Configuring APIM Analytics

WSO2 API Manager Analytics provides reports, statistics, and graphs on the APIs deployed in WSO2 API Manager. You can configure alerts to monitor these APIs and detect unusual activity, manage locations via Geo-location statistics, and carry out a detailed analysis of the logs. WSO2 API Manager has an enhanced distribution of Analytics to cater to the API Manager specific scenarios that are used here to configure API-M Analytics.

To set up analytics for quick demos and try-out scenarios, see the Quick Setup section, or to set up analytics for a production environment, see the Standard Setup section.


  • It is not recommended to configure the Gateway node as an analytics server.

Quick Setup

Follow the instructions below if you wish to set up API-M Analytics for quick demos and to try-out scenarios.

  1. Download and install WSO2 API-M.

    WSO2 API-M via the WSO2 API Manager page. For more information on installing WSO2 API-M, see the Installation Guide.

    apim download page

  2. Download and install WSO2 API-M Analytics.

    To download WSO2 API-M Analytics go to the WSO2 API Manager page, click Download to expand the installation options.Navigate to the Other Resources section, and click Analytics.


    If you are following the quick setup make sure both the binaries (unzipped API-M pack and unzipped Analytics pack) are inside the same directory. Because the default configurations such as database connection urls etc are configured assuming that both the packs are inside the same folder.

  3. To enable Analytics, open the <API-M_HOME>/repository/conf/deployment.toml file and uncomment the analytics enabling section as shown below. Save this change.

      enable = true


    If you are working on a distributed (clustered) setup of WSO2 API Manager, do the configurations instructed to be done in API Manager in the Publisher, Store, and Gateway nodes as well.

  4. Start the Worker profile of the Analytics Server.
    Navigate to the <API-M_ANALYTICS_HOME>/bin directory in your console and execute one of the following scripts based on your OS.

    • On Windows: worker.bat --run
    • On Linux/Mac OS: sh
  5. Start the API Manager server.
    Navigate to the <API-M_HOME>/bin directory in your console and execute one of the following scripts based on your OS.

    • On Windows: wso2server.bat --run
    • On Linux/Mac OS: sh


      If API-M Analytics is properly configured in WSO2 API Manager, when you start up the API Manager server, which is after the WSO2 API-M Analytics server, you will see the following log message in the terminal that is running the API-M Analytics server.

      INFO {org.wso2.carbon.databridge.core.DataBridge} - user admin connected

  6. Start the Dashboard profile of the Analytics Server.
    Navigate to the <API-M_ANALYTICS_HOME>/bin directory in your console and execute one of the following scripts based on your OS.

    • On Windows: dashboard.bat --run
    • On Linux/Mac OS: sh
  7. Optionally, if you wish to access the business rules via the Dashboard node, you can use the dashboard profile that we started in the previous step.

You can now start using the WSO2 API Manager for its usual operations and the required Analytics functionality.

Standard Setup

Follow the instructions below if you wish to set up API-M Analytics for a production environment.

Step 1 - Download and install WSO2 API-M

Download and install WSO2 API-M via the WSO2 API Manager page. Click DOWNLOAD and go to INSTALLATION OPTIONS.
For more information on installing WSO2 API-M, see the Installation Guide.

Step 2 - Download and install WSO2 API-M Analytics

To download WSO2 API-M Analytics go to the WSO2 API Manager page, click Download to expand the installation options.Navigate to the Other Resources section, and click Analytics.
As the process of installing API-M Analytics is identical to installing WSO2 Enterprise Integrator 7.0.x - Streaming Integrator (WSO2 SI), for more information go to the WSO2 SI documentation

Step 3 - Configure WSO2 API Manager to publish statistics

Follow the instructions below to do the required configurations for WSO2 API-M to publish statistics in the WSO2 API-M Analytics server.


If you are working on a distributed (clustered) setup of API Manager, carryout the instructed configurations in the Publisher, Store and Gateway nodes of the API Manager.

Open the <API-M_HOME>/repository/conf/deployment.toml file and uncomment the following section as shown below. Save this change.

enable = true
Configure the following parameters under the [] section if required.

Parameter Value Description
receiver_urls <protocol>://<hostname>:<port>/ The server URL of the remote WSO2 API-M Analytics server used to collect statistics from WSO2 API Manager. Use this configuration if there is only one group with either one or many receivers.

e.g., Three receivers within a single group can be specified as follows.
receiver_urls = tcp://localhost:7612,tcp://localhost:7613,tcp://localhost:7614

From DAS to SI

When using WSO2 API-M Analytics 3.1.0, when publishing to an minimum HA setup of APIM analytics, you need to separate the Receiver URLs by using a pipe symbol (|) because the analytics events are published in a failover manner where only one node handles the processing at any given time.
receiver_urls = "tcp://localhost:7612 | tcp://localhost:7613"


If you are setting up APIM analytics on an Active-active HA setup, you need to define the URLs with comma separations, as the setup is configured with load-balanced configurations.

When you are configuring APIM analytics on an Active-passive HA setup, you should separate the URLs using the pipe symbol (|), as the setup is configured with failover configurations.


If the receiver_urls property is configured in the [] section, you do not need to configure the [[]] properties. Configuring either one of these properties is enough.

<protocol>://<hostname>:<port>/ An event can also be published to multiple receiver groups, where each group has one or more receivers. For each receiver groups we need to repeat the above section, whereas receivers are delimited by commas.

e.g., Two receiver groups with two load balanced receivers in each can be specified as follows.

analytics_url =["tcp://localhost:7612","tcp://localhost:7613"]
type = "loadbalance"

analytics_url =["tcp://localhost:7712","tcp://localhost:7713"]
type = "loadbalance"

If the type is not specified it defaults to the fail over.

analytics_url =["tcp://localhost:7612"|"tcp://localhost:7613"]
type = "failover"

analytics_url =["tcp://localhost:7712"|"tcp://localhost:7713"]
type = "failover"


If the [[]] property group is configured in the [] section, you do no need to configure the receiver_urls properties. Configuring either one of these properties is enough.

receiver_username A valid administrator username

The administrator user name to log into the remote WSO2 API-M Analytics server that collects statistics from WSO2 API Manager.

If you enable email user, you need to configure @carbon.super to the username of the API-M Analytics admin user.
e.g., If the username of the API-M Analytics admin user is [email protected], it must be [email protected]@carbon.super once you have enabled email user.


If the username and password of the API-M Analytics node is same as that of API-M node, you can uncomment username = "$ref{super_admin.username}" and password = "$ref{super_admin.password}" under [].

The default value $ref{super_admin.username} and $ref{super_admin.password} retrieve the admin user and password respectively from the current API-M node and set those for receiver_username and receiver_password.

username and password parameters

    Please note that if the username and password are uncommented, then those values will be assigned to all the usernames and passwords that are under the [] section.
  • For example if store_api_username is not defined, then it takes the value of username when username is uncommented.
receiver_password The password of the username specified.

The administrator password to log into the remote WSO2 API-M Analytics server that collects statistics from WSO2 API Manager.

store_api_url https://<host>:<port> The WSO2 API-M Analytics REST API URL. The WSO2 API-M Analytics REST API connection information, which are included under the REST API-M connection information, are defined as global properties, as they are common to all the WSO2 API-M analytics.
store_api_username A valid administrator username The administrator username to log into the remote WSO2 API-M Analytics server.
store_api_password The password of the username specified. The administrator password to log into the remote WSO2 API-M Analytics server.

Save the changes.

Step 4 - Configure databases

Configuring databases allow you to persist data relating to APIs, process them and analyze. Follow the procedure below to configure databases.


If you are configuring APIM Analytics related databases in Oracle, apart from the below mentioned configurations, you need to add the alter session set NLS_DATE_FORMAT='YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS' section to each analytics related database(either in worker or dashboard) you configure with Oracle.

In the following example APIM_ANALYTICS_DB is configured with Oracle.

  description: "The datasource used for APIM statistics aggregated data."
    name: jdbc/APIM_ANALYTICS_DB
      type: RDBMS
        jdbcUrl: 'jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:XE'
        username: 'root'
        password: '123'
        driverClassName: oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver
        minIdle: 5
        maxPoolSize: 50
        idleTimeout: 60000
        connectionTestQuery: SELECT 1 FROM DUAL
        connectionInitSql: alter session set NLS_DATE_FORMAT='YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'
        validationTimeout: 30000
        isAutoCommit: false

Configure Analytics


When configuring API-M Analytics, change only the required properties(which are mentioned in the respective documentation) of the deployment.yaml file of either worker or dashboard runtime. Do not change other default values as it may result in an erroneous state.

API-M Analytics contains two runtime, namely worker and dashboard. The worker is responsible for the summarization of the collected data and the dashboard is responsible to represent the summarised data in the dashboards. Therefore, two separate JVMs are required. As a best practice, the worker and dashboard runtime can have the same analytics binary. This helps when managing the deployment and when applying WUM updates. However, it is up to the dev-ops engineer to decide whether to use the same binary (pack) or two binaries for the two runtime.

The Worker supports an Active-Active deployment and an Active-Passive deployment.

As the dashboard is used only to render the data there is no Active-Active or Active-Passive concept. However, based on the High Availability (HA) requirement it can be configured as Active-Active or Active-Passive by defining the load balancer related configurations.


Sometimes due to case insensitivity of primary keys in aggregation tables, primary key violation errors are thrown when you try to insert a new record with the same value as an existing one. To overcome this, you need to add encoding and collation to database when the Analytics DB is created (i.e., before the tables are created). For more information on collation, see MySQL or MS SQL based on the database that you are using. Sample commands are provided below.


ALTER DATABASE <DB-NAME> COLLATE latin1_general_cs ;
  1. Stop the WSO2 API-M Analytics server if it is running already.
  2. Configure the dashboard profile.

    1. Open the <API-M_ANALYTICS_HOME>/conf/dashboard/deployment.yaml file.
    2. Edit the APIM_ANALYTICS_DB and AM_DB sections and point to your desired type of database.
      A sample for MySQL is shown below.


      In the below configuration, the database defined as am_db is the same database which is defined under [database.apim_db] configuration in the deployment.toml file of the WSO2 API Manager.

        - name: AM_DB
            description: Main datasource used by API Manager
              name: jdbc/AM_DB
              type: RDBMS
                jdbcUrl: "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/am_db"
                username: wso2carbon
                password: wso2carbon
                driverClassName: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
                maxPoolSize: 10
                idleTimeout: 60000
                connectionTestQuery: SELECT 1
                validationTimeout: 30000
                isAutoCommit: false
  3. Configure the worker profile.

    1. Open the <API-M_ANALYTICS_HOME>/conf/worker/deployment.yaml file
    2. Edit the APIM_ANALYTICS_DB section.
      A sample for MySQL is shown below.

        - name: APIM_ANALYTICS_DB
             description: "The datasource used for APIM statistics aggregated data."
               name: jdbc/APIM_ANALYTICS_DB
               type: RDBMS
                 jdbcUrl: 'jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/stats_db'
                 username: 'root'
                 password: '123'
                 driverClassName: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
                 minIdle: 5
                 maxPoolSize: 50
                 idleTimeout: 60000
                 connectionTestQuery: SELECT 1
                 validationTimeout: 30000
                 isAutoCommit: false
  4. Point the following data sources to external databases. None of the following databases need DB scripts. The tables will be automatically created.

    1. WSO2_DASHBOARD_DB (dashboard profile)
    2. BUSINESS_RULES_DB (dashboard profile)
    3. WSO2_PERMISSIONS_DB (worker + dashboard)
    4. GEO_LOCATION_DATA (Only if you need geo-location based statistics.)
  5. Start the WSO2 API-M Analytics server.


Do the following to integrate third party products when configuring databases.
WSO2 API Manager Analytics is a OSGi-based product. Therefore, when you integrate third party products such as Oracle with WSO2 API-M Analytics, you need to check whether the libraries you need to add are OSGi based. If they are not, you need to convert them to OSGi bundles before adding them to the <API-M_ANALYTICS_HOME>/lib directory. For detailed instructions, see Adding Third Party Non OSGi Libraries.

Step 5 - Configure APIM IdP Client

APIM IdP Client authenticates users by interacting with the identity provider of API Manager via OAuth2. The APIM Manager user store is used to provide the access to APIM Analytics as well. WSO2 APIM Analytics server authenticates by requesting an access token from the identity provider in API Manager using the authentication code grant type. This APIM IdP client enables SSO(Single Sign On).

Furthermore, APIM IdP client functionality can be controlled via the properties defined in the /conf/dashboard/deployment.yaml file under the auth.configs namespace as shown below.

  type: apim
  ssoEnabled: true
    adminScope: apim_analytics:admin_carbon.super
    allScopes: apim_analytics:admin apim_analytics:product_manager apim_analytics:api_developer apim_analytics:app_developer apim_analytics:devops_engineer apim_analytics:analytics_viewer apim_analytics:everyone openid apim:api_view apim:subscribe
    adminUsername: admin
    adminPassword: admin
    kmDcrUrl: https://localhost:9443/client-registration/v0.16/register
    kmTokenUrlForRedirection: https://localhost:9443/oauth2
    kmTokenUrl: https://localhost:9443/oauth2
    kmUsername: admin
    kmPassword: admin
    portalAppContext: analytics-dashboard
    businessRulesAppContext : business-rules
    cacheTimeout: 30
    baseUrl: https://localhost:9643
    grantType: authorization_code
    publisherUrl: https://localhost:9443
    devPortalUrl: https://localhost:9443
    externalLogoutUrl: https://localhost:9443/oidc/logout

Details of the properties in APIM IdP Client

Property Default Value Description
adminScope apim_analytics:admin_carbon.super Admin scope which is used for permissions in dashboards.
allScopes apim_analytics:admin apim_analytics:product_manager apim_analytics:api_developer apim_analytics:app_developer apim_analytics:devops_engineer apim_analytics:analytics_viewer apim_analytics:everyone openid apim:api_view apim:subscribe All the scopes used for permissions in the dashboards.
adminUsername admin The username for the admin services that corresponds to the credentials defined under the super tenant in the API Manager's deployment.toml file.
adminPassword admin The password for the admin services that corresponds to the credentials defined under the super tenant in the API Manager's deployment.toml file.
kmDcrUrl https://localhost:9443/client-registration/v0.16/register The Dynamic Client Registration (DCR) endpoint of the key manager in the IdP. This should be pointed to the API Manager Publisher node url.
kmTokenUrlForRedirection https://localhost:9443/oauth2 The token endpoint of the key manager in the IdP which is used for browser redirection. This should be pointed to the API Manager Publisher node url.
kmTokenUrl https://localhost:9443/oauth2 The token endpoint of the key manager in the IdP. This should be pointed to the API Manager Publisher node url.
kmUsername admin The username for the key manager in the IdP.
kmPassword admin The password for the key manager in the IdP.
portalAppContext analytics-dashboard The application context of the Analytics Dashboard application.
businessRulesAppContext business-rules The application context of the Business Rules application.
cacheTimeout 30 The cache timeout for the validity period of the token in seconds.
baseUrl https://localhost:9643 The base URL to which the token should be redirected after the code returned from the Authorization Code grant type is used to get the token. This is the URL where the API-M Analytics Dashboard server is running.
grantType authorization_code The grant type used in the OAuth application token request.
publisherUrl https://localhost:9443 Url which the API Manager Publisher is running.
devPortalUrl https://localhost:9443 Url which the API Manager Developer Portal is running.
externalLogoutUrl https://localhost:9443/oidc/logout The URL via which you can log out from the external IDP provider(API Manager) side in the SSO. This should be pointed to the API Manager Publisher node url.

Step 6 - Configure keystores

In the SSL handshake between the API Manager and API Manager Analytics servers, the client (i.e. API Manager) needs to verify the certificate presented by the server (i.e. API Manager Analytics). For this purpose, the client stores the trusted certificate of the server in the client-truststore.jks keystore.

If you use a custom keystore in API Manager and/or API Manager Analytics, import the public key certificate of API Manager Analytics into the client-truststore.jks file of the API Manager. To export the public key from the server and import it into the client's trust store, see Adding CA-signed certificates to keystores.

For more information follow Configuring Keystores in APIM Analytics.

Step 7 - Configure User-Agent Parser

The User-Agent and Operating System information is extracted from the User-Agent header of the API requests for the purpose of analytics. This process requires a set of regular expressions to parse the header and extract the information. By default, it is configured to use the <API-M_ANALYTICS_HOME>/conf/worker/regexs.yaml file for this purpose as shown below.

    # Provides the regular expression collection to parse the user-agent header
        name: 'getUserAgentProperty'
        namespace: 'env'
          regexFilePath : ${sys:carbon.home}/conf/worker/regexes.yaml
However, if you need to use your own regular expressions to extract the information in detail, then you can replace the regexFilePath property with your own file.


The regular expressions configured above is reduced to provide the optimal performance, while identifying common User-Agents and Operating Systems. However, if you completely remove the latter mentioned configuration, you will end-up by using a standard regular expression set, which is packed inside the parser library, and it will extract almost every User-Agents and Operating Systems, but might provide lower performance throughput.
