Getting Started with WSO2 API Controller

WSO2 API Controller(CTL) is a command-line tool for managing API Manager environments, listing APIs, API products and applications, creating API projects, importing and exporting APIs, API products and applications, generating tokens for APIs and API products for testing purposes, etc.

Download and initialize the CTL Tool

  1. Download API Controller based on your preferred platform (i.e., Mac, Windows, Linux).

  2. Extract the downloaded archive of the CTL Tool to the desired location.

  3. Navigate to the working directory where the executable CTL Tool resides.
  4. Add the current working directory to your system's $PATH variable to be able to access the executable from anywhere.
  5. Execute the following command to start the CTL Tool.


    From API Manager Tooling 3.1.0 version onwards, the names of the endpoints have been modified and this causes changing the syntax in /home/<user>/.wso2apictl/main_config.yaml file. If you have an older file, you'll get an error while executing the apictl commands due to this. To avoid that, backup and remove /home/<user>/.wso2apictl/main_config.yaml file and reconfigure the environments using new commands as explained below in Add an environment section.

    The directory structure for the configuration files ( <USER_HOME>/.wso2apictl ) will be created upon the execution of the apictl command.


    If you want to change the default location for the .wso2apictl directory, set an environment variable (APICTL_CONFIG_DIR) as follows with the path for the desired location.

    export APICTL_CONFIG_DIR="/home/wso2user/CLI"
    set APICTL_CONFIG_DIR=C:\Users\wso2user\CLI


    For further instructions, execute the following command.

    apictl --help

Global flags for CTL Tool

The following are some global flags that you can use with any CTL tool command.

    Enable verbose logs (Provides more information on execution)
--insecure, -k
    Allow connections to SSL sites without certs
--help, -h
    Display information and example usage of a command

Check the version of the CTL

Run the following CTL command to check the version of the CTL.

  • Command
    apictl version
  • Response

    Version: 3.2.8
    Build Date: 2023-08-29 08:58:13 UTC

Set mode of the CTL

Run the following CTL command to set the mode of the CTL. The allowed modes are default and kubernetes.

  • Command

    apictl set --mode <mode>


    apictl set --mode default
    apictl set --mode kubernetes

Set proxy environment variables for CTL

You can set proxy related HTTP_PROXY, HTTPS_PROXY, http_proxy, and https_proxy standard environment variables, with or without basic authentication as shown below to send the requests initiated from CTL via a proxy server. After one of the following environment variables is set in your environment where CTL is used, all the requests will go through the proxy server specified.


Support for setting proxy environment variables is available from the APICTL 3.2.2 release onwards.

  • Formats

    export HTTP_PROXY="http://<host-name>:<port>"
    export HTTPS_PROXY="https://<host-name>:<port>"
    export http_proxy="http://<host-name>:<port>"
    export https_proxy="https://<host-name>:<port>"
    export HTTP_PROXY="http://<username>:<password>@<host-name>:<port>"
    export HTTPS_PROXY="https://<username>:<password>@<host-name>:<port>"
    export http_proxy="http://<username>:<password>@<host-name>:<port>"
    export https_proxy="https://<username>:<password>@<host-name>:<port>"
  • Examples

    export HTTP_PROXY="http://localhost:3128"
    export HTTPS_PROXY="https://localhost:3128"
    export http_proxy="http://localhost:3128"
    export https_proxy="https://localhost:3128"
    export HTTP_PROXY="http://testuser:password@localhost:3128"
    export HTTPS_PROXY="https://testuser:password@localhost:3128"
    export http_proxy="http://testuser:password@localhost:3128"
    export https_proxy="https://testuser:password@localhost:3128"

Add an environment

You can add environments by either manually editing the <USER_HOME>/.wso2apictl/main_config.yaml file or by running the following CTL command.

apictl add-env
  1. Make sure that the WSO2 API Manager 3.2.0 version is started and that the 3.2.0 version of APTCTL is running.
    For more information, see Download and Initialize the CTL Tool.
  2. Run the following CTL command to add an environment.

    • Command

      apictl add-env -e <environment-name> \
                      --registration <client-registration-endpoint> \
                      --apim <API-Manager-endpoint> \
                      --token <token-endpoint> \
                      --admin <admin-REST-API-endpoint> \
                      --publisher <publisher-portal-endpoint> \
                      --devportal <developer-portal-endpoint>
      apictl add-env -e <environment-name> --registration <client-registration-endpoint> --apim <API-Manager-endpoint> --token <token-endpoint> --admin <admin-REST-API-endpoint> --publisher <publisher-portal-endpoint> --devportal <developer-portal-endpoint>



      • Required :
        --environment or -e : Name of the environment to be added
        AND (either)
        --apim : API Manager endpoint for the environments
        OR (the following 4)
        --registration : Registration endpoint for the environment
        --admin : Admin endpoint for the environment
        --publisher : Publisher Portal endpoint for the environment
        --devportal : Developer Portal endpoint for the environment
      • Optional :
        --token : Token endpoint for the environment


      When adding an environment, when the optional flags are not given, CTL will automatically derive those from --apim flag value.


      The --environment (-e) flag is mandatory. You can either provide only the flag --apim , or all the other 4 flags (--registration, --publisher, --devportal, --admin) without providing --apim flag. If you are omitting any of --registration, --publisher, --devportal, --admin flags, you need to specify --apim flag with the API Manager endpoint. In both of the above cases --token flag is optional and can be used to provide a user preferred token endpoint.


      apictl add-env -e dev \
                  --apim https://localhost:9443 
      apictl add-env -e dev --apim https://localhost:9443 


      apictl add-env -e production \
                  --registration \
                  --admin \
                  --publisher \
                  --devportal \
      apictl add-env -e production --registration  --admin --publisher --devportal --token


      apictl add-env -e production \
                  --registration \
                  --apim \
      apictl add-env -e production --registration --apim --token
    • Response

      Successfully added environment '<environment-name>'
      Successfully added environment 'production'

Remove an environment

  1. Make sure that the WSO2 API Manager 3.2.0 version is started and that the 3.2.0 version of APTCTL is running.
    For more information, see Download and Initialize the CTL Tool.
  2. Run the following CTL command to remove an environment.

    • Command

      apictl remove env <environment-name> 


      apictl remove env production
    • Response

      Successfully removed environment '<environment-name>'
      Execute 'apictl add-env --help' to see how to add a new environment
      Successfully removed environment 'production'
      Execute 'apictl add-env --help' to see how to add a new environment

List environments

  1. Make sure that the WSO2 API Manager 3.2.0 version is started and that the 3.2.0 version of APTCTL is running.
    For more information, see Download and Initialize the CTL Tool.
  2. Run the following CTL command to list the environments.

    • Command

      apictl list envs



      • Optional :
        --format : pretty-print environments using templates
    • Response

      <environment-name>    <APIM-endpoint>           <registration-endpoint>    <token-endpoint>   <Publisher-endpoint>     <DevPortal-endpoint>     <admmin-endpoint>
      dev          https://localhost:9443   https://localhost:9443   https://localhost:8243/token    https://localhost:9443   https://localhost:9443   https://localhost:9443
      production   https://localhost:9444   https://localhost:9444   https://localhost:8244/token    https://localhost:9444   https://localhost:9444   https://localhost:9444

Login to an environment

After adding an environment, you can log in to the API Manager instance in that environment using credentials.

  1. Make sure that the WSO2 API Manager 3.2.0 version is started and that the 3.2.0 version of APTCTL is running.
    For more information, see Download and Initialize the CTL Tool.
  2. Run any of the following CTL commands to log in to the environment.

    • Command

      apictl login <environment-name> -k
      apictl login <environment-name> -u <username> -k
      apictl login <environment-name> -u <username> -p <password> -k


      If you run apictl login <environment-name> you are prompted to provide both the username and the password. If you run apictl login <environment-name> --username <username>, you are prompted to provide the password.



      • Optional :
        --username or -u : Username for login
        --password or -p : Password for login
        --password-stdin : Get password from stdin


      apictl login dev -k
      apictl login dev -u admin -p admin -k

      apictl login dev --username admin --password admin -k
    • Response

      Logged into '<environment-name>' environment 
      Logged into dev environment


    Using --password in CTL is not secure. You can use --password-stdin instead. For example,

    cat ~/.mypassword | ./apictl login dev --username admin --password-stdin -k

Logout from an environment

  1. Make sure that the WSO2 API Manager 3.2.0 version is started and that the 3.2.0 version of APTCTL is running.
    For more information, see Download and Initialize the CTL Tool.

  2. Run the following command to log out from the current session of the API Manager environment.

    • Command

      apictl logout <environment-name>


      apictl logout dev

Add APIs/API Products/Applications in an environment

You can add APIs/API Products/Applications via the Publisher Portal and Developer Portal. However, apictl allows you to create and deploy APIs without using the Publisher Portal. For more information on adding APIs, see Importing APIs Via Dev First Approach.

List APIs/API Products/Applications in an environment

Follow the instructions below to display a list of APIs/API Products/Applications in an environment using CTL:

  1. Make sure that the WSO2 API Manager 3.2.0 version is started and that the 3.2.0 version of APTCTL is running.
    For more information, see Download and Initialize the CTL Tool.

  2. Log in to the API Manager in the environment by following the instructions in Login to an Environment.

  3. Run the corresponding CTL command below to list APIs/API Products/Applications in an environment.

    1. List APIs in an environment.

      • Command

        apictl list apis -e <environment> -k
        apictl list apis --environment <environment> --insecure
        apictl list apis --environment <environment> --query <API search query> --insecure



        • Required :
          --environment or -e : Environment to be searched
        • Optional :
          --query or -q : Search query pattern
          --limit or -l : Maximum number of apis to return (Default 25) --format : pretty-print environments using templates


        apictl list apis -e dev -k
        apictl list apis --environment production --limit 15 --insecure
        apictl list apis --environment production --query provider:Alice name:PizzaShackAPI version:2.0.0 --insecure

      • Response

        ID                                     NAME                VERSION             CONTEXT             STATUS              PROVIDER
        12d6e73c-778d-45ac-b57d-117c6c5092a4   PhoneVerification   1.0                 /phoneverify        PUBLISHED           admin
        91fe87c3-f0d7-4c35-81f5-0e0e42d8e19f   PizzaShackAPI       2.0.0               /pizzashack         CREATED             Alice


        When using the apictl list apis -e dev command, -q or --query optional flag can be used to search for APIs. You can search in attributes by using a : modifier. Supported attribute modifiers are name, version, provider, context, status, description, subcontext, doc and label. You can also use combined modifiers. When using combined modifiers, make sure to separate them with space. Example:

        • provider:wso2 will match an API if the provider of the API contains wso2.
        • 'provider:"wso2"' will match an API if the provider of the API is exactly wso2.
        • status:PUBLISHED will match an API if the API is in PUBLISHED state.
        • label:external will match an API if it contains a Microgateway label called "external".
        • name:pizzashack version:v1 will match an API if the name of the API is pizzashack and version is v1.

        If no advanced attribute modifier has been specified, the API names containing the search term will be returned as a result.

    2. List API Products in an environment.

      • Command

        apictl list api-products -e <environment> -k
        apictl list api-products --environment <environment> --insecure
        apictl list api-products --environment <environment> --query <API search query> --insecure



        • Required :
          --environment or -e : Environment to be searched
        • Optional :
          --query or -q : Search query pattern
          --limit or -l : Maximum number of API Products to return


        apictl list api-products -e dev -k
        apictl list api-products --environment production --insecure
        apictl list api-products --environment production --query provider:Alice name:CreditAPIProduct context:"/creditapiproduct" --limit 25 --insecure

      • Response

        ID                                     NAME                CONTEXT              STATUS              PROVIDER
        b39e08d7-caa9-40d0-a430-b8e840dd7c31   LeasingAPIProduct   /leasingapiproduct   PUBLISHED           admin
        ab422af2-b19e-4e6a-a34b-8f45c50db0d5   CreditAPIProduct    /creditapiproduct    PUBLISHED           Alice
    3. List Applications in an environment.

      • Command

        apictl list apps -e <environment> -k
        apictl list apps --environment <environment> --insecure
        apictl list apps --environment <environment> --owner <application owner> --insecure



        • Required :
          --environment or -e : Environment to be searched
        • Optional :
          --owner or -o : Owner of the Application
          --limit or -l : Maximum number of applications to return (Default 25)


        apictl list apps -e dev -k
        apictl list apps --environment production --insecure
        apictl list apps --environment production --owner sampleUser --limit 15 --insecure

      • Response

        ID                                     NAME                OWNER       STATUS     GROUP ID
        29b4fcc6-05a4-42a7-aa64-f1a1b8a7b979   DefaultApplication  admin       APPROVED 
        36d51e55-3f1e-4f85-86ee-8fe73b0c8adff  SampleApplication   sampleUser  APPROVED   orgA


        When using the apictl list apps -e dev command, you can either specify -o (--owner) flag or not.

        • When someone has invoked the command without specifying the owner flag, it will list all the applications in that environment which belongs to the tenant that the currently logged in user belongs.
        • When someone has invoked the command by specifying the owner flag, it will list all the applications belongs to that particular owner in that environment.

Delete an API/API Product/Application in an environment

Follow the instructions below to delete an API/API Product/Application in an environment using CTL:

  1. Make sure that the WSO2 API Manager 3.2.0 version is started and that the 3.2.0 version of APTCTL is running.
    For more information, see Download and Initialize the CTL Tool.
  2. Log in to the API Manager in the environment by following the instructions in Login to an Environment.
  3. Run the corresponding CTL command below to delete an API/API Product/Application in an environment.

    1. Delete an API in an environment.

      • Command

        apictl delete api -n <API name> -v <API version> -e <environment> -k
        apictl delete api --name <API name> --version <API version> --environment <environment> --insecure
        apictl delete api --name <API name> --version <API version> --environment <environment> --provider <API provider> --insecure



        • Required :
          --environment or -e : Environment from which the API should be deleted
          --name or -n : Name of the API to be deleted
          --version or -v : Version of the API to be deleted
        • Optional :
          --provider or -r : Provider of the API to be deleted


        apictl delete api -n PizzaShackAPI -v 1.0.0 -e dev -k
        apictl delete api --name PizzaShackAPI --version 1.0.0 --environment production --insecure
        apictl delete api --name PizzaShackAPI --version 1.0.0 --environment production --provider Alice --insecure

      • Response

        PizzaShackAPI API deleted successfully!
    2. Delete an API Product in an environment.

      • Command

        apictl delete api-product -n <API Product name> -e <environment> -k
        apictl delete api-product --name <API Product name> --environment <environment> --insecure
        apictl delete api-product --name <API Product name> --environment <environment> --provider <API Product provider> --insecure



        • Required :
          --environment or -e : Environment from which the API Product should be deleted
          --name or -n : Name of the API Product to be deleted
        • Optional :
          --provider or -r : Provider of the API Product to be deleted


        apictl delete api-product -n LeasingAPIProduct -e dev -k
        apictl delete api-product --name LeasingAPIProduct -environment production --insecure
        apictl delete api-product --name LeasingAPIProduct --environment production --provider Alice --insecure

      • Response

        LeasingAPIProduct API Product deleted successfully!
    3. Delete an Application in an environment.

      • Command

        apictl delete app -n <application name> -e <environment> -k
        apictl delete app -name <application name> --environment <environment> --insecure
        apictl delete app --name <application name> --environment <environment> --owner <application owner> --insecure



        • Required :
          --environment or -e : Environment from which the Application should be deleted
          --name or -n : Name of the Application to be deleted
        • Optional :
          --owner or -o : Owner of the Application to be deleted


        apictl delete app -n DefaultApplication -e dev -k
        apictl delete app --name DefaultApplication --environment production --insecure
        apictl delete app --name DefaultApplication --environment production --owner sampleUser --insecure

      • Response

        DefaultApplication Application deleted successfully!

Change status of an API in an environment

Follow the instructions below to change the status of an API in an environment using CTL:

  1. Make sure that the WSO2 API Manager 3.2.0 version is started and that the 3.2.0 version of APTCTL is running.
    For more information, see Download and Initialize the CTL Tool.
  2. Log in to the API Manager in the environment by following the instructions in Login to an Environment.
  3. Run the corresponding CTL command below to change the status of an API in an environment.

    • Command

      apictl change-status api -a <Action> -n <API name> -v <API version> -e <environment> -k
      apictl change-status api --action <Action> --name <API name> --version <API version> --environment <environment> --insecure
      apictl change-status api --action <Action> --name <API name> --version <API version> --environment <environment> --provider <API provider> --insecure



      • Required :
        --environment or -e : The environment that the command is executed on
        --name or -n : The name of the respective API --version or -v : The version of the respective API --action or -a : The action to be taken to change the status of the API
      • Optional :
        --provider or -r : Provider of the API to be state changed


      apictl change-status api -a Publish -n PizzaShackAPI -v 1.0.0 -e dev -k
      apictl change-status api --action "Publish" --name PizzaShackAPI --version 1.0.0 --environment production --insecure
      apictl change-status api --action "Demote to Created" --name PizzaShackAPI --version 1.0.0 --environment production --provider Alice --insecure

    • Response

      PizzaShackAPI API state changed successfully!


    Supported action values : Publish, Deploy as a Prototype, Demote to Created, Demote to Prototyped, Block, Deprecate, Re-Publish, Retire. Note that the Re-publish action is available only after calling Block action.

Formatting the outputs of list

Output of list envs, list apis and list apps can be formatted with Go Templates.

Available formatting options

Name Usage Example
table This is the default format and the output is displayed as a table
--format "table {{.Name}}\t{{.Id}}" 
json Output is formatted as JSON
--format "{{ json . }}" 
jsonPretty Outputs a human-readable JSON with indented by 2 spaces
--format "table {{ jsonPretty . }}" 
jsonArray Outputs a human-readable JSON Array with indented by 2 spaces
--format "jsonArray" 
upper Convert string to uppercase
--format "{{upper .Name}}\t{{upper .Context}}" 
lower Convert string to lowercase
--format "{{lower .Name}}\t{{lower .Context}}"
title Convert the first letter to uppercase of a string
--format "{{title .Name}}\t{{title .Context}}" 

Set HTTP request timeout

Run the following CTL command to set the HTTP request timeout.

  • Command

    apictl set --http-request-timeout <http-request-timeout>


    apictl set --http-request-timeout 10000



    • Required :
      --http-request-timeout : Timeout for HTTP Client (default 10000)

Set export directory

Run the following CTL command to change the default location of the export directory.

  • Command

    apictl set --export-directory <export-directory-path>


    apictl set --export-directory /home/user/exported-apis
    apictl set --export-directoty C:\Documents\exported



    • Required :
      --export-directory: Path to directory where APIs, API Products, and Applications should be saved.
      Default : /home/.wso2apictl/exported

Import SSL certificates for Secure HTTP Communication with API Manager

Different environments of API Manager can have different SSL certificates for secure HTTP communications. The default certificate of WSO2 API Manager is a self-signed certificate and in production environments, it is advised to use a different certificate than the default.

If the certificate is the default WSO2 certificate or a CA-signed certificate of a CA (Certificate Authority) trusted by the OS, these certificates will be imported by default to the controller. If the CA or the certificate is new or does not get imported by default, you can add the certificate to the certs directory found in APICTL_CONFIG_DIR/.wso2apictl. (The default location of the certs directory is /home/.wso2apictl/certs)

The certificates added to this directory will be imported whenever an action is performed with the controller. Any DER or PEM encoded certificate with the file extensions of *.pem, *.crt or *.cer can be used with the controller.


If you are using Windows, CA certs will not be imported by default and have to be added to the certs directory.
