

    The overview page of the created WebSocket API appears.

    Overview of WebSocket API

  5. Optionally, enter the endpoint configurations.

    1. Click Endpoint.

    2. Click the Endpoint Advanced Configurations link as shown below and update the endpoint related configurations as required.

      For more information, see the following sections on endpoint related configurations.

    View endpoint details

Now, you have created and configured the WebSocket API successfully.

Step 2 - Publish the WebSocket API

Click LIFECYCLE to navigate to the API lifecycle and click PUBLISH to publish the API to the API Developer Portal.

Step 3 - Invoke a WebSocket API

  1. Sign in to the Develepor Portal.


    Example: https://localhost:9443/devportal

  2. Click on the WebSocket API.

    The API overview appears.

  3. Subscribe to the API.


      This wizard takes you through the steps of creating a new application, subscribing, generating keys, and generating an access token to invoke the API.


      You can use any application (e.g., JWT or OAuth) to subscribe to the API.

      Key generation wizard

    2. Copy the authorization token that appears.

      Authorization token

  4. Try out the operations.

    1. Install wscat client.

      npm install -g wscat

    2. Invoke the API by using an authorization header by executing the following command.

      wscat -c ws://localhost:9099/ifelse/1.0.0 -H "Authorization: Bearer [accesstoken]" 
      wscat -n -c wss://localhost:8099/ifelse/1.0.0 -H "Authorization: Bearer [accesstoken]"


      There are clients (especially browsers) that do not allow to add headers to the WebSocket handshake. In such cases, you can send the access token for the WebSocket API invocation as a query parameter named access_token by using the command below:

      wscat -c "ws://localhost:9099/ifelse/1.0.0?access_token=[accesstoken]" 
      wscat -n -c "wss://localhost:8099/ifelse/1.0.0?access_token=[accesstoken]"


    BasicAuth and API Key do not work for the security of WebSocket APIs.

You have successfully created and published your first WebSocket API, subscribed to it, obtained an access token for testing, and tested your API with the access token.
